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96th Regiment old letters

Started by themonsstar, December 22, 2011, 12:45:01 PM

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Dear General

I was recently looking through some old papers in the house of a distant relative of mine in Dublin and I came upon three old manuscripts, copies of which I enclose.  I feel that they are not without historical interest.  They were found amongst the old papers of Alexander Walker, who was adjutant of the old 96th or Queen's Own Regiment during the Peninsular War.

I understand but the 96th were disbanded and reformed after a break of some years before they were finally joined with the 63rd to form the Manchester Regiment.  I assume that in spite of this break in the service, your Regiment is today the nearest in-line to the old 96th of the Napoleonic wars , so I am sending these copies to you in the hope that you will find them of interest.

Alexander Walker, by the way, was father of Brig general Sir ? Walker, who fought in the Crimea and whom I believe received a VC, unfortunately, however, I do not know to which Regiment.  He belonged.

Yours faithfully  Maj W.J. Simmons MC.TD, RWF.

Brigade Order by Major-General O'Loghlin
On the half yearly inspection of the 96th Queen's Own Regiment
At Newcastle on Friday, 23 October 1818

Major General O'Loghlin feels great pleasure in expressing to Lieutenant-Colonel McCarthy, his approbation of the very good appearance of the 96th Regiment at the half yearly inspection yesterday.

The steadiness under arms, and correctness of the Corps, proves the attention that has been paid by the Lieutenant-Colonel, as well as by the officers under his command, and reflects great credit on the zeal and ability of the Adjutant; and the Major-General much regrets that the arrangements of the service rendered it necessary to dispense with the service of a corps in so highest state of improvement.

By order
signed P.  Warburton
Major 96 Regiment
and acting as Assistant Adjutant General
Limerick 24th  October 1818

96th ar Queens Own Regiment
Regimental Order by Lieutenant-Colonel McCaffery
Limerick October 24th, 1818

Lieutenant-Colonel McCaffrey feels sincere regret in having to announce to the Regiment that he has received orders to prepare for it disbandment.  It is therefore becomes the duty of the Lieutenant-Colonel to point out to every man the the necessity of leaving as frugally as possible, with a view of saving for the day of reduction, such parts of the pay as the customs of the service do not require to be expended, for the purpose of reaching their home and friends.

The recollection of the distinguished conduct of the 96th Regiment in the field- the alacrity and soldier like manner in which it has performed its duty at all times,-the peacable and orderly deportment of the men in quarters,- and the high state of discipline which it has always maintained,-will now be to Lieutenant-Colonel McCarthy a proud reflection.  He, therefore, considered it almost unnecessary to say that he expects that every soldier of the Queens Own will exhort himself to the last moment of its existence as a Corps, to uphold that orderly demeanour which it has ever been remarkable for; but they may continue to meet, that they now enjoy, the sincere good wishes of their officers for their future prosperity and happiness.


This is gold dust ! Can anyone tell me where I can see these original documents ? And, if in a museum or record office, what the reference or catalogue numbers are ?


Hi Bob

I can not remember where I found these typed transcripts. For some reason I feel maybe in a book I picked up and as to their whereabouts and not sure where I put them, but a clue to where they came from could be Major W.J.Simmons MC,TD Royal Welsh Fusiliers. If I come across them soon I will re post them on here.