tim your missing the point about what brookwood is all about.the CWGC have always known about these men,but never knew where they were buried
cemetery registers were created for each of the shires of Britain and Ireland,i have originals of all of them,in order to put the man in a specific cemetery listed within these registers,they would need to know where hes buried,but the fortunes of war and peace have not revealed this,so they created a register and memorial for these men+women,but just like other memorials,if hes found,his or her name is struck off the register and added to the relevant register wheres hes buried
example.charles dunkerley that I mentioned above,i found him 5yrs ago
he was sat at home with his sister Martha while on demob leave when he suddenly took ill,he was taken to nell lane hospital but died of acute meningitis a few days later,martha collected his body and took him away for burial,there was no service at the funeral,martha doesn't appear to have told the imperial war graves people where he was buried.
now that hes found,the IWG[nowCWGC]can add him to the records at droylsden cemetery in the No1 lancahire register[there are 8 registers for lancs]