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Char Whallah

Started by artyhughes, October 23, 2017, 02:50:17 PM

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I was conversing with a Malay Vet from the RA,it was mentioned about Char Whallahs,During the time of the Manchester Regiments time in Malaya,the contractor who was responsible for the Char Whallahs,and Dhobi, was I believe called Khadar Bux,char whallahs where located at each company location and provided an excellent service in the provision of tea and most famously of all egg banjo's,far superior to NAAFI.


I believe that Khadah Bux took control of their " EMPIRE" of Char Wallahs  from about 1940's; my father-in-law who served from about the period from the B.E.F with the Royal Tank's from just before Dunkirk then moved across to Egypt to stem the German advancing beyond El Alemain where/when Monty took over talked about the Charwall's and their "Egg Banjo's" right through North Africa. I myself first met up with K.B . when we moved into the hole called Quassassin just prior to our move into Palestine,Camp Julis between GAZA and Sarafand, amd yet again in British Somalia/and Italian Somalia.
They certainly got around long before Malaya..