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Sgt John Redwood

Started by artyhughes, July 03, 2018, 04:42:59 PM

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I was recently relating the story of Sgt John Redwood,John was my platoon sergeant a pre war soldier and a great character,On the day that John lost his thumb needs a little explaining,John when on patrol often used his No5 Lee Enfield as a a walking aid.On the day of his accident we where on a 5 man patrol lead by John,when a gunshot rang out,first thought was contact with a terrorist/ was then noted that John was sat on the ground nursing a bloodied hand,I bandaged his hand and at the same time i told him it was a silly idea to use his fully charged rifle as a walking aid,typical of John was his reply"shut up or you'll get a bunch of fours"John never returned to the platoon,he was later discharged and I believe that later he emigrated to NZ and joined the RNZAF and earned a commision.A great platoon sergeant and character. 





Prompted by your great story, I took the trouble to discover what a No. 5 Lee Enfield was like.  I presume his thumb was over the muzzle so as to prevent dirt entering the barrel and that it was considered prudent not to have the safety catch on whilst on patrol?  But I am just guessing.   As a civilian at the time, I must admit that the Army's involvement in the Malayan Emergency did not always get the publicity back home that it deserved.  Rather like the recognition of the 14th Army out in Burma in WW2, known as the "Forgotten Army".   Take care. PhilipG.


Hi  Arty,

Just read your. item re the item re Johny Redwood an HIS Thumb.
#He never lived that down in the Mess+

That shoud be written  in BOLD in the "Jungle Bunnies Annul's"

Good to see that you are stiil around .



Just read your item re Jonny Redwood, 

He never lived that down in the Sgts Mess.

Mind you if you think back to some of the character we had  in those far of those days  - maybe just as well.



My apologies to ALL  for that gross foul-up




Thank you for taking the trouble to send me a PM.  I now have a better idea of the weapon.  Thanks again.  PhilipG.