Snippets of the Manchester Regiment > Museum of The Manchester Regiment Newsletter
Temporary Closure of Museum
Robert Bonner:
A large amount of re-development is taking place in Tameside, part of which temporarily affects the Museum of the Manchester Regiment. New Council Offices are being built on what was the public car park and the existing Council Offices, circa 1950s, are to be demolished. The building to be demolished has a number of access points into the Town Hall, where the collection is located, all of which have to be permanently sealed.
During this disruption there will be no public access into the Town Hall and the Museum will have to be closed until the work is completed. This means that the Museum will close on 23rd May and is likely to remain closed until February 2016. Garry Smith, the Curator, will be available on his email or telephone 0161 343 2878.
This will be of great disappointment to our many visitors but the archive collection, housed in the nearby Local Studies Library will continue to be available for research purposes.
Robert Bonner:
This is just to remind members of the Forum that, although the museum is closed for external building work until next year, there are a number of activities in place and much interesting information is available on the museum website:
For those who have not yet had the opportunity of visiting the museum there is a short Virtual Tour video and the excellent book shop where a range of Manchester Regiment histories are available to be bought on line and delivered by post.
Activities include:
1. Regimental Life of the Month:
2. Meet Tommy Atkins � WWI Soldier: This popular series for the young has been extremely popular during the school holidays. The next session will be on Wednesday 28 October at Portland Basin Museum.
3. Men Behind the Medals:
4. Loan Boxes:
5. Wednesday 11 November - Tameside History Club - Graham Braithwaite from the Ashton Armoury will explain the history of this iconic building. - 2pm @ Local Studies and Archives Centre, Old Street, Ashton under Lyne OL6 7SG
... and of course the regimental archives are always available for research purposes, subject to the opening hours of the Archive Centre, a few minutes walk from the museum: (0161 342 4242)
Robert Bonner:
Unfortunately the situation has changed somewhat. The demolition of the adjacent Tameside Administrative Centre has adversely impacted on one of the Town Hall elevations which needs to be fully stabilised and remediated before the building can be reoccupied. This structural issue does not impact upon the security or integrity of the museum galleries or the collection itself but it means that the repair to the elevation is not likely to be completed until later this year.
Plans for the redevelopment of the new civic building and co-located college (replacement for the Tameside Administrative Centre - Vision 2) are nearing completion. It is likely that the associated public realm works and construction compound for the new building will impact significantly upon the access route into the Town Hall.
We must all be patient!
Robert Bonner:
Work on the surroundings to the Town Hall/Museum is still in progress. Sadly no date yet for the re-opening of the Museum.
Robert is there any news on the re-opening of the museum. I have looked on the website which says it is still closed.
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