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wrong date of death

Started by mack, July 20, 2020, 05:36:57 AM

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pte 1690 andrew gee,54 canning st,ashton,aged 24,carter for mr richard wood of ashton[B.coy]

the CWGC state that he was killed on 30th may 1915

pte 1894 joseph mcdermott[B.coy]of 42 duncan st,ashton,age 21,wrote to his uncle on 16th may 1915 expressing his sorrow at the loss of his best friend,ime sorry to say that andrew was shot in the mouth by a sniper on 12th may while on sentry duty in the trench,we buried him and marked his grave with a cross

pte 1988 richard massey,39 charles st,ashton[B.coy]age 24.worked at wood park colliery
wrote home on 12th may 1915,andrew has been killed today by a sniper while on guard duty.

L/cpl 1155 william burke
in a letter home,he says,i see in the reporter that Lt jones is listed as our first casualty,this is not true,andrew gee was killed 2 weeks ago
L/cpl burke later died at imbros of enteric fever

andrews friends sent his family a memorial card which read

in memory of pte andrew gee
killed at his post 12th may 1915


Soldiers Effects, which you have no doubt seen, has two records for him recording his death. On the 13th, presumably the casualty report for the 12th, and the 30th. Very strange.



hiya charlie
the CWGC cant argue with eye witness accounts from two friends and a comrade,all dated two weeks+ before the 30th may



I'm not doubting the letters etc, I just don't understand why the CWGC has accepted the 2nd date.