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28 February Manchester Regiment lecture

Started by harribobs, February 02, 2008, 07:59:05 AM

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I shall be going to this lecture (and hopefully the rest as well)

if anyone wants a lift from north manchester or the like, let me know


Date: Thursday 28 February 2008

Title:  252 Years of Service:  The Manchester Regiment Story 1756-2008

Description:  This brief history of the Regiment will highlight some of the famous names in the Regiments' story, where they served and what they did. Learn more about the Regiment's first Victoria Cross winners as well as what the latest generation of Regimental soldier is doing today.

Speaker:  Garry Smith (Curator)
"It may be that your sole purpose in life is simply
  to serve as a warning to others."


Well I shall finally get to meet one of you. I'm nervous at the prospect! I shall be in the prescence of our leader!! Hope more of the gang are going! I would love to see wendi there. Tho' a bit far on a Tuesday I guess,  plus it will still be dark nights.  :)


Dark nights, Manchester ... all we need now is a full moon  ;D That's the thing in the sky, not the thing you see late on a Saturday night in the environs of Market Street etc.

These things interest me, as many "trailed" radio programmes do, but, alas, I cannot cope with lectures or radio programmes or Andrew Lloyd Webber musicals (hm  :P). Somehow got a couple of degrees from Cambridge without going to a single lecture, but you cannot believe how much I missed NOT being able to go to one. Suspect many students would have the opposite view - esp the scientists! - but until they can somehow subtitle radio/lectures these things are a no-no for me and I do regret it big time. Nothing beats being in the company of a knowledgable enthusiast, even a train-spotting one.

OTOH, I do hope that there is a good turn-out and that the publicity extends beyond this forum in order to assist this. Takes a lot of prep and not a little courage to deliver a talk, and I have no doubt at all that this series of lectures will hit the spot. If, perchance, you were thinking of having a quick (single) jar in a local hostelry afterwards then I might try to join the apres-ski. Would have to be a quiet-ish hostelry, though, unless you want me to resort to my Agincourt sign language, this being the only type I know  ;D


sounds like a good idea, although w'll have to find a place that serves a decent coca cola for me ::)

robert took us to a nice little pub with some regimental history near the museum, i can't remember the name at the moment though.... (hint Mr Bonner!)
"It may be that your sole purpose in life is simply
  to serve as a warning to others."

Robert Bonner


It was 'The Caledonia', straight across the market square from the museum and into what is now called 'the old town'.  A splendid little hostelry with Boer War and 9th Bn associations.  I shall be happy to buy you a coke after the lecture!!


Had it been around 1869 we could have popped into my drunken grt grt grandfathers Hostelry on the corner of Katherine St and Oldham St to the Theatre and Concert (originally built as the Town Hall) I was informed and partook of the local ale! even Ginger Beer for the drivers. The poor man died from the "Excessive use of Arduous Spirituous Liquor".  Inquest report detailed extremely thoroughly from his own premises in the Ashton Reporter. He has a fine headstone "INNKEEPER" in Dukinfield cemetery, poor chap was only 42.


Quote"Excessive use of Arduous Spirituous Liquor".

wonderful  ;D
"It may be that your sole purpose in life is simply
  to serve as a warning to others."


from Garry

If you wish to attend the first lecture please either:

a)  Come into the Museum and leave the contact details of each attendee
and payment (£2 per head) with a member of staff

b)  Send me a cheque made payable to 'Tameside MBC' along with each
persons contact details
"It may be that your sole purpose in life is simply
  to serve as a warning to others."


I do realise that unless you have the co-ordinated PR system of a political conference then delivering lectures/speeches is a moveable feast, but is there any projection for completion time, Robert? Are we talking, for example, 9pm or 10pm? Or can someone text me about 30 minutes beforehand? Got a bit of work involving a meet with others on a different project on Thurs night + an early start Friday morning but am not ruling myself out just yet, although this may turn out to be the swiftest of "swift halves" in history!

I do not know the pub but I'm sure that I can find it. And I, too, can run to a jar fof Coke (liquid, not powder) for Harribobs  :P And I don't mind slipping a couple of quid towards a lecture I won't actually attend, since it is for a good cause!

One of my ancestors also ran a pub in that area - long gone, both pub and ancestor. I still have somewhere his recipe book for various condiments/vittles etc from those days. Industrial quantities of home-made piccalili appear to have been required, probably to disguise the taste of the main ingredient! Actually, I think he owned several pubs in the area, by family recollection, although I do not know if this was concurrent or consecutive. It may not surprise you to learn that his death was in large part a consequence of the demon drink. One day I'll have to check licensing records for the name of Kelly. Perhaps when the AVL project is sorted, as that seems to me like another needle in a haystack.


simon, the projected finishing time is 9pm

the pub is (roughly) across the market from the museum/town hall building, i can give you a text when we are finishing
"It may be that your sole purpose in life is simply
  to serve as a warning to others."


liverpool annie

So can you tell us how it went ??  ::) ::)

Not that I'm nosey or anything !!   :D


A very limited, and perhaps unrepresentative, post-event straw poll suggests about 20 in the audience & a rather bland lecture. I missed it but can confirm that Frederic Robinson's Unicorn bitter in The Caledonia was far from bland ::) Mmmm-mm.

It was always going to be difficult to cover such a range of history in the time available. Doesn't seem to have dampened interest of those "polled" attending the future lectures.

liverpool annie

Well it wasn't so bad then .... if the beer was good !  ;D ;D

Sorry it was a disappointment though !!

Good job I didn't fly in huh ??

Annie  :)


Hi Annie, if you were an expert on here it would be a disappointment. But to a novice like Tony my husband and myself it was an intro. I think someone doing the family tree would find it interesting if you know nothing. What would you expect if it is offering 258 yrs of the Regt in less than 2 hrs. It was what it advertised. I'm sure most of the people other than hubby and myself knew more than we did. We have booked for the next one. I got a couple of new bits of info. I get more from seeing and listening than reading. It was very nice to meet harribob and sitush. Very nice chaps indeed! Wish there had been a few more of you there so we could meet up! Hope to do that someday!
Best wishes