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Iban Trackers & Sarawak Rangers --- The Memoir

Started by autgoc, September 09, 2016, 10:16:17 PM

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Morning Apai Tuai George,

I believe I've met one of your men in Lubok Antu. He's Pte Anyang of the Sarawak Rangers pictured with u. Is that the same picture on your wall at home?

Pte Anyang told me his Platoon Commander used to tease him saying, "You plenty lucky charm?"
He also told me he lent one of his "lucky charms" to his platoon commander.

Do you remember him or recall such incidences?

indu Sarawak Magdelene


Good morning indu Sarawak Magdelene,
Well at least it is now - Last evening I had a major MS update, it lasted over an hour - some minor problems I sorted there and then others I left until this morning. Opened up this and then began to resolve with the assistance of my son Sean including updating my security set-up. It would seem that their have been many problems with that update for many people as well as myself. However all is hopefully resolved I HOPE.
That would have been whilst we were at Tapah shortly after I had taken and settled them down  into there Manchester Regiment days.
I have already checked the Sarawak Rangers picture on the wall YES - Pte Anyang from  Lubok Antu - he is the sixth on the second row from the left. Fantastic, regretablly  I have no recollection re " he lent one his lucky charms to me" unless he means the hair bracelet one of them put on my wrist ??  That must  have been at Tapah, Kedah fairly soon after I had started to get to know them and actually beginning to feel a part and chat with those of them who would understand what I was saying - remember I had only learnt to speak Malay properly around that time and was still in the "learning stage".
I was very nervous when I was actually speaking to them personally at that stage, but gradually once I began to feel really confident, I felt much happier - so presumably did they!! I regret to admit that I would not feel as confident if I were to attempt to do that today especially the state of my mind these days, such are th joys of aging.

Till again,
Apai Tuai George.


Apai Tuai George,

Was this the 1st or 2nd batch?
With reference to Cpl Adrian ak Tandang, this would have been the 1st batch yes?

indu Sarawak Magdelene :-)


Indu Sarawak Magdelene,

I thought that I had sent my response BUT I must be mistaken after the problems earlier.
YES - he was in the First batch, SIXTH from the left on the second row; if you check the large photo you will see that the Europeon face just slightly below the first picture of him in Jungle Green- that is 2/Lt. Swartz - the NS Officer on the first row below him.l

I have no idea what or where the second batch were posted to.
Apai Tuai George.



Indu Sarawak Madgdelene,
In preparing for your intended visit next month I opened the back of the photograph off my den wall and to my surprise on the reverse of it I found some details inscribed thereon which will provide you will some more of the information re the people on the front of it.

"Segenting Camp, Picture taken on my taking over the 1st Platoon of The Sarawak Rangers.
Names FROM Right to left etc.Cpl Adrian,Cpl Recardon (Malay Regiment.He served with British Army and also The Australians in Singapore & Papua New Guinea), Civilian Liason Officer (Malay Police) Ramyshan, W.O.2 (CSM) Bill Walker, The Royal West Kent's Regiment, Lt.Col. (Dicky) Baird (Appointed by General Templar Then High Commissioner for Federated Malay States) following the Asasination of H.C. Gurney), 2/Lt. Swarz (Intelligence Officer for Manchester Regiment, Tapah, Negri Kedah), C.L.O (like previous)Samaryhnan (?), Sgt. Swetman (yours truly LoL), Cpl. Genko. Cpl. Changhai (the photo at the presentation Page 98 on Jungle Bashers for the award of The Commander in Chief's Certificate for Bravery). Third Row, 6th from the Right L/Cpl Nyanau.

So you have a little bit more of 'the Grist from the Mill' as we used to say.
And another saying I learnt from my one of our old friend's Denny Fuchs from Australian used  to say - "And that's ALL  for now from UP. AP. IN. Irish and Syrup."

Apai Tuai George.


Thank you!!!
Exciting days ahead dear Apai Tuai George :-)
I'm yet to receive your personal accounts with regards to your days with them. I am not in any hurry as long as you are collating information from your memory be it slowly but surely. I'm quite content to wait until I see you
I'm eagerly counting down the days and I think you believe me.

Oh all this unexpected developments! Back to my "messies" (what I call my manuscript).

indu Sarawak Magdelene

Robert Bonner

Magdalena and George.

I really feel that it's time for me to jump in on this absolutely fascinating conversation between the two of you and say how interesting it is for members of the Forum to learn about this area of relatively recent Manchester Regiment history.  I'm delighted that George, my old comrade & friend, is able to remember so much detail from what were interesting and very exciting days.

Magdalene, you've opened up a very important sector of both Malaysian and British history. There are still a few of us ancient veterans around who remember our Iban trackers with great affection.  Very best wishes in your continued research.


Hello Robert,

I'm honoured to note that this topic of my research is worthy of dear Apai Tuai George's attention and of your "jumping" in as you put it :-)
It is really nice to know that it also serves a purpose beyond my own selfish benefit. Regrettably I sometimes do get a pang of guilt in that I am dragging dear Apai Tuai George and some of the readers through this entire drama once more after "Borneo Headhunters". I do read and reread "Borneo Headhunters" and rake as much up as I can to minimise repeating queries.

Interesting part of both our countries' history indeed it is! You see nothing makes a better read than a bit of controversy, mmm hmm :-). And that it lacks not in this particular subject matter. The Iban Trackers and Sarawak Rangers were pivotal in the claiming back of Malaya from the Chin Peng guerrillas. But they do not even get a mention in our history books in general. Take me for instance. i stumbled across Iban Tracker Awang ak Raweng GC on a bored afternoon's browse through Facebook. A year on here I am. Lest we forget...

On quite a different note, I pick up on your comment that "there are still,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Iban Trackers with great affection". So far I've only known of dear Apai Tuai George, and as you know he is imparting invaluable knowledge and information. The fact that he received the 1st Platoon of Sarawak Rangers just blows my mind away. How could I be as lucky as me!? Having said this I am still dying to hear from different individuals regarding their experiences. Record them and include them in this book. I am guessing that you are one of them these individuals apart from Apai Tuai George since you used "us ancient ............." There must be someone out there who were with these Trackers or Sarawak Rangers in combat. Seen them in action. Witnessed their acts of valour.
But how would I go about tapping into the memory banks of other "ancient veterans"? I don't know who they are. I'm relying on them coming forward to share otherwise i have absolutely no idea who they might be. Please do you have any suggestions for me with regards to finding out who these other veterans might be?

Thank you.

indu Sarawak Magdelene



This youngster would just like to say that I think Roberts comments go for all who read about the Iban Trackers.
I was there with my parents and whilst only 11, 12 and 13 at the time I was aware of the situation and the roll of the Iban Tracker. My father had served in the 1st Battalion The Manchester Regiment however he transferred to the Royal Army Pay Corps before going to Malaya with the Regiment. Unfortunately my father is no longer alive so I am unable to find out if he was involved with paying any of the Ibans.
My family lived in Penang where the university is now and I went to Slim School in the Cameron Highlands, an Army Boarding School at the time. The children travelled from various parts of Malaya to Ipoh by road or train then were taken to the school in an armoured convoy.  When the school closed it became a Malaysian Army commando camp.
This is the Slim School web site:
Cliff P Son of 3525679 Sgt Arthur Phillips 1st Bn Manchester Regiment and RAPC


I had intended to phone you this evening with the intention of suggesting that she might well be interested if you described to her your impressions of the journey  from Ipoh up the Black road from Ipoh to The Slim School up  along the Cameron Highlands - just an idea from the point of a young boy with your father serving with the Manchester Regt.
Take care.



Robert is very modest.

He was indeed in Malaya at that time and is the author of "Jungle Bashers" the story of the Manchester Regiment in Malaya.

He may be able to put you in touch with the Malayans Veteran Assosciation whose members will no doubt be able to help you.




I thank you for your message re Indu Sarawak Magdelene and myself and especially her comment " us ancient.... etc. " - I intend to give Crispin Worthington a phone call  this evening  to see if he knows anything in respect of The Forum then if not suggest to him that he consider joining it as the Platoon Commander of 4 Platoon B Company at Kroh, Perak and descibe some of his own and their impressions of the Ibans he and the platoon worked with and also some of the patrols you and them then underwent.
Apai Tuai George  ;D ;D ;D

PS Thanks Sphinx apparently great minds think alike  ;D ;D


Hi George,I have been following the many posts by yourself and the young lady researching the Ibans and Sarawak Rangers,If I remember correctly one of the Iban trackers was named Bhujang thats what we called him and the name he responded to,Bhujang and another Iban were often attached to the mortar platoon when they operated as infantry men,Bhujang was a great character and his culinary skills with a compo pack was unbelievable,the other Iban we called smokey he smoked the foulest hand rolled cigarette ever.Happy days,nice to see Bob and Rafboy following your conversations,Keep Well,Fondest to Alice.


Quote from: george.theshed197 on September 19, 2016, 06:21:25 PM
I had intended to phone you this evening with the intention of suggesting that she might well be interested if you described to her your impressions of the journey  from Ipoh up the Black road from Ipoh to The Slim School up  along the Cameron Highlands - just an idea from the point of a young boy with your father serving with the Manchester Regt.
Take care.
George, I am loving following this topic and wish I could contribute a lot more. I don't think my memory is half as good as yours these days. As a young lad life was very much an adventure, yes we were aware of the risks from the CT's but did not feel threatened. When home in Penang during the school holidays it was very carefree, I can remember spending lots of weekends visiting the leave centre at Sandycroft or chasing the girls around the pool at Minden Barracks. The only times the situation was brought home to me were when my parents discussed tragic occurrences or when travelling in those horrible confined "coffins" to and from school. Day time at school was very relaxed with no obvious signs of any guards, at weekends we could get out of the school in small groups without escorts.  There were armed guards on the school at night, I would occasionally sneak down to their rest area to share a bottle of Anchor. There was only one time that I became aware of there having been a confrontation with CT's, at the end of each term the school held "Wide Games" when half the school were taken out and had to try to get back in to steal a flag or marker whilst the other half had to defend the school. I was on the defensive side but was taken to the Army camp that overlooked the golf course to watch for anyone approaching the school.  I was lent binoculars and fed with crisps and lemonade from the mess there.  I spotted what at first I thought were a small group of pupils coming out of the jungle on the far side of the golf course then it became clear that they were soldiers carrying a body on a pole between two of them, later I learnt that it was a dead CT.       
Cliff P Son of 3525679 Sgt Arthur Phillips 1st Bn Manchester Regiment and RAPC