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2nd Battalion as part of the BEF 1914

Started by ADFWoodley, March 15, 2014, 11:54:51 PM

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I am researching my maternal grandfather Thomas Wingrave 8285
KIA 20th October 1914 Le Bassee area.
Am trying to find out where and when he joined up as I did not know he was a
Would there be any surviving records with this information?
Regards. ADFWoodley


Thomas wingrave
son of Thomas+emma,33 hadfield st,harpuhey
Thomas was working as a iron core maker in Manchester before he enlisted,he joined the Manchester regt on 18th February 1903,he was 18yrs old,on 11th april the following year,he was convicted by a DCM for allowing a prisoner to escape and given 56 days hard labour,which was later reduced to 30 days.
he married miss alice,ann skelton at st.luke church,miles platting on 4th January 1908,their daughter emma was born 27th November 1910
now residing at 127 husband st,miles platting
during his reserve service at this time,he was working as a plate layer on the railway
he was reported missing on 20th October 1914,his wife was informed on 24th December 1914 that he was assumed to have died on or since 20th October

I think alice is buried in blackley cemetery,buried 24-8-1970,grave ref.A.NC.542[died 1970]

I think these are his parents.
Thomas died 1921,buried Philips park cemetery,20-8-1921,grave ref.I.C.1882
emma died 1917,buried Philips park cemetery,19-4-1917,grave ref.D.C.1126.

mack ;D


your grandfather wasn't on the SS buteshire with the rest of the battalion when they landed in france in august 1914,he joined them as part of a draft on 19th September,he signed up for 3yrs with the colours and 9 in the reserves.

mack ;D


Welcome to the forum.
There are 31 pages of his service records on
Ancestry, also a copy of his medal index card
for his 1914 star, Victory and British.
There is also his listing in the soldiers that died.

They can be found here but you do need to subscribe
