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2nd Battalion Officers.

Started by timberman, March 26, 2018, 08:22:46 PM

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List of Officers that served with the 2nd Battalion the Manchester Regiment in this Topic.

Some of these will have been covered before on the forum, I'm just consolidating them in one place.

At the top of each new page will be a list of Officer's covered on that page as follows.

1) Captain Hubert Knox, 2nd Battalion, Manchester Regiment

2) Major Cecil Morley, 2nd Battalion, Manchester Regiment

3) Major A. G. M. Hardingham, 2nd Battalion, Manchester Regiment

4) Major George Petrie Leslie Wymer, 2nd Battalion, Manchester Regiment

5) Captain William Carr Brodribb, 3rd Battalion Manchester Regiment
     Att. 2nd Battalion Manchester Regiment.

6) 2nd Lt, Wilfred Edward Salter Owen, 5th Bn. Manch. R., T.F., attd. 2nd Bn.

7) Captain R.T. Miller 2nd Battalion, Manchester Regiment

8 ) Major Barnett Dyer Lempriere Gray Anley 2nd Bn Manchester Regiment

9)  Lieutenant Vaudrey Adolph Albrecht, Manchester Regiment.

10) 2nd Lieutenant John Herbert Michael Smith, 2nd Manchester Regiment.


Captain Hubert Knox 2nd Battalion Manchester Regiment

Most of this information was covered in another topic on the forum, so thank you to those that contributed to that topic.

Captain Hubert Knox, 2nd Battalion Manchester Regiment, who has been mentioned in Sir John French's despatches, entered the Army in 1900, and obtained his Captaincy in April, 1909. He served in the South African War, 1900-2 and obtained the Queen's Medal with three clasps and the King's Medal with two clasps. He was wounded at Le Cateau on August 26th during the retreat from Mons. He is the youngest son of the late Mr. Fitzroy Knox, D.L., of Brittas Castle, Thurles.
Date of Publication:
Friday, January 22, 1915

Herbert Knox was a regular army officer of the Regiment, commissioned 18 April 1900.     Captain 1 April 1909 and promoted Major 1 September 1915. As Captain he went with the 2nd Manchesters to France in August 1914. He was wounded whilst commanding B Company at the battle at Le Cateau.

He assumed command of the 16th Battalion in mid-July 1916 following the battles for Trones Wood and Mametz. He had taken command after the 16th Battalion had suffered heavy casualties. The survivors of the battalion had been reinforced by drafts from twenty-eight different battalions and Knox was credited with getting the battalion back into a high state of efficiency, only to be killed when a shell burst at his side, wounding him so severely that he died within ten minutes.
He was with the Militia first 2/Lt 18th June 1899 3 or 4th Battalion, he was att to the 1st Battalion 1899-1902

s. of F. Knox, Brittas Castle, Thurles, Ireland, b. Sept. 14,
1881. Manchester Regt. 1900. S.A. War, 1900â€"02, Queen's
Medal (3 Claspsf, King's Medal (2 Clasps). Capt. 1909.
France 1914â€"16, Despatches. K. in A. at Flers, Oct. 13, 1916.
Initials: H
Nationality: United Kingdom
Rank: Lieutenant Colonel
Regiment/Service: Manchester Regiment
Unit Text: 16th Bn.
Date of Death: 13/10/1916
Additional information: Son of Fitzroy Knox, D.L., of Brittas Castle, Thurles, Tipperary; husband of Eleanor Alice Hector House (formerly Knox, of The Lyceum Club, 138, Piccadilly, London.
Casualty Type: Commonwealth War Dead
Grave/Memorial Reference: VIII. B. 11.



Major Cecil Morley, 2nd Battalion, Manchester Regiment, who was severely wounded and taken prisoner of war at Le Cateau on 26 August 1914 and who wrote a lengthy narrative of his capture up until the time of his transfer to Switzerland in 1916

The following is extracted from a lengthy typewritten 'confidential' narrative written by the Cecil Morley which survives at the National Archives.

'I was captured at Le Cateau on the 26th August 1916. We were originally placed in support in rear of the Suffolk Regt., and having a brigade of artillery in between. I went up to reinforce the Suffolk Regt., and was wounded while trying to regain their trenches, from which they had been driven out. I was shot in the left upper arm and shoulder, also through the left lung and stomach. As soon as I fell, Pte. Jones, "B" Company, 2/Manchester Regt., ran up to me, and under a very heavy fire bandaged my wounds with a first field dressing. He was wounded while attending to me. Owing to the very heavy fire of artillery, machine guns, and rifles the stretcher-bearers were unable to reach me. Pte. Jones, however, rolled me into a small sunken road, where I was under cover. Soon after I heard bugles and drums, and thought it was the French coming up, as I heard shouts of "Camarades," but found Germans all round me. They continued firing all round me, but presently ceased firing. One of the German soldiers came up to me and took my field-glasses. Another one came to look at me and washed my mouth out with water, as I was bleeding through my mouth. I then became unconscious.

The next thing I noticed was a group of British prisoners standing near me. Before they were marched away some of them asked the Germans to have me carried with them to be looked after. The Germans refused. Two men of my regiment came and lifted me up and carried me to Le Cateau. There I was placed in the courtyard of a large house belonging to a Monsieur Seydon, and which was being turned into a hospital. A German under-officer came up and bandaged me afresh, as my wounds were bleeding badly, with a first field dressing which he took off a British soldier. I was then carried into the drawing-room and placed on a sofa. A German doctor examined me. He then sent to ask one of the unwounded British officers who were in the house to come and see me, as he told him I should die. Lieut. Teeling, K.O.S.B., came to see me, also Major E. Jones, R.F.A. I was then placed on a mattress, and became unconscious. I remained in a corner of the room for several days with the unwounded British officers, who slept on straw on the floor. Several of these worked very hard among the wounded, washing and feeding them and attending to their wounds. The chief ones I noticed were Major E. Jones, R.F.A., Major Peebles, and Captain Hepworth, both Suffolk Regt. Captain Cahill, R.A.M.C., was in charge of the wounded, but was unable to get bandages or anything needful from the Germans.
The British officers who were unwounded, or slightly wounded, were moved away on the 31st August. The German doctor then came in and ordered me to be moved to another house close by belonging to Madame Seydou. This was the first time he had been to see me since I was bought in. I was placed on a mattress in a room with 2 other British officers. Captain H.B. Kelly, R.A.M.C., then arrived. He came in and dressed our wounds regularly, and although worn out himself, worked unceasingly and untiringly among the wounded. It was certainly due to his untiring efforts that many lives were saved. He was unfortunately sent away after a short time, in spite of his asking the Germans to be allowed to stay and look after the wounded. I also asked for my servant to be left with us, as he had managed to find me. He slept in our room, and although wounded by a shrapnel splinter in the shoulder, looked after the other 2 officers and myself. The Germans refused to let him stay, and sent him off with a convoy of prisoners. A German medical under-officer then came to take charge of us. He started by insulting us, and said our men were pigs. He then called in a sentry, who threatened to bayonet us. As, however, we took no notice of them, they went out again, and we saw no more of the under-officer for several days.

After the departure of my servant, who had managed to keep the other two officers supplied with food (I was unable to eat anything for some days), we were sometimes left for 24 hours without any food, until some French women, who had put red crosses on their arms, came in and found us. They smuggled food hidden under their skirts, to us. If they brought it openly the sentries took it from them. After a few days of this we were all carried back to Monsieur Seydou's house, where we were better treated, and visited by a doctor. There were seven of us in a room with a nurse to look after us. The nurse was quite kind to us...

In September 1914 I was sent to Cologne.We were taken to Cambrai Station in a motor ambulance, and Major Doughty and I were put in a second-class carriage. We left Cambrai about 6 p.m. We were given no food that night, but about midnight a soldier of our guard brought us a bowl of thick soup, which was his ration.We were given nothing at all the next day and night, and ate some chocolate Major Doughty had bought with him. Early the following morning some Red Cross women entered the train with cocoa and rusks. I asked them for some, but they refused to give me any, and were very insulting to us. They fed our guards, and on our guards insisting that they should give us some food, as we were wounded, they very reluctantly gave us some.

On our arrival at Cologne we were taken to the Maschinenbauschule, which had been turned into a hospital, and placed in a room containing six officers.The food here was practically uneatable, a thick slice of black bread and a mug of coffee without milk or sugar for breakfast. A basin of potatoes with bacon or meat (a very small piece of meat, which was generally rotten) for lunch. A slice of black bread and and coffee for tea. A basin of soup for supper. We were able to supplement our rations by sausages or ham sold in the canteen in the basement of the hospital. This canteen was run by the cook, who naturally took care to give us food which we could not eat, in order to make us buy things at his canteen...Civilians were allowed to come and stare at us. In fact, it appeared to be quite the Sunday afternoon amusement...
On 10th October 1914 I left Cologne for Torgau. The officer in charge of our escort seeing that I was suffering a good deal, did all he could for me. We left Cologne at 8a.m. and arrived at Torgau at 4a.m. the following morning. We were met at the station by a very officious German officer and an escort of about 20 men. This officer ordered his men to fix bayonets. The officer who had escorted us to Torgau protested, saying we were officers, and most of us wounded and still suffering from the effects of our wounds. This led to a furious row between the two officers, and incidentally a large crowd of civilians quickly gathered round us and began to abuse us, and backed up the new officer, who eventually carried his point.

We had to walk through streets and roads thick with mud for about three-quarters of an hour to the fort, which we reached, most of us in an exhausted condition; this can be easily understood as I fancy most of the other 12 officers, like myself, had been in bed till the previous day; we also had to carry what kit we possessed. This, in my case, consisted only of a few articles tied up in a handkerchief.

On arrival at the fort we were handed over to the under officer of the guard, who showed us to a wooden shed which was not finished, containing some beds. We were each given a wet blanket which had been lying on the floor of the shed, and told we could go to sleep. This, tired as we were, was impossible for most of us owing to the intense cold accentuated by the wet blanket...

When I arrived at Torgau I was surprised at the good moral and optimism of most of the officers... The first break in their moral was when a copy of General French's despatches was somehow bought into the camp, containing the "mentions" for Mons and Le Cateau. At one of which places most of the officers had been captured. There was great bitterness about when it was discovered that practically all those mentioned were officers who had escaped the misfortune of being made prisoner. At this time officers were also buoyed up by the hope of exchanges, which they considered practically certain...

All the other British officers were sent away from Torgau to Burg near Magdeburg. They left in two parties, one on the 25th, the other on the 26th November 1914. On our arrival at Burg we were marched through the streets with sentries with fixed bayonets on either side of us. We carried our own kit, and one of the senior British officers who was helping to carry a box full of library books was kicked by one of the sentries to hurry him along. Our camp here consisted of waggon sheds and stables...

The commandant of the camp was a reserve officer who tried to bully and humiliate the officers in every possible way... Officers of different nationalities were mixed up together in the rooms, and an order issued by the commandant that no two officers of the same nationality were allowed to sleep next to each other. For instance, English, Belgian, Russian, French; and different coloured tickets were tied on all the beds according to the nationality of the occupant.

This commandant insisted upon all officers saluting him every time they passed him, and he used to walk up and down the courtyard and stop any officer who did not salute him correctly. In the end his appearance in the yard was the signal for all officers to retire to their rooms until he left. The officers (German) at this camp were very bad mannered, and used to shout at the prisoners to try and overawe them. Thirteen officers were taken from this camp as reprisals for the imprisonment of German submarine officers. As they marched off they were cheered by the remaining officers, and as a punishment for this the commandant ordered our beer and wine to be stopped. We were allowed to buy two bottles of beer a day and a bottle of wine a week.
On the 20th May 1915, we left Burg for Mainz...We were packed into third-class carriages...We were so tightly packed in the carriages that some of the officers slept in the luggage-racks and on the floor. On our arrival in Mainz we were taken to the citadel and told off to rooms, being again mixed up with other nationalities, but this time no restriction as to sleeping next to foreigners. The accommodation was better, as we were put into ordinary barrack rooms...

On Christmas Eve, 1915, a British and French officer escaped. This so infuriated our gaolers that they stopped our wine on Christmas Day and for a good many days, and we were locked up in our rooms at 4.30 p.m... The daily routine was roll-call at 9 a.m. except Sundays, when it was 8.45 a.m. dinner at 12 or 12.30, tea (consisting of acorn coffee and the remains of the bread issued at the previous day's dinner) 3 p.m., supper 6.30 or 7 p.m., lock-up varying from 8 to 9.30, according to the time of the year.

Our letters home (we were allowed 2 letters and 4 post-cards a month, letters not to exceed 6 pages, and post-cards 15 lines), were always kept a regulation period of 10 days before being despatched. They were frequently kept 20 or 30 days, as on several occasions my wife, after not hearing from me for about 6 weeks, would receive a letter and 2 post-cards on the same day. Parcels were given out regularly and honestly, but some of them were pilfered on the way, either in England or Germany...

It was very difficult to get any special medical or dental attention. I myself got both eventually after a great struggle and a good deal of delay... When I left on 26th May 1916, the morale of the officers had considerably changed since the beginning of their imprisonment. This is little to be wondered at when one considers that the majority of them had been shut up within four walls and practically cut off from the outside world for nearly two years, that they had most of them been more or less severely wounded, and had received no proper treatment or attention to enable them to properly recover from the effects of these wounds, and the humiliations, hardships and privations they had endured. Also, and I think this had the greatest effect of all, they heard of other men getting distinctions and promotion, while they recognised at last that there was no further hope for them, as there now appears no prospect of an exchange of prisoners being arranged.

There are many capable officers, regular officers of the old army, who should be valuable to their country, who kept themselves for a long time buoyed up with this hope of an exchange, who are now deteriorating mentally and physically from their long imprisonment, and, if they are to be of any further use, some great effort should be made to have them exchanged, and so release them from their long and unjust sufferings. I have heard many of them say that unless they can take some further part in the war, their one idea will be, when they return home, to retire from the service as failures; not from want of ability but from the mischance of war, having most of them been captured during the retreat before they had a chance of proving themselves.'



Major A. G. M. Hardingham, Manchester Regiment

His Madels
1914 MONS STAR (Lieut., Manch.R.);
GENERAL SERVICE 1918-62, 1 clasp, Iraq (Major)

Arthur Gatton Melhuish Hardingham was born on 22 November, 1880, and was commissioned 2nd Lieutenant in the Manchester Regiment in January, 1902. He was attached to the West African Frontier Force from July 1909 to May 1914, when he rejoined the 2nd battalion. On 14 August, 1914 he embarked with the 2nd Manchesters, from Dublin, for France and the Western Front. He was promoted Captain in December 1914, and Major in January 1917. After the war he was with the 2nd battalion in Iraq when Captain George Henderson won the Victoria Cross at the battle of Hillah and, in December 1920, left Baghdad for India. He commanded the Number 2 Guard when the 2nd battalion celebrated its Centenary at Jubbelpore, India, on 23 March, 1920.

Major 2nd Battalion. Manchester Regiment
died at Rangoon , Burma 5th October 1926.
Edmonstone 1894.3 - 1898.2 Son of G. G. M. Hardingham, East Moseley. Born 22 November 1880 Major 1917 Grave at Cantonment Cemetery, Rangoon - "Major A.G.M. Hardingham (Gatton) 2nd Battalion Manchester Regiment. Died Oct. 5th 1926."
Arthur served through the First World War and reached the rank of Major in 1917.  He was Second in Command of the 2nd Battalion in Rangoon, Burma when he died aged 45 on the 5th October 1926.



George Petrie Leslie Wymer (1876 - 1941)

Major George Petrie Leslie Wymer

The following is from,

Born 1876 in Marylebone, Middlesex, England
Son of George Bannatyne Wymer and Florence Marion (Bright-Smith) Wymer
Brother of Hubert Julian de Crespigny Wymer,
Lionel Charles S Wymer,
Dorothy Florence Adeline Wymer
and Basil Launcelot Wymer

Died 5 Aug 1941 in Northwood, Middlesex, England


George was born about 1876, the son of George and Florence Wymer.
England and Wales Census, 1891: Name George Peter Leslie Wymer Event Type Census Event Date 1891 County Berkshire Parish Radley Ecclesiastical Parish ST JAMES Registration District Abingdon Gender Male Age 15 Marital Status Single Relationship to Head of Household Scholar Birth Year (Estimated) 1876 Birthplace Kensington, London, England
He served in the South African War 1899-1902.
He married first Margaret Grogan (the daughter of William and Jane Grogan) in 1908 in Ampthill, Bedfordshire, England. She was one of 21 children. They had at least one son; Norman.
He served in France in 1914 during the 1st World War where he was wounded and received several medals.
He served in the Manchester Regiment as second in command. His last military appointment was Provost Marshall at Dublin Castle in the Irish rebellion of 1921. During this campaign he was severely wounded causing a crack in the skull, and was invalided out of the army. In recognition of his distinguished police record in Ireland, the Jockey Club appointed him in 1925 to organise a special force of detectives for racecourses, an appointment he held until his death. "He was largely responsible for smashing the gangs of crooks who infested the racecourses". (Evening Standard Aug 6th 1941.)
His marriage to Margaret did not last, and in 1925 he married Sophie Snepp, "Prue" (daughter of Ernest Henry Snepp and Clara Fletcher) at St. Martin, London, England. They appear to have had no children and Prue died in 1936 at age 42.
George passed away in 1941.

The Times, Tuesday, Aug 12, 1941 - DEATHS:

WYMER - On Aug. 5, 1941, suddenly, at Northwood, MAJOR GEORGE PETRE WYMER, D.C.M., late Manchester Regt., son of the late Major Wymer, R.H.A., and grandson of the late General Sir George Petre Wymer, K.C.B., A.D.C.



 William Carr BRODRIBB

Rank : Captain
Regiment : 3rd Battalion Manchester Regiment
Att. 2nd Battalion
Service number : W0
Conflict : WW1
Date of death : 26th August 1914 aged 28
Buried : Le Cateau Military Cemetery, France, Grave III. A. 2.
Relatives : Son of Francis Benjamin and Helen Brodribb
Memorial : Worcester Cathedral Cloister Windows Kings School
Also appears on : Worcester Kings School WW1 Memorial

Reported missing on 3/9/14 list (Times, 5/9/1914).
WD reported him wounded at Le Cateau.
Unofficially reported killed in March 1915, Burnley Times, 17 March 1915.


Le Cateau Military Cemetery, France

Le Cateau 26th August 1914

By the evening of the 25th August II Corps of the BEF, commanded by  General Smith-Dorrien, had reached Le Cateau, in France. They had been retreating, but still fighting rearguard actions for two long days and they were done in.  The Commander-in-Chief, Sir John French ordered the retreat to continue the next day but Smith-Dorrien chose instead to stand and fight.  He reasoned that with the Germans on their heels a retreat would be disastrous without first halting the German advance. So, on the next day II Corps turned and faced the enemy. A fierce battle ensued when theGermans began an artillery bombardment at dawn. German infantry followed up in the wake of this barrage and became the targets of both the British artillery and infantry. The Germans were held at bay until the afternoon but by then they were threatening the flanks of II Corps. The Brits withdrew, whilst the Germans reorganised. British casualties for the day, killed, wounded or taken prisoner, were nearly 8,000.
2nd Manchester Regt 14th Brigade, 5th Division

At 6am on 26 August in thick mist German artillery opened up from Forest on the troops immediately west of Le Cateau (2nd Suffolk, 2nd Manchester and 1stEast.Surrey) which put a stop to entrenching. Other German batteries from a position 2 miles north-west of Le Cateau (Rambourlieux Farm) opened up against the troops between Le Cateau and the Roman road, enfilading the whole line with destructive effect. One company and a machine gun of 2nd Manchester was pushed forward to the  rear of 2Suffolk prolonging the line to the south.  At 11am 2 more companys of 2nd Manchester were sent up under fierce fire but they managed to reach 2nd Suffolk despite being checked once. However the Germans were steadily gaining ground and it was only the action of a small group of 2nd Manchester with a machine gun that kept them back and allowed the 5th Division artillery to be withdrawn.


The undermentioned Lieutenants to be
Captains: —
Dated 2nd February, 1915.
William C. Brodribb (since killed in



2nd Lt, Wilfred Edward Salter Owen, 5th Bn. Manch. R., T.F., attd. 2nd Bn.

Owen was killed in action on 4 November 1918 during the crossing of the Sambre–Oise Canal, exactly one week (almost to the hour) before the signing of the Armistice which ended the war, and was promoted to the rank of Lieutenant the day after his death. His mother received the telegram informing her of his death on Armistice Day, as the church bells in Shrewsbury were ringing out in celebration.[8][17] Owen is buried at Ors Communal Cemetery, Ors, in northern France.[18] The inscription on his gravestone, chosen by his mother Susan, is based on a quote from his poetry: "SHALL LIFE RENEW THESE BODIES? OF A TRUTH ALL DEATH WILL HE ANNUL"

If you wish to read more on Wilfred Owen, just google his name or put his name in the forum search, there is a lot of information out there.




The following are held by the IWM.

Physical description
Circular silver medal 36mm in diameter. The obverse design bears the coinage head of HM King George V surrounded by the legend "GEORGIVS V BRITT : OMN: REX ET IND : IMP". The reverse design depicts a naked male figure, on horseback facing right, holding a sword in his right hand. The horse is trampling on the eagle shield of the Central Powers. To the left of the shield there is a skull and crossbones. In the distance can be seen the sea and above the figure, to the right, a shining sun. The dates 1914 and 1918 appear on the reverse. The medal is suspended from a plain straight suspender bar. The ribbon, approximately 32mm in width, is gold with narrow edge stripes of royal blue black and white and is of watered silk. Mounted with four other medals (Order of the British Empire, 1914 Star, Victory Medal 1914-20, Queen Elizabeth II Coronation medal) inside a wooden frame.

Awarded to Reginald Taverner Miller of the Manchester Regiment.

Reginald 'Rex' Taverner Miller OBE, born 18 April 1893 in London, was commissioned as a Second Lieutenant into the Manchester Regiment in October 1912. Posted to France in August 1914 with the 2nd Battalion, Miller was wounded and captured at La Cateau during a German assault which saw the Battalion lose 350 men. As a prisoner of war, Miller was first sent to Germany and then to Switzerland, where he remained interned for the rest of the conflict as part of an agreement between the belligerent nations which saw wounded prisoners of war still considered able to fight interned in the neutral country. This period was recorded by Miller in a diary and photo album, both of which are now in the collection. Miller was repatriated in March 1918 and in 1923 he moved to Chile to work in mining, remaining there until 1930. Married in 1931, he returned to South America in 1938 and in the same year was appointed to a senior position with the Secret Intelligence Service (SIS) in Montevideo, Uruguay, under the cover of Civilian Assistant to the Naval Attachés in South America. Here he was primarily involved in gathering intelligence concerning German naval activities in the area, as well as recruiting and managing agents, penetrating Axis communities and engaging in various other clandestine operations. Perhaps most notable in Miller's SIS career was his role in the scuttling of the German pocket battleship Admiral Graf Spee in December 1939, where his idea of creating false signals to deceive its commander, Captain Hans Langsdorff, into thinking the pursuing British force was greater than it actually was, led to Langsdorff's decision to scuttle the ship.


3rd Battalion, The Manchester Regiment, Reginald Taverner Miller, late Cadet Officer, Shrewsbury School Contingent, Officers Training Corps, to be Second Lieutenant (on probation). Dated 26th October, 1912.

He was also honored in the Queen's Birthday Honours 1952 while working for the Foreign Office.



Barnett Dyer Lempriere Gray Anley

Although I have included this Officer he did not go to France with the Battalion but on his MIC
it gives the day after 15/08/1914 the Battalion left?


GOC Infantry Brigade
RMC Sandhurst psc
Manchester Regiment
Barnett Dyer Lempriere Gray Anley was the eldest son of Colonel Barnett N Anley, of Portora, Enniskillen. He was commissioned in the Essex Regiment on 10 October 1894. He served in the South African War (1899-1902), where he was Adjutant 6th Battalion Mounted Infantry, was twice mentioned in despatches and won a DSO.
After passing Staff College, he was appointed GSO3 Coastal Defences Eastern Command (March 1909-May 1912) and GSO3, then GSO2, War Office (May 1912-March 1914).

In July 1912 he was promoted major and transferred to the 2nd Battalion Manchester Regiment. This looks suspiciously like someone being fast-tracked for promotion. When the war broke out, however, he did not proceed abroad with his battalion but became Assistant Provost Marshal of 2nd Manchesters' parent division, the 5th. Anley was APM 5th Division until January 1915. After a short period as DAQMG 3rd Division he became CO 1st Battalion Manchester Regiment (January-March 1915). His command was interrupted by a wound. After recovering, he remained at home as GSO2, then GSO1, Ripon Training Centre (June 1915-January 1916).

He returned to the Western Front on 14 January 1916 as GSO1 41st Division, the junior division of the New Army, which had yet to take part in any offensive operations. Anley remained as 41st Division's chief of staff, through the Somme battles, including the first use of tanks in September 1916, until 3 May 1917, when he returned home as GSO 1 HQ Home Forces. He remained in this post until August 1918, when he was promoted GOC 183rd Brigade, 61st (2nd South Midland) Division TF. Promotion to brigade command direct from a long period of staff duty at home was most unusual by this stage of the war, but Anley retained his post until the Armistice, leading his brigade in the crossing of the Selle and at Valenciennes.

He remained in the army after the war, commanding 1st Battalion King's Own (Royal Lancaster) Regiment (November 1919-May 1920), 3rd London Infantry Brigade (May 1920-November 1921) and 125th (Lancashire Fusiliers) Brigade TA (October 1926-November 1928). He was also Commandant of the Senior Officers' School, Sheerness (November 1921-November 1925). Brigadier-General Anley retired from the Army in 1928.



Albrecht, Vaudrey Adolph, Major (retired), His Majesty's Army, and Flying Officer, Royal Air Force, Service No: 12179.

Born in the second quarter of 1888 in Worsley, Lancashire. Son of John Adolph and Florence Mary Albrecht; living in Fair View, Broadoak, Lancashire. His father was a Surgeon.

Appointment: London Gazette 18th February 1910, 3rd Battalion, The Manchester Regiment, Vaudrey Adolph Albrecht, to be Second Lieutenant (on probation). Dated 19th February 1910.

Appointment: London Gazette 21st May 1912, The East Lancashire Regiment, Second Lieutenant Vaudrey Adolph Albrecht, from 3rd Battalion The Manchester Regiment.

Appointment cancelled: London Gazette 7th June 1912,The East Lancashire Regiment, the appointment of Vaudrey Adolph Albrecht to a Second Lieutenancy, which appeared in the London Gazette of the 21st May 1912, is cancelled.

Appointment confirmed: London Gazette 7th June 1912,The Manchester Regiment, Second Lieutenant Second Lieutenant Vaudrey Adolph Albrecht, from 3rd Battalion, to be Second Lieutenant. Dated 8th June 1912.

Appointment: London Gazette 9th June 1914, The Manchester Regiment, Second Lieutenant Vaudrey Adolph Albrecht to be Lieutenant. Dated 28th April 1914.

Appointment: London Gazette 14th January 1916, Lieutenant Vaudrey Adolph Albrecht, Manchester Regiment.

Granted aviators certificate (1703) by the Royal Aero Club of the United Kingdom, on 7th September 1915 to Vaudrey Adolph Albrecht (Maurice Farman Biplane, Military School, Birmingham).

Listed in No. 5 Reserve Aeroplane Squadron between 07 August 1915 and 23rd May 1916, Lieutenant, Captain Vaudrey Adolph Albrecht.

Mentioned in dispatches for service with the Egyptian Expeditionary Force, London Gazette, 1st December 1916, during operations of the Force from the 1st June to 30th September 1916 with the names of those officers and men who have rendered distinguished service during the period under review including Royal Flying Corps. Captain Vaudrey Adolph Albrecht M.C., Manchester Regiment.

Mentioned in dispatches for distinguished war service; Edinburgh Gazette 6th January 1919, Major Vaudrey Adolph Albrecht M.C. (I. Force France).

Appointment to the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire, in recognition of distinguished service rendered during the War; London Gazette 3rd June 1919. To be Officer of the Military Division of the said Most Excellent Order, Major Vaudrey Adolph Albrecht M.C., (Manchester Regiment), (I. Force, France).

The under mentioned is granted a temporary commission in the ranks stated, on seconding for four years' duty with the R.A.F., London Gazette, 10th October 1922, Flight Lieutenant Vaudrey Adolph Albrecht, O.B.E., M.C., Captain Manchester Regt. 25th September 1922.

The under mentioned resigned the short service commission, London Gazette 13 October 1925 Flight Lieutenant Vaudrey Adolph Albrecht (Captain Manchester Regiment), relinquishes his temporary commission on being placed on the half-pay list (Army) on account of ill health. 14th October 1925.

Granted commission for the duration of hostilities as Pilot Officer on probation, London Gazette 30th July 1940, Vaudrey Adolph Albrecht (81797) 8th July 1940.

The under mentioned Pilot Officer is granted the war substantive rank of Flying Officer, London Gazette, 22nd August 1941, Vaudrey Adolph Albrecht, O.B.E., M.C. (12179) 9th April 1941.

The under mentioned officer on probation is confirmed in the appointment as Flying Officer, London Gazette, 12th September, 1941,Vaudrey Adolph Albrecht, O.B.E., M.C. (12179) 8th July 1941.

Vaüdrey Adolph Albrecht, died 7th September 1944 aged 56 years. At the time he was living at 'Hillcrest' Littleover, Derbyshire he was a retired Major of His Majesty's Army, and a Member of the Royal Air Force. He was living with his sister Eileen Mary Albrecht, a spinster.

It is unknown where he is buried; his death was registered in the 3rd quarter 1944 in Shardlow R.D.C, which covered Littleover. He is commemorated on the War Memorial in Littleover (St Peter's Church) Graveyard.


Tim Bell

Adolphe Vaudrey was the cousin of Captains Norman & Claude Vaudrey of 17th & 1st Bttns respectively.  Both killed in 1916. &
Following one Platoon and everything around them....


Thank you Tim

I think we had this discussion before on the forum with Philips Manchester Officers that served in the RFC.

He may of been their cousin, but his name is  Vaüdrey Adolph Albrecht and not Adolphe Vaudrey.


Tim Bell

You're quite right.  His first name was Vaudrey.  His mother was the 2nd sister of William Henry Vaudrey (One time Mayor of Manchester) - father of Norman and Claude.  The 1911 census confirms he was the nephew of Wm. as an Army Student. Despite a germanic name, the Albrecht family had been in Lancashire or at least 2 earlier generations.
Following one Platoon and everything around them....



2nd Lieutenant John Herbert Michael Smith, 2nd Manchester Regiment.


The Manchester Regiment, Second Lieutenant. John Herbert Michael Smith,
from 3rd Battalion, The Northamptonshire Regiment,, to be Second Lieutenant.
Dated 27th September, 1913.

MONTREUIL AUX LIONS British Cemetery (Aisne France)
History Information
The cemetery was made after the Armistice when graves were brought in from the battlefields of the Aisne.
There are special memorials to 16 casualties known or believed to be buried among them this includes the
two Manchester Officers.

Name:   John Herbert Michael Smith
Death Date: 10 Sep 1914
Rank:   2 Lieutenant
Regiment:   Manchester Regiment
Battalion:   2nd Battalion
Type of Casualty:   Died of wounds

2nd Lieutenant John Herbert Michael Smith, 2nd Manchester Regiment.
Killed in action 10 September 1914, aged 25.
Son of Mr and Mrs J. H. Smith, Cobthorne, Oundle.
Buried in Montreuil-Aux-Lions British Cemetery, Aisne.

His name is  inscribed on the Oundle War Memorial.

Although the CWGC has his death down as the 10th September
and dying of wounds, in the war diaries it says that he and
2nd Lt Arthur Grant Bourne Chittenden both were killed on the
9th of September 1914. Captain Foord was wounded and after being
left on the battlefield all night he was recovered and taken to hospital
the next day.
