Not Obits. but:- Work.
The High Master has received the following letter :—
Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway,
Newton Heath,
February 20th, 1919.
Dear Mr. Paton,
The demobilisation of your War workers is from many aspects a source
• of keen regret to all those at the Lancashire and Yorkshire Carriage and
Wfeigon Works, Newton Heath, who have had the pleasure of coming in
contact with such an excellent body of •willing helpers.
If the work done here is taken alone, amongst your varied activities
during the War, it is an effort to serve a great national industry of which
you, the masters, and all the boys, may be very proud, for there is no
doubt that history will record that the railways were one of the brightest
spots in efficiency and services rendered to the State in a period of great
anxiety and strenuous deeds, and you have done your share in achieving
Since the commencement of your work here on March 10th, 1917, to
February 1st, 1919, the Grammar School workers have moved nearly
10,000 tons of material and unloaded about 1,200 wagons, in addition to
. which the excavations for our Timber Drying Kiln now in regular use,
amounting to 1,330 cubic yards, were entirely carried out by the gangs
you provided and the benefit of which will be especially felt for some time
t o come whilst timber continues to be scarce. These are indeed great results.
I want to thank you all very much for the splendid work accomplished,
and especially that you and Messrs. Lodge and Ashby have been workers
amongst the boys on so many occasions ; it will take a well-earned place
in the War history of these Works, and we shall all remember your visits
with much satisfaction.
One cannot attempt to express the above appreciation in any concrete
form, but I will ask you present to receive a framed photographic souvenir,
and should be glad if you can find a place for it in the Grammar School;
also I send a small token of my personal gratitude for your War Memorial
Fund which please accept and enter in your lists as " A Thank-offering for
War Services."
Believe me always,
Yours faithfully,