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Private Thomas Fairbrother - 4612616 - The Taking of Bremen

Started by Fairbrother, December 04, 2014, 09:27:12 AM

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Robert Bonner

Many thanks for sharing your album with us. A unique set of photos of the 7th Bn - all of great interest.  Do let us see the other bridge ones.
Best wishes.


Hi Sally

Its always good to put names to faces thank you for posting them.


PS I will pm you about the WDs (7th Bn)


Apologies that i've missed the most recent updates to this post!
I love the photos and to think my Great Granddad may have known a few of these men is humbling.

I would just love to catch a glimpse of him in that sort of settings and the more photos the merrier.

I went to the National Archive and was very interested in his movements in his final month before he was killed.
Here is what I managed to transcribe. I have a photo of every page that I transcribed.

1st April:
B Company grounded on the banks of the Rhine. Difficulties encountered as no transport or accommodation.
Set up a tented camp.

2nd April:
Battalion remain on Rhine. Engaging enemy that try to cross. 8,000 rounds expended. Later find 2 'Spandaus' unconscious and many dead Germans as a result.

3rd April:

4th April:
B company joins up to C company for operations.
C coy, 2 casualties from shell fire. Pte Holgate killed, Levy Injured.
C company move forward. Movement restricted by sniper fire.

5th April:
C coy successfully break up counter attach with machine gun fire. Many Germans killed.

6th April:
7 Platoon B company move across Rhine as defence platoon for 52nd Lowland Division.

7th April:
Major Thornton, OC for B company hospitalised. Command devolved to Capt M Curtin.

Football match: HQ coy vs B coy produced a well contested game with a 1-1 result.

Permission to join Division at Vilsen as transport now available.

Advanced party of B coy, under Capt. Hilliard proceed to Vilsen area.

Football match at HQ 7th Manch vs B Echelon 7/9. Result 2-0.

B company and A company (mor) move forward as far as staging camp at Unzen.

B coy (less 7 platoon at Div HQ. Move to gutted camp Vilsen to conc future operations.
B company complete move to Thedinghausen under command "PATFORCE", a composite force command by OC 54 A Tk Regiment.
With the task of holding the West Bank of River Weser to the south of Bremen during the attack on Bremen.

D company move to Hillern.

C company stationed at Dauelsen will be assisting in attack of Bremen.

C company move up to Langwedel.

Capt. Hilliard requests more staff from HQ, to help with admin of B Echs.

Capt. Curtain given command of B company and Thedinghausen. Village is searched for arms and ammunition. Persons for military age questioned.

D company move with 155 bde to Verden and come under the command of 52nd Lowland Division, to assist in the attack on Bremen.

B company 8 platoon area shelled. Several civs (ex SS personnel) taken to Div cage.

C coy and 157 bde in attack on wooded area SE of Bremen. Successful pinned down enemy forces and eventually took 31 PWs.

B company commanded burgomaster of Thedinghausen to issue all civilians to hand in all weapons.

C company shoot on enemy targets in Baden and take 32 PWs.

D company arrive at Etelsen and Fire in indirect lines on Achim.

C company and 156 bde has successful shoot on Borstel. Later captured by 157 brigade troops.

Capt Curtain to conference at PATFORCE HQ and 156 brigade concerning employment of company in future operations. 8 POWs captured after crossing the River Weser from Bierden taken by B company.

D company moved nearer to Bremen in Achim with 155 brigade. Proceeded in attacking SE suburbs of Bremen firing on indirect arcs of some 50,000 rounds of ammunition with good effect observed later. Mahndorf taken with many PW.

B and D coy move forward with 156 brigade and 155 brigade respectively to South part of Bremen.

B company protecting the right flank of 156 brigade against enemy infiltration from the N or NE of Bremen across railway line.

2 battle casualties in B company. Sjt Jardine and Pte Fairbrother.


I have also got these movements detailed on a map of my interpretation of the war diary.
Although, I believe the last 2 images may not be deep enough in to Bremen, as it fell the next morning at 10am. But I was just going off the description of the railway lines, which are detailed also in old maps of Bremen.