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The Fall of Singapore

Started by themonsstar, September 06, 2012, 08:06:47 AM

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Welcome to the Adam Park Project Facebook page - hope you enjoy the content and are inspired by what you read

As the demand for more housing and new development slowly covers the island in concrete, the need to preserve and record vital WW2 battlefield heritage has never been more urgent. Up until now much of the limited resource has been focused on preserving the concrete fortifications which has for many years represented all that was bad about the 1942 invasion and the British defeat. However many of these sites were bypassed by the Japanese or abandoned by the British and witnessed little of the actual fighting.

This project is unique for Singapore as it focuses on not only the battlegrounds but also the POW story and it is attempting to evaluate the potential for similar sites across the island. The case study for the assessment is the defence of the Adam Park Estate by the 1st Battalion of the Cambridgeshires Regiment, 'The Fen Tigers', from the 12th to 15th February 1942 and the use of the estate as a POW Camp No.1 from March 1942 right up to the end of the war.
Company Overview
Tigers in the Park

Work has commenced on a fascinating WW2 project in the heart of Singapore Jon Cooper, after successfully gaining his MLitt in Battlefield and Conflict Archaeology at Glasgow University's Centre for Battlefield Archaeology in 2008 , has started up a two year project looking at the potential for battlefield archaeology in Singapore.


Fascinating reading Roy,
Will keep my eye on this what could be a very interesting topic in the future. It could also be of interest for Cliff following his Scottish holiday.
Look forward to reading more


Thanks for sharing Roy.

Cliff in wet and windy Scotland
Cliff P Son of 3525679 Sgt Arthur Phillips 1st Bn Manchester Regiment and RAPC