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12826 Pte Norman Wilson MM; 19th Battalion Manchester Regt. KIA near Hill 62 on

Started by Wendi, September 24, 2012, 04:36:36 PM

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Norman was new member david75's great uncle (his maternal grandfather's brother). He has no known grave and is remembered on the Menin Gate.

david75 asks:

I have been researching his army career since 1997 starting from his enlistment in August 1914 to his death in July 1917. Iv'e got as far as I can (I think!).

I am anxious to obtain either a company or platoon photo with Norman identified in it. The CWGC web site states that he was in D Company which I assume means at the date of his death but I have no idea if he was in D Company from the outset.

The other remaining puzzle is what happened to his Military Medal (gazetted on 11/11/16)? Following his death we assume it was with his mother until she died in 1945 and then passed on to his sister who was burgled in the late 60's and that is where the trail ends - any ideas on where to search for it?

"Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it!  No matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and with your own common sense" ~ Buddha


hi david, welcome to the forum,  to start you off I looked in the 19th battalion photo's  with no joy,  but you can read up on the 19th on the main site. link,

enjoy tonyrod ;D