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Oldham's Battalions

Started by Robert Bonner, November 06, 2009, 05:02:35 PM

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Robert Bonner

I have just received an early copy of a splendid CD -Oldham's Battalions 1899 - 1938 It has been produced by the Oldham branch of the Manchester & Lancashire Family History Society who have scanned three rare out of print books:
Amateur Soldiers; The Oldham Battalion of Comrades; Cotton Town Comrades.

In addition they have added a great deal of additional material relating to the 10th and 24th Battalions which they have obtained from newspapers and medal catalogues etc.

A very big Well Done to all concerned.

Details and cost obtainable from the MLFHS website


Hi Robert

Thanks for posting. Can't find it on their web site as yet.



"It may be that your sole purpose in life is simply
  to serve as a warning to others."


Quote from: timberman on November 06, 2009, 06:36:49 PM
Hi Robert
Thanks for posting. Can't find it on their web site as yet.

Quote1666 Oldham's Battalions 1899-1938 - £5.00 (£4.35 ex-VAT), 100gm
The Oldham Branch of MLFHS have scanned three rare out-of-print books, which detail the members and activities of the Oldham Battalions of the Manchester Regiment between 1899 and 1938. The books are: - Amateur Soldiers by K.W. Mitchinson - The Oldham Battalion of Comrades by H.Wilde - Cotton Town Comrades by K.W.Mitchinson & I. McInnes To these they have added further sightings of medals in auctions, in collections or still with descendants, as well as extracts from newly discovered references and articles. MLFHS have also extracted, from their WW1 Index of the Saturday Edition of the Oldham Chronicle 1914-1919 (available on a separate CDROM) references to men of the 10th and 24th Manchester Regiment. The book , The Oldham Battalion of Comrades, now has an index of group photographs plates, and the Rolls of Honour, therefore making it easier to find a person's place of work or their picture. This CDROM is a must for anyone interested in the story, or the men, of Oldham's own Manchester Battalions. The data is presented as an Adobe Acrobat file. Self-extracting copies of Acrobat Reader 5.0 (for Windows 98) and Acrobat 9.0 (for Windows XP/Vista) are included on the CD and can be installed, if required, once the program has been installed.

Is this it? It is on the Book shop page.
Migky  ;)


Thanks Migky

Found it ;D



Yea Thanks Migky.

now where's my Christmas wish list ;)

Trevor ;D


Do you think it will help people trying to locate service records/pension records?
If so i might dig in me pocket for it ( or like you said pop it on me crimbo wanted list)
Migky  ;)


Hi Migky

Can't wait for christmas or my birthday (a few days before Christmas ;D)

I rang and ordered it today with a few extra :)

1667 Oldham Chronicle, Saturday Edition – WW1 Index of Service Personnel 1914-1919 - £5.00 (£4.35 ex-VAT), 100gm
From the Oldham Branch of M&LFHS, this CD contains three closely related but distinct items: - An index to all service personnel who were mentioned in the Saturday editions of the Oldham Chronicle from August 1914 to the end of November 1919. - A transcription of listings of Oldham recruits in a scrapbook of newspaper cuttings held at Oldham Local Studies and Archives. - A scanned and indexed set of the 14 supplements issued between January 9th 1915 and December 23rd 1916 by the Oldham Chronicle under the title Our Local Heroes. The supplements contain photos of, and information about, 927 servicemen. Altogether there are 28,766 entries containing a variety of information – a most useful resource for anyone researching WW1 service personnel from the Oldham area. Our thanks to the Oldham Local Studies and Archives for their assistance and also to the Oldham Chronicle for their kind permission to allow us to produce this CDROM. The data on the CD is presented as an Adobe Acrobat file. Self-extracting copies of Acrobat Reader 5.0 (for Windows 98) and Acrobat 9.0 (for Windows XP/Vista) are included on the CD and can be installed, if required, once the program has been started.

And this to see if I can find my GGGranddad

1611 Policemen in Manchester - £5.00 (£4.35 ex-VAT), 90gm
An index to the service records of Manchester police officers appointed from 1858 to 1918. Provides details of name, age, birthplace, previous occupation, religion & marital status, as well as date of appointment, for some 8,500 officers.

Thanks again for pointing me in the right direction

Neil :)

liverpool annie

Oh my ... I just saw this about the policemen ..... !!

Did you get it Neil ??

Annie  :)


Hi Annie

All three discs arrived today.
Not had time to really look at them yet.
But have found my GGranddad ;D



ime not waiting till xmas or my birthday,cos the way ime winding up the missus,ime unlikely to reach either ;D ;D ;D

mack ;D


1666 Oldham's Battalions 1899-1938 - £5.00 Worth every penny ;D



The CD's sound very interesting.  Do any of them include information regarding the St. John Ambulance, (Oldham Corps) volunteers who went to the Boer War?

I am particularly interested in the articles from the local papers. I have been in touch with the Local Studdies Library, who were very helpful, but do not have the time to search for articles that would be of any help, and being in Tasmania I can't do it myself.

WANTED: Any information or photographs of members of the Oldham Corps, SJAB Boer War.