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Started by Laura11, February 12, 2013, 10:54:28 AM

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hi LAURA,    don't forget the 1918 absent voters list's for the area's they lived in, that could help,


hiya laura.
charles+joseph are both named on the ashton under lyne war memorial

mack ;D


Thanks for the link Tim.I'd already found this Ashton Territorials record and looked at luck as you say.
I think part of the difficulty is that I have no concept of how enlisting in WW1 "worked". I can see that there is the regular force for career soldiers/sailors/airmen but when there was a drive to get the ordinary man to enlist in WW1 could they be sent to join any regiment or would they always be linked locally? Knowing how this worked might help me get further. Any suggestions gratefully received!
Thanks, Laura


Generally speaking  they would join a local regiment but (and there's always a but) other regiments did recruit in Manchester

After conscrition was brought in men were sent to whatever regiment needed men
"It may be that your sole purpose in life is simply
  to serve as a warning to others."


Thanks to Mack re war memorial. A visit is needed!

Tim Bell


I said I was new to this game.  Try

You may find some more Collins.

(item on CSM roscoe, removed, needs to have it's own thread)

Following one Platoon and everything around them....


this is someone elses thread,your question wont be answered till you open up your own thread about CSM roscoe.

mack ;D

Tim Bell

Following one Platoon and everything around them....


thanks Tim for national archives link/suggestion. I've just had a look but no luck.. but I'll keep on looking. Rome wasn't built in a day.....