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Find My Past WW1 PoW records

Started by themonsstar, April 24, 2015, 10:53:03 AM

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Find my past have just put a lot more WW1 PoW research on there site.

By viewing the original document you can reveal even more about your ancestor. The image will also help you to put the information into a wider context and understand why your ancestor's name was recorded. Because of the diversity of the documents you may find more than one record for an ancestor

Use the arrows to the right and the left of the screen so you can browse through the rest of the document to discover more. There are several different types of records included in this set. A portion was created by the British war office and others are from foreign offices including Germany. Within the German records you will find parts written in German -  Below is a list of the different records and some of the information you may find in each.

ADM 1/8418/90
Lists of casualties and prisoners of war from the loss of submarine E.15 in the Dardanelles, April 1915

Details of wounds incurred during capture

List of missing

List of crews includes unit, rank or rating, father's name, birth place, age, place of capture, present residence and date and method of arrival

Turkish lists of prisoners of war at a hospital in Constantinople to be interned at Angora and condition at time of capture

Turkish list of British POWs held in September 1915

AIR 1/892/204/5/697
List of British POWs in Turkey (February)

POWs in Turkey 1914-1918

Includes names of civilians and details about their families

CO 693/5
Merchant seamen and fishermen detained as POWs in Germany, Austria-Hungary and Turkey, July, 1917

List of ships, ship owners and crew members detained

CO 693/9
Merchant seamen and fishermen detained as POWs in Germany, Austria-Hungary and Turkey, December, 1917

List of ships, ship owners and crew members detained

FO 383/9
List of Officers and men held in Bulgaria, December 1915

Majority listed were part of Royal Dublin Fusiliers – 102nd & 103rd Foot

FO 383/22
Name only list of incapacitated POWs to be exchanged.

Names of bureau officials, embassy employees, consuls, clerks etc.

Exchange of German and British diplomatic and consular officers

FO 383/65
Merchant seamen and fishermen detained as POWs in Germany, Austria-Hungary and Turkey, 1915

Merchant navy and seamen detained as POWs in Germany, Austria-Hungary and Turkey

Lists of crews of vessels

Names of the owners of the ships

Place of internment (usually a list a places on the first page)

FO 383/109
List of Naval Officers interned in Germany

List of those the Yugoslav Committee would like released from British Camps

Request from the Yugoslav committee to have their soldiers separated from German soldiers.

Includes the names of German and Austrian missionaries who were requested to be transferred to India.

FO 383/127
POWs in Bulgaria, July 1916

Name, rank, regiment

List of British wounded in Bulgarian hospital

FO 383/176
List of British POWs interned in German East Africa, January 1916

Includes missionaries and nursing staff, prospectors, teachers, friars and priests

Prisoners of war and other British subjects interned in German East Africa

FO 383/183
Royal and Merchant Navy officers taken to Germany by SS Moewe, 1916

Includes names from the Clan Mactavish and other seamen

FO 383/238
List of casualties and survivors of HMS Tara held in Tripoli by Turkish Government, November 1915

Names and deck department (First Mate, Deck boy, Wireless operator, etc.)

List of survivors of the British SS Coquet interned at Gedabia

FO 383/252
List of incapacitated British POWs held in Bulgaria, August 1917

Name, rank, length of time in hospital, infliction and whether they received parcels or letters

Correspondence through the American Embassy regarding British prisoners

Reports about the camps in Bulgaria from British soldiers

FO 383/265
British POWs in Lazarets (or sometimes written Lazaretto) refers to a hospital, 1917

British POWs in German hospitals

Description of wounds and notes of packages or letters received

Includes diet sheets describing what the prisoners ate – coffee with milk, noodle soup, turnips, ham, bean soup, etc.

FO 383/273
Lists of POWs in hospitals at Reserves Lazaret Ingoldstadt, Heilsberg Lazaret, Preussisch-Holland, Merzdorf and Lechfeld, 1917

Some lists would include notes about the conditions of the prisoners and how they were wounded

Inspection notes – physical descriptions of the buildings, equipment and condition of the prisoners.

British servicemen imprisoned for mutiny

FO 383/307
Naval POWs in Germany, 1917

Interned German civilians considered for move to Holland

FO 383/333
List of New Zealand prisoners of war in Turkey, 1917

Reports from the camps

Correspondence related to the exchange of British and Turkish prisoners

FO 383/336
POWs in Turkey, 1917

Death date of prisoners who have died in camps in Turkey

Cause of death

Burial place

Communications from Constantinople

FO 383/352
List of incapacitated British POWs held in Bulgaria

Lists of seamen and fishermen detained as prisoners of war in Germany, India and Austria-Hungary

Name, age, occupations and residence

FO 383/353
East Kent Regiment interned in Germany, 1917

Name, rank, residence, place and date of capture and age

FO 383/419
POWs in Termonde, Belgium, Aug 1918

Military courts

War office telegrams

FO 383/456
POWs in Turkey, 1918

Telegrams about the release of civilians

British prisoner of war deaths in Turkey, including name, rank, date of death and cause