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military cross.19th manchesters

Started by mack, October 14, 2009, 01:23:22 AM

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CSM 11576 harry holding
awarded for conspicious gallantry and devotion to duty,with a few men of the company,he drove the enemy from the position,although wounded by a bullet in the skull,he remained on duty and consolidated the position until he recieved another serious wound.sent to 11th stationary hospital,rouen
LG 26-7-17

11576 harry holding
enl 5-9-14
aged 21
40 russell st,hulme
left school to work for mylchreest+co,32 george st,m/c as a warehouse lad,then worked as a warehouseman at w.s russell,116 portland st,m/c for 4yrs
son of cuthbert+sarah,jane,38 cedar st,hulme
discharged from 3rd london gen hospital,wandsworth as no longer fit for service
