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hello to everbody

Started by bigred, March 09, 2014, 07:10:00 PM

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Hi everybody

   my names dave or as everyone calls me bigred,i have been collecting ww1 militaria for about eight years both british and german,but this year have gone one further and joined the manchesters living history group
now fully kitted out in manchester regiment ww1 kit ,i wanted to further my knowledge in my local regiment,as we portray the men from the 1/8th battalion


Welcome to the forum
You've come to the right place for info on the
Manchester Regiment.
I'm sure you find a lot to help the re-enactment.
You've got a good web site yourself.

For members that don't know of this group
just follow the link



Welcome Bigred,  :)

We have this on 1/8th, if you've not already seen it

"Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it!  No matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and with your own common sense" ~ Buddha


Hi Dave

I hope you enjoy the site, if you need any help just ask.

It would be nice if you or your friends could post some colour photos of your 8th Battalion uniform on the site.

Cheers Roy


hi roy
 thank you for the welcome...not to sure on how to post pics yet so just follow this link to our site theres a few pics on there   and click on the gallery at the top

   cheers dave


Quote from: Wendi on March 10, 2014, 07:57:41 AM
Welcome Bigred,  :)

We have this on 1/8th, if you've not already seen it


thats a great start Wendi thanks,i grew up not far from the barracks at ardwick green,and now i live in oldham about 2mins away from hollingworth lake where the men were sent for training
i`am hoping to arrange a display with our group at hollingworth lake at some point to commemorate the manchesters being there,it would be nice to set up camp for the weekend knowing we are on the exact same spot a hundred years later ,just to remind people in the area who have no idea what went on at this spot and the connection it has with the greatwar


hi bigred,  welcome to the forum, I had the honour of marching with the lads on the Liverpool pals march, from Prescott to St Georges hall
Liverpool,  hope we meet up again soon,  thats me at the back, black wastcoat, looking  and wondering what that CSM is doing creeping round the back,  ;D a day never to be forgotten, keep up the great work,  tonyrod