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Iban Trackers & Sarawak Rangers --- The Memoir

Started by autgoc, September 09, 2016, 10:16:17 PM

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My dearest Apai Tuai George et All,

I once made a promise to a Malayan Emergency Veteran I would try my level best to get their story published in a UK tabloid.
In for a penny in for a pound? Well, below is a letter I had written and sent off to the Editor of The Daily Telegraph.
Fingers crossed it hits some sort of nerves with them and see the light of day in the letters column.
One wonders the criteria letters must meet to get published!
Lest We Forget
My husband and I recently took our 9-year-old daughter on a dedicated educational trip to the IWM North, Manchester. We did so whilst we holidayed in Lancashire visiting my father-in-law who is in his 100th year. What an impressive building the IWM North is too. But I was most disappointed with what greeted me at The Empire and Commonwealth section. The Asia region was most shocking.
When I read where it said, “Rubber from Malaya (Malaysia) was used to make tyres and dinghies,” I could not help but wonder why there was not more information. My thoughts went directly to post WWII National Service young lads sent to the depths of hostile tropical rainforests to fight Communist Terrorists (CTs) who terrorised and murdered British rubber planters alongside innocent local civilians (Malayan Emergency 1948 â€" 1960); the same again in the fatal freezing conditions of the Korean War (1950 â€" 1953) to name just a few. Thinking of all these precious young lives lost in Asian countries (a few too many lying in unmarked graves on foreign soil) during numerous bitter struggles against the communists just left a sour taste in my mouth. I walked away more than a little emotional. The entire experience left me somewhat frayed. One got the distinct impression that only India mattered.

-- Magdelene De Rozario


As one of the 1st Bn of The Manchester Regiment who served  in that conflict during what was referred to as The Malayan Emergency during which some 16 members of the Bn. died, their names are recorded in one of the Shrines.
A visit to the Regimental Chapel in Manchester Cathedral is recommended.

George .

I commend Magdelene  for her letter


Dear Apai Tuai George,

I do as my heart bids.
I'm glad to see you here.
Much love & affection as always to Alice & yourself.

Indu Sarawak Magdelene xoxo


Gurrently im awaiting  replacement for new hearing aids - possibly about a further week or so !!

I understand that you are/were having health problems and possibly transport similarly .

At least SUN has come out down here, have had a run out with Alice morning otherwise -NTR

Take care

Apai tuai George.


Dear Apai Tuai George,

I am going back to Kuching next Sunday 11th Feb. for Chinese New Year Family Reunion Dinner. But knowing me I will be mixing it with work. I have somewhere in my photo file a photograph of the late Cpl Adrian's headstone in the Heroes Cemetery in Kuching. This was taken last April when I was back there for the Anniversary Dinner. I will post the photo on here at some point, please bear with me.

I hope all is well.
Much love and affection always to you both...

Indu Sarawak Magdelene


Indu Sarawak Magdelene,
Did you ever receive a copy of the New One done from Bob from the Regimental Chapel from Manchester Cathedral ? - that would be a great one to include in The Heroes Cemetery in Kuching.

Enjoy your trip and give them my best wishes .

Apai Tuai George.


Dear Apai Tuai George (nice to see that you still use this name!)

I know this will come as a surprise to you. I have lost touch with you for some years now. The Sarawak Rangers Veterans Association which I formed sometime in 2011/12 has been deregistered due to some problem. The new SRVA formed is not related to me.

How are you keeping? The last time we were in touch you had some health problem and had difficulty using the computers.

I also noticed that Magdelene de Rozario is also on my pet subject - the Iban Trackers and Sarawak Rangers. The book I am writing, hopefully will be launched in July this year. Remember you gave me the Iban door sign to your office in Kroh and you also gave me the explaination/write up on the door sign? I cannot find the 2nd page of that write up. I would like to include that in my book as well.

Well Apai Tuai George, so far for now.

Lt Col Robert Rizal Abdullah
(Did I call myself as "Apai Robert Rizal?)


Dear Apai Tuai George,

I am wondering whether I ever update you on my project of bringing the remains of the 21 Iban Trackers and Sarawak Rangers KIA in Malaya back to Kuching? Op Mai Pulai was finally honoured on 27 July 2011 - 3 years after I had started it.

Apai Rizal