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A place for PoW database amendments and additions

Started by charlie, January 10, 2015, 08:03:07 AM

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Help again please.

1545? Raymond Dervis?, D Coy, taken 25.04.1917 Hill 60, born 20.10.1894 Taglesworth? PA 40930.

15085 T Dickenson or Dickinson, 18th Bn, repatriated 28.11.1918. Nothing similar in the MICs.



hiya Charlie
1545 Raymond dervis is this man PA.37574,raymond Dewhurst

mack ;D


Cheers Mack, I hope no-one ever paid for a search on some of these names.


I cant find 15085 t Dickinson,15085 is a number that was issued to the 24th manchesters,theres nothing in the MICs or the 24th battalion history.

mack ;D


Thanks Mack,
15085 was Hugh Ingram, who does not have a MIC, so presumably never went overseas.


William George Doozy? B Coy 7th Bn PA30461, I think he is 54390 George William Doody. Any thoughts please.



The latest update of the PoW database is now available on the main site.


fantastic work Charlie,i have been able to add another three men to the list of those captured at Manchester hill thanks to your hard work.

mack ;D


Two more please:

William Duhbray?, 18th Bn, GSW left sholder and left lower arm, held at Ohrdruf and Langensalza, PA 6976.

16054? Thomas Dundavy?, 1/? Bn, taken St. Emelie? 22.03.1918, held at G�strow on a list dated 10.06.1918, born 02.05.1878 Ireland, 22 Northgate Wakefield, PA 28803



hiya Charlie
William dubray is james Duxbury,hes here PA.6116

the other fella is munsters not manchesters

mack ;D


hiya Charlie
I was looking for 16th batt men with the surname beginning with U,all the surnames under U are lumped together,so I went through all of them,theres only the following men under the surname starting with U

Sydney upright PA5692+PA6841
john upton.PA19583+PA20657
William,h upton.PA5708+PA6902
w upton.R52654
Lt w.a.e urie.PA23363

mack ;D


Thanks Mack, thats a great help I'll add them to the database. You are quite right about Dundavy, his index card reads 1st Manchesters but as you say the record clearly has him as Munsters, my eyesight must be going :D


Quote from: Charlie on April 28, 2015, 05:49:21 PM
Thanks Mack, thats a great help I'll add them to the database. You are quite right about Dundavy, his index card reads 1st Manchesters but as you say the record clearly has him as Munsters, my eyesight must be going :D
its the bad writing Charlie.

mack ;D


bloody hell   it's like watching Columbo with you guys................

"It may be that your sole purpose in life is simply
  to serve as a warning to others."


I have become quite an expert with bad writing chris,i've had plenty of years practice searching through badly written docs and service records ;D ;D ;D

mack ;D