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Malaya Remembered 1951 - 1954

Started by george.theshed197, November 11, 2014, 09:53:19 AM

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L/Cpl. I.E. Fitzpatrick 7.5.51 : Pte. E. McGibbon 27.8.51 : Cpl. J. Broadbent 5.11.51 :
Pte. E.T.Buckley 28.2.52 : Pte. K. Hiscox 8.3.52 : Pte. T. Kelly 18.5.52 : Pte. J. Grady 9.6.52 :
Pte. W.M. Baillie 19.6.52 , Pte. T. Arrands  19.6.52, Pte. M. Harrison 19. 6. 52,  Pte. R. Smith 19.6.52, Pte. T. Traynor 19.6.52 (All Cameron Highlands Ambush) : 2/Lt. W.M. Raingill 27.11.53 :
Cpl. Adrian anak Tandang Sarawak Ranger att, Manchester Regiment. 27.11.53 Buried in the Sungei Besi Reserve - at the site .

"They grow not old as we that are left grow old, age shall not weary them nor the years condem. At the going down of the Sun and in the morning - WE WILL REMEMBER THEM".

Apai Tuia George.


Cliff P Son of 3525679 Sgt Arthur Phillips 1st Bn Manchester Regiment and RAPC


Indeed We Will Remember Them.

Thanks for posting George.

"Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it!  No matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and with your own common sense" ~ Buddha

pete th


Pte Sidney Lee (36719), 2nd Battalion, Worcestershire Regt - dow 18.02.17
Sgt Charles Roberts (13668), 11th Bn, Manchester Regiment - kia 18.05.18
Bombardier John Hesford (70065), 147th Heavy Battery, RGA dow - 04.09.18
Pte Sidney Lee (4131324), 8th Bn, Cheshire Regiment -  kia 12.03.41

Robert Bonner

Thanks for the posting George. There was a handful of Malayan Veterans in Manchester Cathedral this morning for the Regiment's annual service of remembrance.  A few of us are still going strong and certainly remembered our fallen comrades. Peter Ashworth read the Kohima Epitaph:

            When you go home tell them of us and say:
               For your tomorrow, we gave our today.



Always remembered,stand easy and RIP