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First Lieutenant Horace William Haigh Potter 153358

Started by Hellsbells1978, January 27, 2015, 03:55:30 PM

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Hi everyone! Yesterday my Aunty showed me a framed portrait of a soldier. She told me she had found it in the attic of a house one of her sisters was moving into. Her sister was going to throw away the picture, but my Aunty wanted to keep it.

The Portrait is of First Lieutenant Horace William Haigh Potter 153358. Written on the back is his name and the date of his death. The picture was presented to his family as a gift and signed by those in his regiment.

I did a bit of googling and have found out so far that He was in the Manchester regiment and was killed 7th August 1941, Age 26. He was born in Lancashire , the son of Horace William Potter and Elsie Constance (Nee Limb). He was the husband of Margaret Joan Potter (Nee Meeke) they married in 1937 and he was from Mirfield, Yorkshire. And he was laid to rest in St Johns Crematorium, Woking, Surrey.

Possible brother of Private Reg Anthony Haigh Potter 5829463, who died June 6th 1943, who died as a Prisoner of War on the Burma Railway 6th June 1943, Age 26.

We would really love to be able to reunite this lovely portrait with a member of Horace's family, and I was hoping that maybe someone here might be able to help me.

Many Thanks



Hi Helen

NAME:   Horace Potter
RANK:   Second Lieutenant
DEATH DATE:   7 Aug 1941
NUMBER:   153358
BIRTH PLACE:   Lancashire
RESIDENCE:   Manchester
REGIMENT AT ENLISTMENT:   Manchester Regiment RA
THEATRE OF WAR:   United Kingdom
REGIMENT AT DEATH:   Manchester Regiment RA



roy,anthony haigh potter was his brother,his other brother was signaller 2333592 neil,jeffrey,haigh potter royal signals,who was also a POW in WW2,in Nagoya POW camp 4B.

the last address for their mother elsie was 10A athenaeum st,the hoe,plymouth,she died there on 21st june 1960.

in the earl 1960s neil was living at 45 Arthur court,queensway,london

their father was sgt/major 277049 Horace,william potter,7th Manchester regiment,later commissioned as a 2/Lt on 11th January 1921
he died at the royal infirmary private patients home,manchester on 26-9-1942
the family were living at 8 didsbury court,wilmslow rd,didsbury at the time

their father was a journalist and so was neil,i think roy+horace may also have been journalists,i cant find any children to any of these brothers.

mack ;D


try this site.alphabetical journalist index,there are biographies for Horace and his father Horace snr,they may be able to help you track the family down.

mack ;D


both brothers are named on the war memorial in llansannan village.

mack ;D


Thanks so much for helping. Unfortunately that biography only tells us what we already know, a bit more about the father though, apparently he had a step daughter too. I have emailed them to see if they can be of any help. The father did at one point work for the daily mail, so I am going to email them and see if they can help...worth a try.

Quick question from a dumbo, but why are they named on the memorial in llansannan and not one where they lived?


Quote from: Hellsbells1978 on January 28, 2015, 10:02:25 AM
Thanks so much for helping. Unfortunately that biography only tells us what we already know, a bit more about the father though, apparently he had a step daughter too. I have emailed them to see if they can be of any help. The father did at one point work for the daily mail, so I am going to email them and see if they can help...worth a try.

Quick question from a dumbo, but why are they named on the memorial in llansannan and not one where they lived?
a relative could have added them Helen,i wonder if it was their step sister.

just being nosey,which town was the photo found.

mack ;D



their mother elsie had been married before,her first husband was Arthur booth,they lived at 55 Riccardo st,dresden,longton,[1911]she had a daughter Freda to him,she married Horace in 1913 in Manchester.

mack ;D



It's been several weeks since I last posted on here and the reason is because I was able to track down Horace's nephew, who is his only living relative. And today I had the lovely pleasure of meeting Horace's nephew and wife and reunited the portrait back with his family. We had a wonderful time and learnt so much about an amazing family. Thank you so much for the help in this journey. I have a photo of the portrait for you to see!!!


Hi Helen, Wonderful News! Persistence pays off  ;D

Well done you!
"Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it!  No matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and with your own common sense" ~ Buddha