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Congleton War Memorial

Started by Sniper0745, February 08, 2015, 01:38:01 PM

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Hi All,

My name is Mike and i am researching the men and women on the Congleton War Memorial. Interestingly, Cheshire East Council decided before the memorial was built that only 250 men from Congleton would be listed on the memorial from WW1 and they missed out over 200 men's names from the memorial. It was a case of first come first served. Some of these missing are Manchester Regiment lads. The same happened for the casualties of WW2. So far i have around 50+ from WW2 not listed on the memorial.

Someone has already done a book on the men from WW1 that are listed on the memorial but failed to do the ones that are not on there. I am doing the guys not listed from WW1 and all those from WW2. I will be putting this into book form and one will be given to the town library so that the town have no excuse to forget these brave men and women from their town that made the ultimate sacrifice. All proceeds from both books will be going to forces charities, so this is a labour of love for me.

I do need help with some of the casualties and will be posting questions in the correct thread areas. Any help will be really appreciated and information given will be credited in the books to whoever gave it to me.

Kind regards



Hi Mike

Welcome to the site & I hope we can help with your research.


Hi Mike and a Warm Welcome to our forum  :)

Look forward to assisting where we can!

"Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it!  No matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and with your own common sense" ~ Buddha


Please help away. First post on the 1939-1945 thread area. Thank you very much for the welcome.



good on ya mike.
we will help the best we can

mack ;D


Hi Mike

Welcome to the forum.



Thanks Mack and Timberman for your warm welcome, i know i will have many happy hours on here with you all.
