1946 to 1958 > Germany
At this time of the year I remember with great fondness the pantomine & variety shows staged by the battalion each year,the music was performed by the band under the baton of the bandmaster WO1 E G Spooner,the cast of the show was performed by officers,other ranks and wives of those who lived in married quarters,scenery was erected by the unit pioneer sgts,Sgt Hockram and Sgt Ted Widdowson one notable performer was Bernard Manning,the well known commedian who was at that time undergoing his National Service.Heartbreakers it certainly was.
Hi Roy.
By golly that brought many very happy memories back, I had just returned back from my PYTHON from East Africa and had been re-badged from 1/Border , Charlle Gilmartin B coy told me about the show and advised me that it was always a great show . How right he was - it was totally fantastic, the first time I had come across Bernard Manning (before he gained his weight) and then when we moved up to Berlin and then I became interested in horse riding and came to meet up with you and the O'Brien twins. Very happy days indeed- much water has passed under many bridges since those days. Happy days of yore.
Thanks for the Memories ,
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