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Started by themonsstar, September 28, 2013, 01:47:38 PM

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I have copies of the following documents from The National Archives:

1. A Statistical Examination of Terrorist Inspired Incidents in Malaya  WO291/1741.

2. The Assessment of Battalion performance in Malaya 1952-1953 WO291/1734.

3. Ground Attacks on Communist Terrorist Locations in Malaya March 1954-July 1954 WO291/1740.

4. Communist Terrorist Camps in Malaya WO291/1728.

5. Review of the Emergency in Malaya from June 1948 to Aug 1957 WO106/5990.

6. A Statistical Examination of Events in Relation to SF and CT Activities in Malaya Sept 1952-July 1953 WO291/1732.

The files are to big to place on here, you need more then 20 post on the site before I will post them out.


They sound interesting, I would like to see 2 - 6 at your convenience as and when you have time.
Many thanks,


Morning George

I hope you your family are well.

I will get them out to you today or tomorrow



Looking forward with keen interest Roy,
Many thanks, PM to follow,


Last night I had my annual chat with Crispin Worthington, he was-  in good form and sends his warmest regards to all those who remember him. He was asking, as is his wont, for many of the old crowd from Kroh - characters such as 'Bert Blundell' (the old 'Dodge' driver); Jimmy Walker the old Ack I and Bruce Selkirk, weren't those two  in 5 Pltn ? - by golly did get that the memories flooding back. Last time I could remember seeing Bert was up at Ashton, he turned up at one of the meetings in the Ladysmith many more years ago than I care to recall, if I remembered rightly - a great character, used to scare the living daylights out of anyone when he would be driving you down to Baling by passing the steering wheel across to you whilst he pretended to light a fag or get a toffee out. What a right comedian!! But a great bloke.
I lost track of that crew when I was posted down to Tapah along with Roy Pellowe to Lt. Carey's S.E.P's 'Specials' when D Coy was reformed, and Roy and I spoke about that epic trip many times afterwards. Any of the 'original survivors' of the first 'Boat Squadron' down the Sungei Perak still out there ;D ;D ;D ??


Hello George,What a delightful characters,I remember Bert Blundell from our happy days in Wuppertal and Berlin prior to Malaya,Bert was in the MT Platoon then,he  was also a carrier driver for the Mortar Pl,to my knowledge Bert never had a prang irrespective of the antics behind the wheel,Bruce and jimmy I also remember, with the company.s being deployed over such a vast area I lost track of them or there whereabouts.Keep Well,Roy


Hi there Roy and anyone else also reading this,

I am doing my annual check up for my Christmas Listings as it is once again that time of year - "Speak now or howld yer wisht" as they used to say in days of yore - or in the  'ould days'.



Seen in sunny Thailand.
Cliff P Son of 3525679 Sgt Arthur Phillips 1st Bn Manchester Regiment and RAPC


Hi there,
Would prefer to be a bit further south, possibly Batu Ferranghi  or thereabouts,
All the best,


So would I George.  In Hua Hin beach area it's gone down market a lot since I was last here.
Cliff P Son of 3525679 Sgt Arthur Phillips 1st Bn Manchester Regiment and RAPC


Hi again Cliff,
Never been there, only places we got to were Bangkok, Kanchanburri and Kwai Nor. Furthest north I got to in Malaya was Khota Bahru, and the beach at Panchai Chinta Brahi - where the Nips landed back in 1941 or thereabouts.
Take care and enjoy your hols.


Regret to inform ALL Malayan Veterans Association Members that today I received the news the Major R T Owens,  a former Chairman of the Association died 7th November 2013 .

The MVA Standard was carried by Alan Mottershead and the Duke of Lancasters Standard was also present, two buglers in full ceremonials gave the honours.

We extend our sincere condolences to his widow Mrs T. Owens.

Rest in Peace Bob.
