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A place for PoW database amendments and additions

Started by charlie, January 10, 2015, 08:03:07 AM

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Quote from: Charlie on January 05, 2016, 09:50:36 AM
The whole thing puzzles me. If there are 66 identified burials and 67 graves how can there not be an unknown? PA43123 gives L/Cpl Whittle as being buried in grave 86, which according to the CWGC is Pte Herbert Stevenson. L/Cpl Whittle is according to the CWGC GRR in German grave 125. All the other grave numbers tally with the original German ones with the exception of 77. So where did grave 125 appear from as it is not listed by the Germans???

I take it then that Pte Johnson survived as he was disembodied and has no CWGC record.

One thing I can with 99% certainty explain, is how they ended up in Erquellines. There are two possible explanations, I think the second one is most probable:

1. They never arrived in Friedrichsfeld and were retained in the German echelon area, but registered in Friedrichsfeld. There is evidence to show that Limburg and Stendal were used just to register PoWs while they were elsewhere, but there is nothing as far as I am aware to connect Friedrichsfeld to this.

2. I had a look at some other PoW dead buried at Erquellines and couple stand out. Pte Henry Piggott of the Y&L is one of them. He appears on two lists of those who died, he is also listed in the same list as L/Cpl Whittle as being at Friedrichsfeld. PA43124 lists him just as being buried at Erquellines, the second one PA43134 states that his death was reported by the PoW collection and distribution centre Friedrichsfeld even though he died at a Field Hospital at Erquellines. This suggests to me that he was sent back from Friedrichsfeld to the German echelon area to work and died there. I think this also what happened to L/Cpl Whittle

It is interesting to note that the German records date from 1919 and 1920.

I know through previous research that POWs are the responsibility of the german army corps that captured them and the corps are responsible for the camps they are kept in,friedrichfeld was under the german 7th corps,it was the admin centre for many working commandos,its also the postal station for a large number of POWs who have never been in the camp,now I get it,DOH aint I the idiot.

mack ;D


The correct spelling please for 9410 Thomas Makin/Mackin/McKin. The MiCs give both McKin and Makin.



A George Madgwick 19th Bn is listed by the ICRC. There are 5 listed in the MiCs but no Manchesters. Help please



Quote from: Charlie on January 07, 2016, 09:53:55 AM
The correct spelling please for 9410 Thomas Makin/Mackin/McKin. The MiCs give both McKin and Makin.

hiya Charlie.
in the list published by the 2nd battalion in 1914,hes listed as Thomas machin

mack ;D


hiya Charlie.
George madgwick wasn't a Manchester,i have searched through everything I have,i think his name was transcribed wrong by the germans,i did a daily report for the 19th batt many years ago,and nobody resembleing this name is amongst them[see our site search engine for,19th daily casualty report]

mack ;D


Many thanks Mack,
I'll go with the fourth variation - Machin it is :)

The casualty list is a fantastic piece of work, it's surprising what really is on this site.



Quote from: mack on January 09, 2016, 08:12:38 AM
hiya Charlie.
George madgwick wasn't a Manchester,i have searched through everything I have,i think his name was transcribed wrong by the germans,i did a daily report for the 19th batt many years ago,and nobody resembleing this name is amongst them[see our site search engine for,19th daily casualty report]

mack ;D

He was probably London Regt/Royal Fusiliers, I found another one attached to the 19th Bn taken at the same time.


41491 Stanley Marshall - he is given as both 2nd Bn taken Le Sars and 22nd Bn taken Beaumont Hamel, any ideas which is correct please.



Quote from: Charlie on January 11, 2016, 03:31:42 PM
41491 Stanley Marshall - he is given as both 2nd Bn taken Le Sars and 22nd Bn taken Beaumont Hamel, any ideas which is correct please.

hiya Charlie.
Stanley was in the 2nd battalion

mack ;D


Is anything more known about CQMS Maguire 19th Bn apart from what is already in the database. ICRC index cards for the name Maguire or McGuire are notable for their absence, there are probably less than 10 all told. I'm guessing that like "Hall" they are missing or have not yet been digitized.



I cant get into the database Charlie,i think my PC has had it,all I have is his address 64 collyhurst st,manchester.

mack ;D


Quote from: mack on January 12, 2016, 07:18:32 PM
I cant get into the database Charlie,i think my PC has had it,all I have is his address 64 collyhurst st,manchester.

mack ;D

Apart from his number, rank and name that is all there is in the database.



The section COOMBE (Royal) Air Force has 303 index cards, 302 of these look to be blank. They have been uploaded showing the reverse side, the information is contained on the other side. They contain names from all Regiments from COOMBE through to and including COOPER. To turn the card cover click on the arrow chasing it's tail when the "more information about this person" is shown. I think it maybe worthwhile doing this with other cards when the displayed side is full - who knows what may be found.



I went through them today and found three Manchesters. A pain in the neck but worth it ;D
