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WW.2 war Diary,7th Battalion,The Manchester Regiment

Started by spitfire1940, December 02, 2010, 08:56:17 PM

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Can someone tell me if there excists a WW.2 War Diary for the 7th Battalion,The Manchester Regiment.
I'm searching for copies from the period January 18th,1945 till January 23rd,1945.
Can someone,please advise me or help me to obtain these copies.
I will pay for any costs.


hi spitfire1940,  capt robert bonner will  know more about the war diary ,this was posted by him on the main site,

7th Battalion The Manchester Regiment (TA)
As per the newly formed 6th Battalion . A duplicate battalion had been raised by the 8th
(Ardwick) Battalion which on 31 July 1939 became the 7th Battalion. Mobilised in 1939 as
part of 127 (Manchester) Brigade of 42nd (East Lancashire) Division.
To coast defence at Lowestoft in 1940, then to Maidenhead and Yorkshire as part of 55th
Division. In late 1942 to Scotland at Dornoch to become a Support Battalion of 52nd
(Lowland) Division. Battalion Headquarters at Orton, between Rothes and Fochabers, and
later at Broughty Ferry. In April 1944 the battalion concentrated at Arbroath as a Support Battalion with one Mortar company and three Vickers Medium Machine Gun companies. 6 August to Chalfont St Giles and Ashbridge then on 2 September to Lincolnshire and Nottinghamshire.
To Belgium in groups between 15 /21 October 1944. First action in the battle for Walcheren
with 'C' Company taking part in a seaborne assault on Flushing on 5 November 1944.
The attack was made in Buffaloes and in support of a company of the 7th/9th Royal Scots
resulting in the surrender of the German garrison of Flushing. Then to s'Hertegensbosch in late November and into Germany and Geilenkirchen on 6/7 December. Following further fighting west of the Rhine the battalion took part in the battle for Wesel, and later the battle around the Dortmund/Ems Canal.
Took part in the capture of Bremen and the surrender of the German army. Two weeks later
to Magdeburg on the Elbe. Mid-June to Belgium and in August to Haltern in the Ruhr.
Later returned to the UK and disbandment.
Further reading:
Mountain and Flood. The History of the 52nd (Lowland) Division 1939 – 1946.
Blake G. Glasgow: Jackson & Co. 1950.

courtesy of Capt. Robert Bonner

hope this helps, tonyrod

Robert Bonner

Unfortunately there is no copy of this  war diary in the regimental archives.  Posibly there is one in the National Archives.  During the dates in question the main object of all units in the division was to capture Bremen - which they did with success.



"Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it!  No matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and with your own common sense" ~ Buddha


Thanks for the reply Wendi,

Great link,I'm already looking into the Archive,will keep you all posted about that. :D


Hello everyone,

I want to inform you all that,I have placed a photo of L/Cpl Ramsden on the website.


18th Jan 1945.
Reveille 04:00 hours to prepare for shoot by mortar and machine gun on targets laid down in 00 number 13 see trace att at appendage "D".

18th Jan 1945
Shoot commenced 06:30 hours and completed according to schedule remaining machine guns are to be fired on targets G1 and G2 from 13:00 hours-15:00 hours by D company.
Infantry later moved into Heilder 7471 & Hongen 7370 with scarcely any opposition.

18th Jan 1945
Skelton "A" echelon under Capt Moir, technical officer moved forward to battalion headquarter area "B" still echelon still located Grizegrubben 6959.

18th Jan 1945
Reported by Company Commander of 6th HLI intended enemy in infiltration to the village of Wehr. Adjutant visits 6th HLI concerning this but no special action considered necessary on account of the age of the captured enemy document indicating possibilities of this attack on own present offensive.

18th Jan 1945
Instructions for "Op bluetit" issue. Battalion only involved if Hongen 7370 not captured by infantry.

18th Jan 1945
10 platoon  "C" company engaged enemy targets in area Havert 7272 & Isenbruch 7073 and 12 platoon expended 100 belts of ammunition, Private Sweeney killed by enemy counter mortar and shellfire.

19th Jan 1945
Op Bluetit cancelled on capture of Hongen by 6th Cams.

19th January 1945
Battalion  on half an hour's notice to move forward from 12:00 hours. Period of notice extended to 2 hours and no indication of move before 10:00 hours 20th January.

19th January
10 and 12 Pls "C" company engaged enemy targets at Havert 7272.

19th January
Battalion "A" echelon completed move forward to Battalion HQ area.

19th January
Battalion now under command 156 Brigade and orders received four phase "Eagle" of Op Blackcock.

19th January
CO called to orders at Divisional headquarters at 2400hrs

20th January
CO calls conference at 02:00 hours for company commanders, technical officer & signals officer. moved to recently captured villages of Shalbruch 7174, Isenbruch 7073 & Havert 7272 to act in role of infantry with high firepower as protection against any attempted enemy counter-attack from North against divisional left flank.

20th January
moves at 05:00 hours D company ( with 6th PL "A" Coy) to Isenbruch 7073, "B" Coy to Havert 7272, battalion HQ takeover from 1GH at Millen 6971, "A" Coy also in Millen.

"C" coy still under command of 157 brigade operating on phase " Eagle" of operation Coy HQ at Ophoven 6867.

20th January
Millen 6971
CO & IO visit coys.

One German corporal surrenders to "B" coy 8 platoon in barn area 734717 and handed over to CMP for transmission to PW Cage.

Companies come under command of brigades to assist infantry attack on Waldfeucht 7775 & Selsten 8173.

Companies come under command as follows:- 7th  Manchester's under command A Coy less 4 Pl, 156 Brigade with under command "B" (less 1 PL) + 6 PL "A" mortar company.
1 MMG Pl & 4 & 5 Pls "A" Coy under 155 Brigade on demand to 156 Brigade.

157 Brigade with under command C Coy +3PL "A" Coy, 5 HLI with under command "D" Coy, but later to under command of recce. "A" Coy HQ move forward to Havert 7272.

Successful more to shoot by 3 PL against strong enemy opposition in the area Havert 7272.

21st January
"B" Coy HQ with 7&8 PLs move forward to Saeffelen 7571, To support 7 Cams ( 156 Brigade group) in attack on Selsten 8173, platoon location and gun lines fixed S of Bocket on rd Bocket-Breberen in square 7873, Major Elfrod OC "B" Coy to control fire with OC 7 Cams, to give cover to infantry closing in on Selsten, under constant shelling and mortar fire, 3 casualties sustained, Pte Ramsden killed, Pte Darlington & Farrow wounded by shrapnel, ? moved forward to consolidate 8 PL North and 7 PL south of the village.
On move Maj Elfords jeep hit a mine type unknown but with terrific blast effect, Cpl Blackshaw and private Hodgkinson removed to see CCS, Major Elford suffering from severe shock and deafness carried on with PLs. Difficulty experienced moving transport across 'People Ditch' defensive system West of Selsten, filled in dunning hours of darkness to facilitate crossing. PLs consolidated in village by 2400 hours. 9PL still in position in Havert 7272.

During night 8 PL completely routed enemy counter-attack - est company strength on Selsten from North East direction. PL area 809741. No 1 section engaged enemy from 01:15 hours approximately 07:00 hours enemy known killed 14. Spandau knocked out 50 yards from gun position and further one unconfirmed for to have been KO'd. Daylight at least 40 enemy dead  est 20 within 50 yards of gun position and further 20 forward of position.During this action Cpl Abrahams recommended for the efficient way in which he carried out his duties.
Number 2 section mortars during the night and platoon HQ shelled with loss of several jeeps but with no casualties to personnel.

"C" Coy F echelon moved forward to Tac HQ 157 Brigade at Saeffelen 7571. And platoon's move forward 10 platoon in support of 1GH, 12 platoon and 3 platoon mortar in support of 6 HLI.

14:00 hours Major Mortimer OC "C" Coy seriously wounded by shrapnel. Cpl Brown recommended for the efficient way in which he removed the casualty for medical treatment. Command of the company taken over by Capt Faviell-Barrs. All PLs engage enemy targets in support of infantry attack on Waldfeught 7775, Frilinghoven 7875 & Hontem 8074.

I will finish this off later.


Hello Termonstar,

Thank you for it,you're a great help.
Still waiting for a reply from National Archive.
But, I think I dont need their help anymore on this,I've got you known ;D

If there's anything,I can do for you or the Manchester Regiment,feel free to let me known. ;)


Quote from: tonyrod on December 03, 2010, 11:15:15 AM
In April 1944 the battalion concentrated at Arbroath as a Support Battalion with one Mortar company and three Vickers Medium Machine Gun companies. 6 August to Chalfont St Giles and Ashbridge then on 2 September to Lincolnshire and Nottinghamshire.

My father tells me my grandfather met my grandmother during off duty time at a dance hall in Warsop, Nottinghamshire while he was in service at a nearby army base.

There was a POW camp (Norton) nearby but more relevant would have been a machine gun post nearby, protecting two ammunition dumps for the US Army base (Clumber/Warsop CAD).

Sally Moir

I have letters written by my father from Arbroath!  On Manchester regiment headed paper!