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Battalion Characters

Started by george.theshed197, February 13, 2014, 11:29:33 AM

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Following the latest query re Nippy Gannon - does anyone have any news or information on some of the following CHARACTERS we had in the Battalion in those days ?

Nicholson, last known as Sgts Mess Caterer in Butterworth as Cpl - formerly came from The Border Regt on the reorganisation of India resulting in many of the persona  in 2nd or other Bns serving  at that time with further service due and consequently joined us in Saighton Camp Chester - along with (Abs/Lats)  Charlie Browne - the one at B Coy Kroh who confused the TINS of Foot-powder and the Lime creating the biggest 'DUSTUP' (literally) the Company had ever known; last seen (or should I say  HEARD) in Piccadily , Manchester one lunchtime in the late1980's. A NSman also at 6 Pln B Coy 1951/2 Jones 02- The Entrepeneur who collected Fruit from the Dining Room prior to going out on a four or five day  Op and then selling it for about 10 cent a go to the lads - had a great business by the timehe left us  ;D ;D ;D and finally the Platoon/Company/Bn Card-sharp who also went home loaded. ;D ;D ;D.

There were others also, will dig deeper.



Well I never  

Anytime I make a request re the 'Great Characters ' of the Old 1st Bn during the time we were in Malaya it make me wonder  ;D ;D  Its like  I am asking about 'The Last of the Mohicans ' ;D ;D ;D for those  who have never heard of it  - written by James Fennnmore Coooper.. We were definitely there - we have the BOOK.

Every one back behind the parapet I guess.

Ah well,



I think it is a forgotten era.  I was much too young at the time to have known the many characters that were there and now I am too old to remember any of the stories I must have heard.
Cliff P Son of 3525679 Sgt Arthur Phillips 1st Bn Manchester Regiment and RAPC


Yes indeed Cliff,
As Bob found in respect of the War Diaries "... of no great value - so get rid of them." Therefore WE can possibly prevent and avoid any future embarrassments cropping up.

I wonder will they destroy the Diaries of the Afghanistan areas  ??? ??? ??? OR may they request that The Stirrer be persuaded to stop and desist ;D ;D ;D ;D.

Hope that you are keeping ok and great to know that you are still around. From the current setup I think there must only be a handful of any of us still have 'All our Marbles, Clean Bright and slightly oiled'.
All together now a couple of chorus's of " BLESS 'EM ALL, THE LONG AND THE SHORT AND  THE TALL..."
and as the advice says - Stir well before serving.

Cheers lads,