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Started by regi-mental, March 26, 2008, 03:58:41 PM

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Can anyone shed any light on this one.

Before the 1st Battalion departed India for France in 1914 would any of its soldiers have fell within the critrea below in order that they be awarded the India General Service Medal 1908:

 India General Service Medal 1908 Clasp Award Criteria

North West Frontier 1908

All troops and all enrolled and attested followers:—

(a) Who formed part of the Bazar Valley Field Force, and proceeded under the orders of the General Officer Commanding that force from Ali Musjid into or towards the Bazar Valley between the 14th February, 1908 and the 1st March, 1908, both dates inclusive. Those who did not proceed beyond Ali Musjid were not entitled to the award.

(b) Who served north of the Adinazai boat bridge between the 19th and 25th April, 1908, both dates inclusive.

(c) Who were at Landi Kotal between the 2nd and 4th May, 1908, both dates inclusive.

(d) Who formed part of the Mohmand Field Force and proceeded under the orders of the General Officer Commanding the force beyond Hafiz Kor between the 12th and 31st May, 1908, both dates inclusive.

In addition does anyone have name(s) for quality sites worth watching for missing medals? In particulair a relatives missing WW1 'trio' and death penny! Bit of quest, I know!!

"What passing-bells for these who die as cattle?
   Only the monstrous anger of the guns.
       Only the stuttering rifles' rapid rattle
           Can patter out their hasty orisons."

                  Anthem for Doomed Youth     Wilfred Owen


hi andy, if you google war medals  lots of good site's  turn up  i  was only looking today  at missing and stolen medals, but as normal cannot find it when you need it but it will be on the first search page, one to be going on with,


The 1st Bn. is not entitled to the IGS with the "North West Frontier 1908" clasp.
Thats not to say there are not one or two exceptions to the rule, as there are with any entitlements, such as attached signallers, etc.

A handful of men from the 1st Bn got the IGS with clasp, "Afghanistan 1919" whilst attached to the 1st Bn. Somerset Light Infantry in the 3rd Ahfghan War.


Hi Andy !

Another member, ladysmith (Dave) suggested this on another thread

QuoteMedal News magazine has a medal tracker feature for people looking for medals to specific recipients. An entry on their website ( costs £5 with no time limit. They claim a 20% succes rate which I think is pretty high. May be worth a try.

It might help  :-\

Wendi  :)
"Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it!  No matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and with your own common sense" ~ Buddha