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Edward William Riley 1/5 manchesters 201818

Started by Alan Riley, July 06, 2016, 09:44:52 PM

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Alan Riley

  This is my great uncle, who died on the 12th June 1918. Family memory say he was blown to pieces and consequently no grave exists. I am trying to find out more of his military service can anyone help?

He was a boy soldier who was sent home from Egypt after his mother informed the war office. He was firstly in the loyal north lancs regiment with 21619 as his number.

He was only 19 when he died and was a corporal.

I am going to write a short history of this family member.

Alan Riley



He is named on the Poziere Memorial (panel 64-67). As far as being "blown to bits" is concerned, he could have been killed by any number of causes and then subsequently buried and lost by further artillery action. He also had another Mcrs service number of 47814 though I can't spot a surviving service record using any of the 3 options.
If was sent home from Egypt as underage I wonder if he was there as a territorial sent to cover for regulars who where required on the western front. You could also check local newspapers that may feature him.

Good luck with your search


Alan Riley

Thank you for your reply, as far as I know he was in the Accy pals when in Egypt, was brought home. Then seemingly joined the manchesters with 2 numbers.

The service record does not exist,hmmm, sad but I realise a lot was burned during WW2, to your knowledge is there a generic history of the 1/5 battalion of the manchesters, that would place his battalion at various points during the conflict? Ie which battles he was involved in?

Best regards


On his BWM & VM medal roll it says he was with the  3rd Bn L.N.L Regt 21619, then the 3/5th Bn Manch Regt 4784, 1/5th Bn Manch Regt 201818.


as he was in a pals regiment ?   one of his mates could  of came home and told the family this information???


Alan i hope you dont mind .i have series of photos for you we visited him today. Well his name anyway

Regards mike and karen

Ps we put your name in the book to :-)

Alan Riley

Thanks for all your info, bits keep being filled in a little at a time.

Thanks mancsmike  for putting my name in the book, one day I will go myself, I have seen His name on the local memorial, and I have visited various houses he and his family lived in.

Family history says his father was an alcoholic iron bedstead salesman who was quite successful but drunk all the money away, and consequently they kept doing moonlight flits and moving elsewhere.

The addresses are in Manchester (Trafford area) liverpool (Toxteth) and three addresses in Accrington
Devonshire st
Queens terrace
And Hudson st.

My  grandad was raised at Hudson st as he was the youngest. He always said we moved 11 times in 3 years!

Just for more historic info Edwards younger brother Arthur Riley was a black shirt in the 30s and spent the Second World War incarcerated at York race course with Lord haw haws brother.

My grandfather served in the Lancashire fusiliers in ww2.

Family history over.

Thanks again


sent you a few emails bud , pictures were at googles limit so sent them in batches

regards mike



loads more ,seems problem with server somewhere

regards mike and karen

Alan Riley

Thanks again Mike.

I love your quote by the way!

they say you die twice

" One time when you stop breathing and a second time, a bit later on, when somebody says your name for the last time.”.

Thanks for all the piccies it fires up my need to do more research.


Alan Riley

I managed to find a photo of my great uncle, he is the one sat on a chair on the left. I cannot make out his capbadge.

He was in the accy pals then the Manchesters. Can Any  of you can experts shed any light on this, he seems to be in desert gear, but the photo looks like the uk to me.

Any views?



Its a Manchester Regiment cap badge.
The chap on the right is ASC.



The photo was probably taken in a Studio in Egypt.
