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2nd Battalion Officers.

Started by timberman, March 26, 2018, 08:22:46 PM

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List of Officers that served with the 2nd Battalion the Manchester Regiment in this Topic.

Some of these will have been covered before on the forum, I'm just consolidating them in one place.

At the top of each new page will be a list of Officer's covered on that page as follows.

1) Captain  MANSERGH CUTHBERT FOWKE, 2nd Battalion Manchester Regiment

2) James Leach VC  2nd Battalion Manchester Regiment

3) Lieutenant James Crosbie Caulfield ASC att. 2nd Battalion Manchester Regiment

4) Lieutenant Claude Lysaght Mackay 2nd Battalion Worcestershire Regiment att. 2nd Battalion Manchester Regiment

5) 2nd Lieutenant Arthur Grant Bourne Chittenden, 2nd Bn, Manchester Regiment

6) Captain William Gabriel King-Peirce 3rd (Reserve) Battalion, attached to 2nd Battalion, Manchester Regiment.

7) 2nd Lieutenant Walter Balshaw, 2nd Battalion Manchester Regiment.

8, Captain Hardress Edmund Waller 2nd Battalion York and Lancaster Regiment attached 2nd Battalion Manchester Regiment

9) Captain (Reverend) William Kay, DSO, MC. 2nd Battalion Manchester Regiment.

10) Captain Wilmsdorff George Mansergh 2nd Battalion Manchester Regiment.

11) Captain Thomas Walker Browne RAMC, attached to the 2nd Bn Manchester Regiment.

12)  Lieutenant Victor Comley McKiever 3rd Bn attached 2nd Bn Manchester Regiment.


Captain  MANSERGH CUTHBERT FOWKE, 2nd Battalion Manchester Regiment

Died 30/08/1914

Aged 31

2nd Bn.
Manchester Regiment
Son of Charles Henry Folliot Fowke and Eliza Fowke, of Wolverhampton. Served in the South African Campaign, also in the Somaliland Campaign (1909-1913), with 4th King's African Rifles.

I think the following came from the GWF? I will recheck the information against the War Diary

Son of Charles Henry Folliot Fowke and Eliza Fowke, of Wolverhampton. Served in the South African Campaign, also in the Somaliland Campaign (1909-1913), with 4th King's African Rifles. - see CWGC website - date of date 30 August 1914.
In WESTLAKE's book British Battalions in France and Belgium 1914 - there is passing reference to him on page 263, which deals with the movements of the 2nd Bn. Manchester Regt who arrived at Havre from the Curragh in Ireland on 16th August, 1914:
From the 22nd Aug: 'Advanced to Hainin and took up support positions along the Mons-Conde Canal. Enemy attacked (23rd). Covered withdrawal of forward troops, then fell back to Dour. Casualties 12 killed or wounded. Dug defensive positions near Wasme (24th). Came under heavy shell fire then ordered to retire via Dous to line near Houdain. Withdrew to Bavai (25th) then via Montay to bivouacs in a field, north west of Le Cateau at the junction of the Cambrai and Bavai roads. Enemy attacked (26th) and Battalion moved to the rear of 2nd Suffolk on right of Reumont- Montay road in support. Ordered to withdraw during afternoon and fell back to Maretz. Casualties - Captain NISBET and TRUMANN, Lieutenants BRODERIBB and MANSERGH killed, Captain FOWKE mortally wounded, 9 other officers wounded, 339 ORs killed, wounded or missing. Continued retreat to St Quentin (27th) Pontoise (28th) Carlepont (29), Bitry (30th).



James Leach VC

This is an article by Captain Robert Bonner and can be read at the following link.

Part one

Following the declaration of war with Germany on 4 August 1914 the 2nd Battalion Manchester Regiment, then stationed at Mullingar, Ireland, received its orders to mobilise for active service. On the 13th the battalion entrained for Dublin, leaving Ireland on the 14th and arriving at Le Havre during the afternoon of the 16th. Since their arrival they had fought at Mons, stood the brunt of the battle of Le Cateau, taken part in the terrible retreat that followed and fought again on the Marne and the Aisne. From 11 October the 2nd Battalion had been undergoing severe fighting a few miles to the north-east of Bethune and had suffered heavy casualties. At about 4.30 am on the 22nd the battalion was ordered to Festubert as divisional reserve. On their way they were ordered to make a counter-attack to assist 15 Infantry Brigade in the vicinity of Rue Du Marais. They eventually checked the enemy advance by maintaining a line within one hundred yards of them until midnight.
Historic Occasion
Now, a battalion of worn-out and exhausted men, they were ordered the following day to withdraw and hold a new line which had previously been prepared by the Royal Engineers and which extended half-a-mile along the road leading north from the cross roads one mile east of Festubert. They continued to hold this position for the next few days with just a few casualties. On the 26th the 1st Battalion Manchester Regiment took over trenches to the left of the 2nd Battalion. This was a historic occasion being the first time that the two battalions had met since Alexandria in 1882. Unfortunately there were many casualties resulting from heavy enemy shelling. Shelling continued on the 27th. Through every hour of 28th October the German artillery continued shelling their trenches, thumping at the thin line of the 2nd Manchesters. It continued throughout the night and redoubled in intensity on the morning of the 29th.
In the thin light of dawn the German infantry attacked in overpowering strength against the centre and right of the Manchesters and against the Devons on their right. Soon intense hand to hand fighting took place in the front line trenches manned by ‘A’ Company. The Germans succeeded in occupying the centre forward trench in the charge of newly commissioned 2nd Lieutenant James Leach; but the right forward trench, commanded by Captain Evans (1), repulsed the attack made on them. Leach and his men withdrew to their support trench where they gathered themselves and were able to prevent a German attempt to over-run their new position, driving the enemy back to the trench which they had just won. 2nd Lieutenant Bentley (2) and Lieutenant and Adjutant Reade (3) plus eighteen rank and file were killed in this action.
It was now determined to try and retake the trench occupied by the enemy. Leach accompanied by Sergeant Hogan, a quiet veteran of the Boer War, and ten of his men who volunteered to go, went forward but the Germans, determined to hold on to what they had won, made a spirited defence and another two Manchesters went down under this hail of fire. It was certain death to go on and the Manchesters withdrew. Once again the Lieutenant, Sergeant and their volunteers went forward with great courage but the enemy were too well placed, the fire too strenuous and hot; the counter-attack failed once more.
Fighting from Traverse to Traverse
Leach and Hogan decided to have one further attempt but this time they decided that numbers were an obstacle and meant more chance of losing lives. At about 3.30pm the two went out alone, creeping along the communication trench until they reached the forward trench. Fighting from traverse to traverse they gradually drove the Germans back in a frenzy of firing. Deaf, dazed but resolute the two brave men fought their way through the narrow confines of the trench. Leach, armed with a revolver, was able to shoot around the corner of the traverses without exposing himself whilst Hogan watched the parapet to ward off any attack from above, since it was quite possible that the Germans might climb out of the trench and attack the two from above or behind; nothing untoward happened and they advanced to the next section. Taking their stand at the next corner they repeated the manoeuvre, Leach now having to fire round the corner with his left hand. During their progress Hogan put his cap on the end of his rifle raising it above the parapet with the object of letting his comrades know how far they had progressed so that they would not fire on the area of the trench which had been retaken. All the time the Germans kept up, what Hogan later described as an inferno of bullets, and at places there was fierce hand to hand fighting between the enemy and the two Manchesters. Eventually the Germans were driven back into the left traverse and could go no further and it was at this stage that they gave up. Eight of the enemy had been killed, sixteen unwounded men and two wounded taken prisoner.(4)
In a later interview Leach described how having driven the enemy through to the last traverse he was surprised to hear a voice calling in English ‘Don’t shoot, Sir! The speaker turned out to be one of his own men who had been taken prisoner in the morning. He had been sent forward by the German officer to say that they wished to surrender. Leach made them take of their equipment and run back to the main British trench. When the two emerged from the trench neither had been wounded although Leach’s cap had been knocked to pieces and the scarf he had worn round his neck shredded. Some companies of the Bedford Regiment and Munster Fusiliers came up in support of the Manchesters, and about midnight the line of trenches had been taken over by 2nd Battalion 8th Gurkhas. Both James Leach and John Hogan were recommended for the award of the Victoria Cross which was gazetted on 22 December 1915.
The citation for the award reads:
For conspicuous bravery near Festubert on the 29th October 1914, when after their trench had been taken by the Germans and after two attempts at recapture had failed, they voluntarily decided to recover the trench themselves, and working from traverse to traverse at close quarters with great bravery, they gradually succeeded in regaining possession, killing eight of the enemy, wounding two and making sixteen prisoner.
On 16 November the battalion took over trenches from the French to the east of  Wulverghem where for the next 48 hours they were very heavily shelled. Lieutenants Robert Horridge (5), H W Nicholson (6) and Corporal P Faulkner were all killed and twelve men wounded. Lieutenant A J Scully (7) and 2nd Lieutenant Leach were both admitted to hospital. On 18 November Leach was shown to be suffering from concussion and two days later was sent home and admitted to the Lady Evelyn Mason's Hospital for Officers at 16 Bruton Street, London.
The 2nd Battalion war diary of 30 December records receiving a telegram dated 26.12.1914 from 14 Infantry Brigade:
2/Lieut J E Leach and No. 9016 Sergt J Hogan both 2nd Manchester Regiment awarded Victoria Cross for conspicuous bravery near Festubert on 29th October. Notification appeared in London Gazette dated 22nd December. Convey Divisional and Brigade Commanders warmest congratulations.
In the same war diary Lieut Colonel James includes:
The Commanding Officer is very pleased to have received the highly favourable remarks by the Corps, Divisional and Brigade Commanders recently issued on the behaviour of the Battalion in the field which has culminated in the bestowal by His Majesty of the Victoria Cross to 2/Lieut J E Leach and No. 9016 Sergeant J Hogan. While single deeds are thus rewarded, we must remember the record of a Regiment is the combined result of cheerful effort and unfailing devotion to duty, on all and every occasion both in the field, in billets and in barracks of every individual member of the battalion.

James Leach â€" Early Life

James Edgar Leach was born at Bowerham Barracks. Lancaster on 27 July 1892. At the time his father, then age 32, was a Colour-Sergeant in the King’s Own (Royal Lancaster) Regiment (8 ) and had married Amelia Summerfield in 1891. James had three younger brothers William, Robert and Cecil and a young sister Louisa Victoria,(9) all born in Lancaster and living at the barracks. James went to school at Bowerham Council School from July 1897 until July 1901. When James was born his father was away on active service with the 4th Militia Battalion King’s Own in South Africa.(10) The battalion returned to England in late July 1901 and it is likely that Colour Sergeant Leach then took his discharge from the Regiment as Mrs Leach with her children moved to Manchester in July 1901. Nine year old James went to Moston Lane Municipal School (11) from the day that it first opened on 20th August 1901 until leaving in 1907 when it is understood that the family moved to Leicester. His brothers William and Robert were also educated at this school. His headmaster at the time, Albert Mercer, later described the young Leach as having been ‘a quiet gentlemanly boy, never in a scrape’. 
Three years later in August 1910 Leach enlisted at Northampton in the Army Reserve joining the 3rd (Special Reserve) Battalion Northamptonshire Regiment on a six year engagement. On his enlistment papers Leach gave his trade as fishmonger. Whilst in the Special Reserve he obtained his Army 2nd and 3rd Class Certificates of Education and the 1st Class Certificate on 31 May 1911. This initial experience of soldiering must have suited the young man as on 22 December he enlisted in the regular army on a seven years engagement with the Colours and five in the Reserve, reporting at the Regimental Depot of the Northamptonshires two days later. His choice of Regiment could have been influenced by his Mother’s connections with Northampton where she had been born.



James Leach VC

Part two

In January 1911 Leach joined 2nd Battalion Northamptonshire Regiment, transferring to the 1st Battalion on 15 March. Promotion quickly followed and in November 1911 he was appointed Lance Corporal and in February 1913 (12) awarded the Acting School Masters Certificate. He passed classes of instruction in Transport Duties in November 1913 and in Sanitary and Water Duties in February 1914. Promotion to full Corporal followed in June 1914. His military employment sheet for March and April 1914 show him as being ‘clean, sober, reliable, hardworking. Trained as battalion scout, has a schoolmaster’s certificate and is employed as a signaller’. His father died in Leicester in 1913 and his mother at about the same time.
At the outbreak of war in August 1914 Corporal (9265) Leach J was serving with the 1st Battalion in Blackdown, Aldershot. The Northamptonshires were part of 2nd Brigade in 1st Division and following mobilisation they landed at Le Havre, France on 13 August. Although they were present at Mons, the battalion had not been engaged and went through the great retreat with just a handful of casualties. All this changed on 10 September when the battalion, acting as part of the advanced guard for the Division, moved forward to Courchamps and was engaged in the action at Priez. The battle of the River Aisne commenced on the 13th lasting until the 18th and it was for his bravery and distinguished conduct during the days of battle that Leach was promoted Sergeant. He was also Mentioned in Despatches. (LG: 17.2.1915 p167) Promotion in the field quickly followed for three of the Northamptonshires when Company Sergeant-Major Phillpot, Company Quartermaster-Sergeant Eden and Sergeant Leach were selected to be awarded immediate commissions for their services in the field. On 1st October Leach was commissioned as a 2nd Lieutenant in the Manchester Regiment; hardly given time to obtain his new uniform he joined 2nd Manchesters at Dieval on 9 October.
Ill-health and Tragedy
As a result of the close quarter fighting on 29 October Leach received treatment for concussion at the Lady Evelyn Mason's Hospital in London. He was discharged on 11 December 1914 and waited for a medical Board at Caxton Hall to be held on 17 December. Whilst convalescing in England he was temporarily placed on the strength of the 3rd Reserve Battalion Manchester Regiment (13) at Cleethorpes. His promotion to Lieutenant was made on 11 December 1914. Leach went to Manchester on 12 February 1915 and visited Moston Lane School where the boys enjoyed an hour of excited hero-worship â€" to quote the report in the Manchester Guardian of 13 February. A Guard of Honour, composed of Boy Scouts, met him at the school and after speaking to the boys he was presented with a fountain pen subscribed to by the boys and masters. The boys were given a half-day’s holiday in his honour whilst their hero went on a recruiting tour of Manchester. The following day to London to receive his decoration from King George V at Buckingham Palace.(14) Three days later he addressed an open air meeting in St Peter’s Square, Manchester.
Leach was back in France with 2nd Manchesters on 15 April 1915 rejoining the battalion in trenches in the Ypres area where they relieved the 1st East Surreys. His health was certainly still causing problems as the battalion war diary records on the17th 2/Lieut J E Leach VC to hospital sick. So within a week of having returned to the front he sailed from Boulogne on the St Andrew on 20 April for England. Following a medical board in June he was reported as being fit for light duty in the open air but not to be detailed for duty with the Expeditionary Force until reported fit for service abroad pending another medical board to be held on 21 July. The result of this board held at Purfleet was that he had been granted sick leave until 1 September. However this was cut short as he received a telegram from the War Office instructing him to report on 20 August to the Army School of Signalling, then based in Caius College, Cambridge.
Four months later his first marriage took place in Cambridge on 23 December 1915 when he married a local girl Gladys Marguarite Digby. The following month he and his 19 year old wife visited Lancaster where the new local hero was presented by the Lord Mayor with an illuminated address and a solid silver tea tray and service from the citizens of Lancaster. Mrs Leach was also presented with a handbag containing a gift of treasury notes. However this was to be a brief marriage as Gladys Leach died shortly afterwards.(15)
Quite when his appointment with the Signalling School terminated is not known but he was promoted temporary Captain on 1 January 1917. Presumably through his posting to the 3rd Battalion at Cleethorpes he had met Josephine Pansy Butt the younger daughter of William Walter Butt, a wealthy trawler owner living at Fernlea, 47 Wellholme Road, Grimsby. They were married at the Parish Church in Old Clee, a village between Cleethorpes and Grimsby on 3 March 1917.
It was a short honeymoon and Captain Leach was back in France on 24 March, re-joining 2nd Manchesters on 15 April when the battalion returned to the trenches after three days rest and relieved the 1st East Surrey Regiment. Shortly afterwards he was sent on a Lewis Gun course and was back with the battalion on 19 June. On 24 August he was given UK leave until 2 September but at his own request this was also extended for the purpose of medical examinations. Following yet another medical board Leach was declared unfit for General Service duties and remained in the UK on three months light duties. His mental health was undoubtedly proving to be of great concern and during this period he spent some time in convalescence at Craiglockhart Hospital in Edinburgh. Whilst there he was pronounced permanently unfit for service and temporarily placed on 12 months half-pay of three shillings a day.
His military service was rapidly coming to an end but in March 1918 Captain Leach was appointed Adjutant of the South West London Cadet Battalion affiliated to the 23rd London Regiment. On 24 July Lieutenant Colonel Myers of the Medical Headquarters New Zealand Expeditionary Force in London wrote to the War Office stating that Captain Leach VC had reported to him asking for a medical inspection prior to his next medical board and stated that this was desired by his medical board. This had been done and the report enclosed. The following day Leach applied to the War Office to be retired from the Army on account of medical unfitness.(16) Three months later approval was given for him to retire on retired pay on account of ill health contracted on active service. He was discharged in August 1918.
The Leach’s first son, James Walter Barry Leach,(17) was born on 1 June 1918 at 118 Norfolk House Road, Streatham and it is likely that the family then moved up to Grimsby to be near his wife’s family. After eight years army service it is probable that Leach found suitable civilian employment difficult to find during 1919 and 1920 but the life of the family was soon to change.


James Leach VC

Final part

Auxiliary Force
Over the water in Ireland the Rule of Law was rapidly becoming non-existent. Between 30 June 1919 and 30 June 1920 some eighty members of the Royal Irish Constabulary and the British forces had been killed and the authorities showed little sign of control. On 11 May 1920, the Secretary of State for War, Winston Churchill, suggested the formation of a "Special Emergency Gendarmerie, which would become a branch of the Royal Irish Constabulary." No decision was taken at the time but in July the scheme was justified on the grounds that it would take too long to reinforce the Royal Irish Constabulary with ordinary recruits. The new ‘Auxiliary Force’ would be strictly temporary: its members would enlist for a year: pay would be £7 per week (twice what a constable was paid), plus a sergeant's allowances, and the men would be known as ‘Temporary Cadets’.
Accordingly the Auxiliary Division Royal Irish Constabulary (ADRIC) recruited from ex-officers who had served in the war, especially those who had served in the Army. Recruiting began in July 1920 and by November 1921 the division was 1,900 strong. These recruits were mainly unemployed veterans of World War I whose principal motivation was paid employment. Although they served in the constabulary they never acted as policemen; indeed they acted as an army of occupation. For the majority their service experience had been in trench warfare on foreign soil. Totally absent in their background was the role of the police as servant to the community in the protection of life and property.
On 6 January 1921, Leach joined the RIC as an Inspector (Cadet No.1240) (18) stationed at Glengarriff in County Cork. It was an area where the Black and Tans and the Police Auxiliaries were known for their tough counter-insurgency tactics, which included at times terrorising the general Irish population. Their tactics were often counter productive resulting in increased support for the IRA. Although a part of the RIC, the ADRIC were billeted and operated completely separately from the regular RIC and ‘Black and Tans’. Divided into companies each about one hundred strong, heavily armed and highly mobile, they operated mostly in the south and west, where IRA activity was greatest. They wore either RIC uniforms or their old army uniforms with appropriate police badges, along with distinctive Tam-o-Shanter hats.
Mrs Leach and young James lived there for a time in police barracks, which cannot have been very pleasant for either of them. Hardly a day passed without killings and ambushes on both sides. Shortly after Leach arrived a major incident was carried out by the Longford Column of the IRA when they ambushed two lorries containing seventeen Police Auxiliaries at Clonfin, between Granard and Balinalee. After a prolonged engagement four Auxiliaries were killed including three of Leech’s fellow Cadets. The greatest loss to the ADRIC was a similar ambush in Kilmichael, Co. Cork on 28 November 1920 where a total of seventeen ADRIC Cadets based in Macroom were killed.
Peace and War
Following the peace treaty of December 1921 Leach returned to England in 1922 where his father in law employed him in a clerical capacity at the fish docks in Grimsby. Whilst there he studied and became an FCIS (Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Secretaries). A second son, Donald Anthony Leach (19), was born on 19 May 1925 at 8 Gertrude Street, Grimsby. Amateur theatricals appear to have been an interest of James Leach at this time and it was reported that a distinguished member of the cast of ‘A Message from Mars’ running at the Prince of Wales’ Theatre in Grimsby, was Captain Leach VC.(20)
The Palace Theatre in Grimsby was also visited by Leach. A review by Harry Shaw in the Grimsby Telegraph of 9th June reported that:
‘One does not care to revive memories of the war â€" in the main, at any rate. But ‘Khaki’ the show at the Palace this week recalls the brighter side of hostilities. ‘Khaki’ carries an attraction of a somewhat unusual but appropriate kind. Sergeant Issy Smith VC appears in the cast. During the interval at the first performance last night a little ceremony took place on the stage. Mr J W Henley, secretary to the Grimsby branch of the British Legion introduced Sergeant Smith to Grimsby’s own VC â€" Captain Leach. It is a coincidence that the captain and the sergeant gained the decoration whilst they were both serving in the Manchester Regiment. Both VCs briefly addressed the audience, voicing thanks for the cordial reception.
However there were many disagreements between Leach and Walter Butt which came to a head in 1927 when the family left Grimsby and moved to London where Leach with his recently acquired qualifications obtained employment with the Bank of England. A daughter, Josephine Anne Wendy Leach, was born on 22 November 1928 at 32B Grove Park Gardens, Chiswick, London (21). With the coming of the great depression jobs were cut and Leach lost his job with the Bank in 1930/31. He was then able to obtain employment for the next three years based in the Fanning Islands in the South Pacific as an accountant with a copra exporting company. During this time his father in law bought Mrs Leach a house at 55 Burlington Lane, Chiswick into which she and the children moved in 1932. Leach returned to England and London in 1934 and commenced employment with Foster and Braithwaite, a prominent firm of stockbrokers in the City of London.
Two years later Walter Butt died, leaving money to his daughter in trust for her three children. The interest on this amount was considered to be quite reasonable and James Leach decided that this was an opportunity and he could now afford to give up work and read for the Bar. Accordingly he studied and successfully passed his first two law examinations. However relationships between husband and wife deteriorated; aggravated no doubt because of his lack of contributions to household and education expenses, and in 1937 the two separated and were divorced in 1938.
Following the outbreak of war in 1939 James Leach worked for the Ministry of Aircraft Production but by 1943 had moved to work in the legal department of the Osram lighting factory in Hammersmith, living at 12 Sinclair Mansions, Richmond Way, Shepherd’s Bush. During this time he became an officer in the Roehampton Home Guard Battalion and married his third wife Mabel Folland,(22) whom he had met whilst working at Osram’s. Postâ€"war Leach worked for the Danish Bacon Company at Thames Street in the City of London. He became honorary secretary of the Hatfield Chamber Music Ensemble which was directed by his nephew John Leach and was a Conservative member of the Hammersmith Borough Council between 1949 and 1955. Another of his interests was the Hammersmith Association for the Blind, of which he was a founder member and treasurer.
VC centenary celebrations were held in London in 1956.(23) The opportunity to entertain the Manchester VCs by their Regiment whilst they were assembled in London was taken by Colonel Charles Archdale and it was decided that they should be invited to dine with those officers of the Regiment who were then based in London. Accordingly a dinner was held at the Royal Empire Society on the evening of 28 June. Both James Leach VC and his wife attended the dinner and after Charles Archdale had spoken about the Regiment’s pride in her VCs and commenting upon this unique occasion James Leach spoke in response. George Stringer VC was present with his sister Mrs Wrenshaw, together with close relatives of Issy Smith VC, George Henderson VC, George Evans VC and Harry Coverdale VC. Acting as hosts representing the Regiment were Lieutenant Colonel Charles Archdale, Major & Mrs John Gunning, Major Rex King-Clark, Major Jerry Perez, Major Joe Flynn and Major Robert Clutterbuck.
On 23 April 1958 James Leach attended the Manchester Regiment bi-centenary celebrations at Warley Barracks, Brentwood but died four months later on 15 August. His funeral took place on the 21st at St Mathew’s Church, Shepherd’s Bush followed by cremation at Golders Green where his ashes were scattered. A bearer party and bugler were provided by 1st Battalion The Manchester Regiment. Also present from the Regiment were Majors Peter McEachran, John Gunning, Burrows, Lieutenants Mike Yemm and Miller together with three members of the London branch of the Regimental Association - Messrs Carling, Kemble and Stafford.(24)
(1) Captain Wilfred Keith Evans. He assumed temporary command of the battalion on 30 October 1914. Commanded 1 Manchesters in 1924. Later as Brigadier General CMG DSO appointed Colonel of the Regiment 1932/34. His sons Michael and Nigel both served in the Regiment.
(2) 2nd Lieutenant Clarence Leslie Bentley died age 20 on 28 October 1914. Son of Anne Mary Bentley, of Fulford Grange, York, and the late Alderman William Bentley JP. Commissioned from Sandhurst as war was declared. Commemorated on the Le Touret Memorial and the Manchester Regiment memorial plaque in the Memorial Chapel, Royal Military Academy Sandhurst
(3) Lieutenant John Henry Loftus Reade died age 33 on 28 October 1914. Son of John and Annabella S. Reade of Castletown, Co. Fermanagh. Mentioned in Despatches. Commemorated on the Le Touret Memorial and the memorial at Trinity College, Dublin.
(4) During the fighting between 21/29 October inclusive 4 officers and 48 NCOs of the battalion were killed; 2 officers and 48 men wounded; 28 men missing.
(5 ) Lieutenant Robert Horridge from Bolton. Buried in Dranouter Churchyard, Belgium as is Corporal Faulkner.
(6 ) H Nicholson. Cheshire Regiment attached to the battalion.
(7 ) Arthur John Scully. Later awarded the Military Cross & French Croix de Guerre. Retired as Major 14 April 1922.
(8 ) 2899 Colour Sergeant J Leach. 1891 Census Bowerham Barracks.
(9 ) 1901 Census, (31 March 1901) Bowerham Barracks, Lancaster.
(10 ) 4th King’s Own Royal Regiment served in South Africa between December 1899 and August 1901.
(11 ) Mark Hovell, author and social historian of The Chartist Movement, joined the school as a pupil-teacher at the same time.
(12) The Lion and Rose. 1913.
(13) Officers who had served overseas and then returned to the UK through ill health or other reasons were posted to the 3rd Reserve Battalion pending their move elsewhere.
(14 ) Sergeant Hogan received his VC at Buckingham Palace on 20th February 1915.
(15 ) Lancaster Journal 7th April 1916.
(16) Letter dated 25 July from 102 Norfolk Road, Streatham, London SW16
(17 ) Walter Leach. Commissioned in the Supplementary Reserve of the Royal Fusiliers in 1938 and served with 2nd Royal Fusiliers in the BEF. Badly wounded in the head during the retreat to Dunkirk, medically downgraded and spent the remainder of the war in military administration. Post-war became a Chartered Accountant. Died 1990.
(18 ) Royal Irish Constabulary Register â€" Extract. National Archives, Kew.
(19 ) Anthony Leach. Educated at St Paul’s School, London. He joined the Welsh Guards on 29 October 1943 and was commissioned into the Welsh Guards on 20 July 1944. Served with the 1st Battalion in North-West Europe and was wounded in October 1944. To Palestine as Captain in October 1945 with 1st Guards Brigade. Post-war to Cambridge where he read Agriculture and then became a farmer. To Australia in 1975. Died June 1999.
(20 ) Grimsby Evening Telegraph. 8 June 1925.
(21 ) Married Thomas Shapland, a stained glass artist. He died aged 41.
(22 ) Mabel Leach died in 1987.
(23 ) The Manchester Regiment Gazette. 1956
(24 ) The Manchester Regiment Gazette. September 1958

by Captain Robert Bonner



Lieutenant James Crosbie Caulfield

Name: Caulfield James Crosbie
Nationality: British
Rank: Lieutenant
Regiment: 2nd Bn. Manchester Regiment
Age: 22
Born : 21 February 1892 , Southsea , England
Date of Death: 18 November 1914

Additional information: Was the youngest son of Brigadier-General James E.Caulfield of Corozal , Jersey commanding 8th Reserve Infantry , and Sophia Morley.

Marital status : Single
Scholing Educated at Bradfield College and R.MC. Sandhurst
Occupation: Professional soldier
Cemetery: Kandahar Farm Cemetery
Plot I , Row C , Stone 10

Military footsteps

20 August 1914 Gazetted 2nd Lieutenant in the Royal Army Service Corps on 9 September 1911

9 September 1914 Went to France in the 6th Divisional Train

20 October 1914 Promoted Lieutenant
Transferred at his own request to the 2nd Bn. Manchester Regiment
He took part in the great retreat from Mons .

18 November 1914 Killed in action, by a high explosive shell ,  near Wulverghem while in command of 'C' Coy.


Lieutenant Claude Lysaght Mackay

Regiment: 2nd Battalion Worcestershire Regiment att. 2nd Battalion Manchester Regiment
Killed In Action: Yes
Date Killed: Monday, June 7, 1915
Age at Death: 20
Plot Reference: II. A. 31.
Cemetery: Boulogne Eastern Cemetery Pas de Calais France
Lieutenant Claude Lysaght Mackay, Worcestershire Regiment, who was wounded on May 28th and died in hospital on June 7th was a nephew of Mr. and Mrs. Wakefield Richardson, of Moyallen, County Down, and a son of the late Edward Vansittart Mackay and Mrs. Mackay, of Clifton, Gloucestershire. Lieutenant Mackay was on the Old Cliftonian Cricket Tour the day war was declared and before the day was over he had returned home and filled in his papers for a commission.
Date of Publication:
Friday, July 30, 1915

Second Lieutenant C L Mackay.
News has been received at Moyallon, County Down, of the death of Second Lieutenant Claude Lysaght Mackay, nephew of Mr and Mrs Wakefield Richardson. He was the second son of the late Edward Vansittart Mackay (Indian Police) and of Nina Mackay, of 10 College Road, Clifton, Gloucestershire. He was wounded on May 28th, and died in hospital at Boulogne on June 7th. He was educated at Clifton College, where he was a member of the cricket eleven. He won the Challenge Cup in the athletic sports. After leaving school he played for his county. He also won the Public School Heavy Weight Boxing Competition at Aldershot in 1913. On leaving Clifton (having won the leaving Exhibition) he went to Cambridge, winning a Classical Exhibition in the Corpus Christi College, where he again distinguished himself in athletics. He was gazetted to the 5th Worcestershire Regiment (Special Reserve) on August 15th, and joined the British Expeditionary Force on January 1st, 1915, and was given a commission in the Regulars on February 14th, 1915. He was 20 years of age.


Just as a foot note to this soldier.

His brother was WING COMMANDER C. J. MACKAY, M.C.

Wing Commander Charles Joseph Mackay, M.C., D.F.C., has died, we regret to state, at the early age of thirty-five. This distinguished Air Force officer, the son of Mr. John Mackay of Dunmore East, Co. Waterford, was an old Ampleforth boy. He entered the Army in 1913 and saw service in France during the Great War, when he was twice wounded. In 1916 he was appointed Flight-Commander, R.F.C.; and on the formation of the Royal Air Force in 1918 was given a commission with the rank of Major. The year 1922 found him a Squadron-Leader; and in 1929 he was made Wing Commander. Among the military honours held by Wing Commander Mackay were the Military Cross, the Distinguished Flying Cross, and the Croix de Guerre.â€"R.I.P.


2nd Lt Arthur Grant Bourne Chittenden, 2nd Bn, Manchester Regiment


2nd Bn., Manchester Regiment
who died age 20
on 09 September 1914
Son of Mr. and Mrs. C. G. T. F. Chittenden, of High Croft, Steyning, Sussex.

Second Lieutenant Arthur Grant Bourne Chittenden of the 2nd Battalion, Manchester Regiment, died of wounds on this day - 9th September - in 1914. He was born in 1894, his birth registered in Epsom, Surrey and, according to the Commonwealth War Graves Commission, was the 20 year old son of Mr and Mrs C. G. T. F. Chittenden of High Croft, Steyning, Sussex.

The Bond of Sacrifice, published in 1915, carries a small entry on - and a portrait photo of - Arthur. It reads:

"[Arthur Grant Bourne Chittenden] who was reported as having died of wounds received in action, in France, the actual date of his death not being known, was the youngest son of the late Charles Grant Thomas Faithfull Chittenden and Mrs Chittenden, Steyning, Sussex. Second Lieutenant Chittenden, who was only twenty years old when he died, was gazetted to the Manchester Regiment on the 24th January 1914."

Arthur's heavily annotated medal index card indicates that he arrived overseas with the 2nd Manchester Regiment on 14th August 1914. In 1917, his mother applied for the 1914 Star and in 1921 the clasp for this medal was also sent. The "roses" were not sent as these were to be affixed to the 1914 Star medal ribbon when worn on a jacket. As Arthur was dead, the roses would therfore not have been required. Mrs Chittenden's address is shown as High Croft, Steyning.

Arthur is buried in Montreuil-aux-Lions British Cemetery which was made after the Armistice when graves were brought in from the battlefields of the Aisne. The cemetery contains 16 special memorials and Arthur has one of these.

St Augustine, Broxbourne, Hertfordshire

Lieutenant Arthur Grant Bourne Chittenden, d.1914, killed in action near Soissons, France. Nice alabaster panel with a mosaic border in dark blue-green and gilt around the central inscribed area. Characteristic of the time.

Arthur Chittenden was born in the summer of 1894 in Epsom, Surrey, the son of Charles Faithfull Chittenden, a banker’s clerk, and his wife Eliza.   Charles was originally of Hoddesden, Hertfordshire, and by the time of the 1901 census the family had moved back to the area, and were living in Grosvenor Road, St. Albans.   On census night Arthur, aged 6, and his elder brother Hugh, aged 8, were at home with their governess and servants, while their parents were on holiday in Sidmouth, Devon.
Arthur had joined the Army prior to the war, having been gazetted to the Manchester Regiment on the 24th Jan 1914, with the rank of Second Lieutenant, and in August 1914 the 2nd Battalion were at the Curragh, County Kildare, Ireland.   On the outbreak of war they were immediately mobilized, and arrived in France on the 14th August, and after action they began the long retreat towards Paris.   On 1st September 1914, the battalion were south of Compiegne at Crepy-en-Valois, and just two later they crossed the  Marne at Esbly, a few miles east of Paris.   From that time they were to turn, and head back north-east, skirting Meaux, crossing the Marne a second time at Saacy on 9th September.   The battalion war diary for the period gives this account:   1st September 1914.   After bivouac at RapparieFarm, 1 mile north of Crepe-en-Valois, the Battalion, at 5 am, was ordered to support the 13th Brigade covering Crepy.   Then took up a covering position at Sablieres, then in reserve at Rouville, and then marched to bivouac at Nanteuil, at 9 pm., a distance of 17 miles.   2nd September 1914.   Started at 3 am, and marched 13 miles to Chateau Thibauld where the Battalion found outposts A and D, commanded then by Lts’. Harper and Van der Spar respectively, covering Montge.   3rd September 1914.   Formed rearguard to Trilbardon, where 15 Brigade, which had been acting as flank guard, took on rear guard, crossing Marne at Esbly, where Brigade halted one and half hours.   Reached Bouleurs at 6 pm. Lt. Scully and twenty men rejoined the day after being away six days, having been on outpost at Bretigny and had not been relieved by 3rd Division as told he would be.     4th September 1914.   Rested till 10.30 pm. When by night march we reached Tournan at 8 am. When Lt. De Patros joined with the reinforcement from base, 16 miles through Bois de Crecy.     6th September 1914.   Commenced at 7 am. For St. Avoe Chateau, reaching it at 9.30 am.    7th September 1914.   Crossed the Grand Marin and passed through Colommiers to Pontmoulin.   8th September 1914.   Marched to Rougeville.      9th September 1914.   Crossed Marne at Saarcy, Battalion advance guard to Le Limon where they came under very heavy shell fire and then deflected to attack enemy holding ridge and wood Pisseloud with the remains of the 2nd Battalion, Suffolk Regiment, ist E. Surrey and 1st D.C.L.I. in support.   Enemy’s resistance great and Capt. Foord was wounded.   Lts’ Smith and Chittenden being killed outright and we lost 8 men killed and 37 wounded.   The Battalion bivouacked on hill covering Bezu.     10th September 1914.   Marched to Chezy-sur-Ourcq where 2nd Lts’. Moore and Walker joined with 2nd and 3rd reinforcements of 17.
   After the war many bodies buried on the Aisne battlefield were moved to the British Cemetery at Montreuil-aux-Lion,although more than half of those bodies are identified, there are two special memorials to sixteen men known to be them, including Arthur Chittenden.   Arthur’s brother Hugh survived the war, winning the Military Cross in 1917, and this in the Sussex Daily News, gives some information about the brothers.   It suggests that there was a previous report of Arthur’s death, but several searches have failed to find anything other than his name in the casualty lists of 23rd September 1914.   â€˜Reported missing, now died of wounds’.

Part of the above was taken from the web site link below. Some of the other information has been covered on the forum before.



Captain William Gabriel King-Peirce

3rd (Reserve) Battalion, attached to 2nd Battalion, Manchester Regiment.

William King-Peirce was born on 5th July 1875 in Kensington, London, the son of Richard King-Peirce and Frances Agnes, née Price. He was married to Mary Agnes, née Fisher in 1903.

He was educated at Bradfield College, where he captained the Football XI in 1893, played cricket, and was a prefect. He took his BA in 1898. Whilst at Merton he captained the College VIII.

He joined the Manchester Regiment in May 1899, and fought in Orange Free State, Transvaal, Orange River Colony, Cape Colony, at Biddulphsberg, and at Wittebergen in the South African War. He was awarded the Queen’s South Africa Medal with 4 clasps. He was made a Captain in 1901. He left the regular army in November 1911, joining the 3rd Battalion, Manchester Regiment, in May 1912.

At the outbreak of war he was sent to France. He was killed in action at Festubert, during the Battle of La Bassée, on 26th October 1914, aged 39.

He is also commemorated on the Le Touret Memorial, Pas-de-Calais, France.



Walter Balshaw

2nd Lieutenant, 2nd Battalion Manchester Regiment.
Killed in action on Tuesday 20th October 1914 near La Bassee, age 24.
Remembered on Le Touret Memorial, France, Panels 34 and 35.
Former student of Science.

Born in 1890 at Bolton to Walter Balshaw, Solicitor, and E.A. Balshaw of 571 Chorley Old Road, Bolton.
Walter attended Bolton Municipal Secondary School where he was both cricket and football captain. In the years 1906-9 he acted as Chief Prefect. He entered the University of Manchester in 1910 to study science and continued to play cricket gaining the “Christie” bat for bowling and his colours in 1913.
As a member of the Officer Training Corps from October 1910 to July 1913 he obtained the proficiency certificates “A” and “B” and was awarded a commission in 1913 as a Second Lieutenant in the Special Reserve of Officers, Manchester Regiment.
At the outbreak of war Walter was an Assistant Master at Lancaster Grammar School, but he was about to take up an appointment on the staff of Fareham School, Hampshire.
Missing after an engagement near La Bassee on 20th October 1914 Walter’s death was not reported by the Manchester Guardian until 21st December 1916 when he was officially presumed to have been killed or died.  (Another University man, George Dixon, also went missing on the same day from the same battalion.) Walter has no known grave.

Commemorated on:

University of Manchester War Memorial, Main Quadrangle.
St. George’s Road Congregational Church and Mission War Memorial, Bolton.
Bolton Municipal Secondary School Memorial, located at Bolton St Catherine’s Academy.


The Manchester Guardian, 21st December 1916.
Tameside Local Studies and Archive Centre, ref: MR2/25/18.
The Serpent, Roll of Honour Supplement to Vol II, 1917-18, University of Manchester Archive.
WO 95/1564/2, 2nd Manchester Regiment War Diary, The National Archives.



Captain 2nd Battalion., York and Lancaster Regiment attached
2nd Battalion Manchester Regiment

who died on Thursday 22 November 1917 . Age 21, of wounds received while fighting for
the 2nd Bn Manchester Regiment.
He was the son of Col. E. and Mrs. F. C. Waller, of 16, Craven Avenue, Ealing, London.
grave number IV. B. 4. 



Captain (Reverend) William Kay, DSO, MC.

William was born on the 28th December 1894 in Blackburn, Lancashire. He was named after his father William Henry, and his mother was called Mary. He was their oldest child; his siblings were Harry Livesey, Arthur and Nellie. The family were members of the Church of England.
In 1901 the family lived at 30 John Thomas Street in Blackburn. William senior worked as a power loom overlooker in a cotton mill. Ten years later he had been promoted, he was now a weaving manager. We don't know which mill he worked at. William junior worked as a cotton weaver. They lived at 374 Whalley New Road in Blackburn.
William decided he wanted to become a priest. In 1913 he began to study for a Bachelor of Arts degree in Theology at Hatfield College of Durham University. The First World War broke out whilst he was a student, and he spent some time in the University's Officer Training Corps.
William joined the Grenadier Guards on the 15th December 1915. He was given the service number 25406. After training in the UK William was sent to France in August 1916. He was 6 feet tall when he joined the Army.
William joined the 1st Battalion of the Grenadiers. During September they were involved in the Battles of Flers-Courcellette and Morval. We don't know where else William served or how long he spent in France. He was promoted to Lance Corporal during October.
At some point during late 1916 or early 1917 William was selected to train as an officer. He will have returned to the UK and joined an Officer Training Battalion. William was commissioned as a Second Lieutenant in the Manchester Regiment on the 29th May 1917.
Six weeks later he returned to France. William joined the 2nd Battalion of the Manchester Regiment on the 19th July. At this time they were based around Nieuwpoort on the Belgian coast. By February 1918 they were in the front lines around Houthulst Forest near Langemarck. By this time William had been promoted to Acting Captain and given command of a Company.
On the night of the 27th February William led around 110 men on a raid of the German trenches. Raids were carried out to keep the Germans on edge and to obtain intelligence of where their positions were and which units were holding the line. This could be done by capturing prisoners and by bringing back documents and unit badges. Raids were dangerous, small numbers of men without support would be in great danger if they were seen.
William was awarded the Military Cross for his bravery in leading this raid. His citation was published in the London Gazette on the 22nd April:
For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty. He reconnoitred the enemy's forward positions in bright moonlight and obtained valuable information. On the following night he led a raiding party into the enemy's line with great gallantry under heavy fire. By his skilful leadership he saved many casualties and inspired all ranks with confidence by his personal example.
The raiders brought back 7 prisoners and 2 machine guns.
On the 17th April William gave up command of a Company and reverted to the rank of Second Lieutenant. By this time the 2nd Battalion was involved in the British attempts to stop the German Spring Offensive. This had begun on the 21st March, and was aimed at winning the war before large numbers of American soldiers could arrive in France. By the middle of the year the advance had been stopped. The British and French began their own offensive on the 8th August.
At some point during this period William was awarded a Bar to his Military Cross. This meant he had carried out another act that was worthy of the medal. He had regained the rank of Acting Captain by this time. His citation was published in the London Gazette on the 11th January 1919. We don't know exactly when or where this deed took place:
For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty. During an advance on a village this officer, when the situation was obscure, went along the various companies and gained useful information. He also personally reconnoitred the enemy position under heavy fire, bringing in useful intelligence. Throughout he displayed tireless energy and complete disregard of danger.
The British advance continued into the autumn. By early October they had reached the village of Joncourt. William was awarded a second Bar to his MC during the fighting here. This is his citation, from the London Gazette of the 30th July 1919:
For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty at Joncourt on October 2nd 1918. He supervised the forming up of the battalion prior to zero hour under very heavy shell fire, and encouraged the man by his calm and collected manner. Later, when the battalion had suffered very heavy casualties, and the situation was obscure, he went out and reconnoitred the whole line and brought back exact dispositions and valuable information which led to new dispositions being made with a view to holding the line. In the evening he again led forward the ration party to the new line, and it was entirely due to his personal energy and zeal that the rations were delivered intact.
William was not the only officer in the 2nd Battalion to win the Military Cross during the day's fighting. The poet Second Lieutenant Wilfred Owen also received the medal. We don't know how well the two men knew each other.
Wilfred Owen was killed in action on the 4th November. He was killed leading a group of soldiers across the Oise-Sambre Canal at Ors. William was luckier. He survived the fighting and helped the 2nd Battalion cross the canal and advance to their final objective. He was awarded the Distinguished Service Order for his bravery and leadership. His citation was published in the London Gazette of the 10th December 1919:
On 4th November 1918 during the attack on the Oise-Sambre Canal, he displayed marked courage and able leadership when his battalion was temporarily held up. Under intense machine gun fire he went back to Brigade Headquarters and reported the situation. Later, his leadership materially contributed to the success of the day's operations.
The 2nd Battalion was withdrawn from the front on the 6th November. The war ended on the 11th, when they were at Sambreton. They were involved in training and in work behind the lines for the rest of the year. During December they moved to Assesse. The end of the war meant that the Army could begin to demobilise the millions of men serving overseas. This would be a long process, but William seems to have been one of the first to go. He returned to the UK on the 13th January 1919.
William was awarded his degree during 1918. This allowed him to begin his career in the Church of England. During 1919 he was ordained as a Deacon in the parish of Burnley for Manchester. Soon after he moved to Rochdale, Lancashire and became the Curate there. He was ordained as a Priest in 1920.
William stayed in Rochdale until 1922. During this time he returned to the Army. There was a great deal of industrial unrest during this time and widespread strikes were threatened by workers such as miners. The government was afraid that the Police would not be able to cope so it was decided to form an organisation known as The Defence Force. This would be based on the Territorial Army, but separate from it, and used to support the police if a large strike was called. William joined the 6th Battalion of the Lancashire Fusiliers, Defence Force and served as a Captain between April and June 1921. The strikes did not occur, so the Force was disbanded.
Before William left Rochdale, he married Helen Nora Brierley between July and September 1922. She was always known as Nora. They moved to the parish of Elmton with Creswell, near Worksop in Derbyshire, where William had been appointed Vicar.
During their time in Elmton William and Nora had 3 children: Mary C. between April and June 1923, Ursula between October and December 1924 and Helen between July and September 1926. On the 26th April 1923 William returned to the Army. He became a Chaplain to the Forces, 4th Class, in the Territorial Army (TA). This meant William kept his civilian home and job, and mainly carried out his military duties during evenings and weekends.
In 1928 William was appointed to be Rector of Whitwell with Steeley and Rural Dean of Bolsover. This appointment did not last for long, because on the 29th February 1929 William became Vicar of Newark in Nottinghamshire. The parish boundaries were adjusted during 1931 and it was renamed Newark with Codrington. William and Nora's 4th child, Margaret E. was born between April and June 1930 in Newark.
As well as his parish, during 1932 William became Rural Dean of Newark. As Dean he was responsible for looking after the welfare of all the parish priests in his area and keeping them in touch with the local Bishop, the Bishop of Southwell. He also became Honorary Canon of Normandington in Southwell Cathedral.
William returned to Lancashire in 1936. He was appointed Provost and Vicar of the Cathedral Church of Blackburn. He was responsible for the Parish of Blackburn, while the Bishop of Blackburn led the Diocese, made up of several Parishes. He held this job until he retired in 1961. He left the TA on the 23rd January 1939. We don't know whether he rejoined during the Second World War, which broke out that September.
During his time in Blackburn William was keen to see Church Schools succeed and expand. On one occasion he bought an old mill with his own money. This was turned into St Hilda's Secondary School, and later became part of St Wilfrid's Church of England Comprehensive School. This school still exists in 2013; it is called St Wilfrid's Church of England Academy. As William's obituary reported: 'Although he was reimbursed subsequently, without his determination and quick decision and generous spontaneity this school would not have been possible'.
At some point during their retirement William and Nora moved to Brockenhurst, in the middle of the New Forest in Hampshire. They lived at 'Woodruffe' in the village. Nora died there between April and June 1974 at the age of 81. William continued to live there until the 6th January 1980, when he died at the age of 85. His medals came to the Museum of the Manchester Regiment in August 1997.



Rank: Lieutenant
Date of Death: 26/08/1914
Age: 32
Regiment/Service: Manchester Regiment 2nd Bn.
Panel Reference:

Additional Information:
Son of Major W.G. Mansergh, of Castletownroche,
Co. Cork. Served in the South African War.

Lieutenant Wilmsdorff George Mansergh was born in Castletownroche, County Cork in Ireland in 1881. He joined the 2nd Battalion Manchester Regiment. There is a citation to him in Manchester Cathedral. He went with the expeditionary forces to Le Harve in 1914. He died in Le Cateau on the 26th of August 1914. He died trying to protect another soldier in a shallow trench by pulling the soldier underneath him. He was then killed when a shell blew up in front of him.


3rd and 4th Battalions, the Manchester Regiment,
The undermentioned Gentlemen to be Second
Lieutenants: Wilmsdorff George Mansergh.
Dated 22nd February, 1899.

The Manchester Regiment, Lieutenant Wilmsdorff G. Mansergh is seconded for service under the Colonial Office. Dated 3rd October, 1903.

List of pilots awarded an Aviator's Certificate by the Royal Aero Club in 1914

Lt. Wilmsdorff George Mansergh, Manchester Regiment
25 March 1914
Killed in Action France 26 August 1914 aged 32


755 Lieut. Wilmsdorff George Mansergh (Manchester Regt.),
(Vickers Biplane, Vickers School, Brooklands). March
25th, 1914.

His father was a Major in the 107th Reg,
His Grandfather was a Major in the RA

He is listed on the 26th in the War Diaries as being wounded.

Lieutenant Wilmsdorff G. Mansergh, Th'e Manchester Regiment, is granted the local rank of Captain, whilst employed with the West African Frontier Force. Dated 1st April, 1911.

The Manchester Regiment, Supernumerary Lieutenant Wilmsdorff G. Mansergh is restored to the establishment. Dated 15fch March, 1914.



Captain Thomas Walker Browne RAMC, attached to the 2nd Bn Manchester Regiment.

After a bit of research I managed to find the medical officer with the 2nd Battalion was Captain Thomas Walker Browne RAMC in Ireland and went with the Battalion to France on the 14th August 1914.
On the 25th August during action at Bavay he was last seen dressing a wounded man. I can’t see him mentioned anymore in the War Diaries.
But found the following, so he did survive the carnage of the retreat from Mons.
His father was
Dr Thomas John Browne who married Sarah Sinclair, his first cousin, in 1878. They had five children: Eleanor Ida Sinclair who married William Collen; Ethel Sarah remained unmarried; Lilian Anna, who married Lieut.-Commander William Crawford Harrison in the British Navy; and William Sydney Browne a lieutenant in the East Yorkshire Regiment, who married Alice Carr. After his wife Sarah died in 1891, Thomas married Janie Lindsay in 1899. They had one child, Reginald Lyndsay Browne (Rex), born in 1900.
Thomas Walker Browne, John and Sarah's last child, He was born 21st of April 1884 in the district of Dungannon, Ireland and
became a major in the RAMC, and married Clair Christine Sinclair of Palmerstone, Dublin, who, quite unusually given that his father had married a first cousin, was Thomas' second cousin once removed; Clair was the granddaughter of his mother's brother. Their wedding on 1 February 1915 at Monkstown, Co. Dublin, was very subdued because Thomas' brother-in-law, Lieut.-Commander Harrison, the husband of his sister, Lilian Anna, had died earlier that day in the ill-fated Formidable. HMS Formidable was the second British battleship to be sunk by enemy action during the First World War. It was struck by two torpedos whilst steaming in the English Channel in rough weather conditions. William was one of 35 officers and 512 men out of a complement of 780 who were lost.

Capt. T. W. BROWNE, L.RC.P. & S.l. was Mentioned in Despatches more than once and is mentioned in the Roll of Honour Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland.

Capt. T. W. Browne relinquishes the actg. rank of. Lt.-Col., and reverts to the acts;, rank of Maj., with pay and allowances of his substantive rank. 1st Feb. 1918.

Captain T W Browne of Belgaum India died 27th July 1923 at British Station Hospital Belgaum, aforesaid probate London 15th Nov to Clair Christiana widow effects £500



Lieutenant Victor Comley McKiever 3rd Bn attached 2nd Bn Manchester Regiment.

Lieutenant Victor Comley McKiever was born in 1889 at Pontypridd, Glamorgan
On the 8th April 1903, his father took his elder sister Julia Blanche
McKiever and Victor to Cape Town, South Africa aboard the S.S. Maori for
the 49 day sailing.  His parents later moved to Auckland Park,
Johannesburg, South Africa.   He returned the United Kingdom in 1908 to
attend Selwyn College at Cambridge University.  After leaving University in
1911, Victor moved to Formby gaining employment as assistant master at
Holmwood School in Barkfield Lane.  Victor also played cricket for Formby
at Cricket path and Waterloo Rugby team's second XI captain.

He volunteered in August 1914, shortly after war was declared and served in
the 3rd Battalion Manchester Regiment.  He was commissioned a month after
enlisting.   Victor arrived in France on 16th March 1915. He was later
attached to the 2nd Battalion Manchester Regiment.  He was seriously
wounded and later died of his wounds on 18th May 1915.  His headstone has
the incorrect date of his death as 28th May 1915.   He is commemporated on
the Formby Town War Memorial and a memorial in the Holy Trinity Church,
Rosemary Lane Formby.

1911 Census - No Trace of Victor nor his parents.

MIC - states that he was posted to France on the 16th March 1915.  Awarded
the 15 Star, the BWM & the VM.   It lists his sister - Miss J.B. McKiever,
4 Trafalgar Road, Cardiff as his next of kin.  This was Julia Blanche
McKiever his elder sister by eight years.
