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6798 thomas maguire

Started by mack, May 25, 2018, 04:34:11 AM

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CSM 6798 Thomas Maguire
2nd manchesters
6 mill place,Cleethorpes
died 26-6-1921
aged 41

Tim Bell

CSM 6798 Thomas Maguire enlisted on 25/7/1901.  He served overseas with 2nd Bttn after 1915.
Thomas was discharged from 3rd Bttn on 23/7/1917. He received a Pension for GSW to foot incl loss of 3 toes.  He also had an injury to forefinger and VDH that was not att or agg by service.
Thomas died from Infective Endocarditis, determined as not due to service, aged 41.
Widow Mary Ellen, 1 West St, Cleethorpes.
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