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Hello! Soldier Search!

Started by kdlak5, September 04, 2012, 02:32:45 PM

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Hi My name is Sue. I live in Stockport. I am researching my dads military history. I have no idea where to start with this as I am not even sure what regiment he served with, I do know he served in Malaya in the 50s as a dog handler. He lived in Gorton which is why I am assuming he was in the Manchester Regiment. His name is Philip James Turner. He was born 17 Dec 1933 & he died 8 Mar 1994. He married Margaret Cope in 1956 in Manchester. Any help anybody can give me, I would be very grateful for. Thank you in advance.



Hi and welcome to the Forum Sue,
I cannot say that the name is familiar but we had dog-handlers with each of the companies in Malaya between 1951 and 1954; do you have any photographs especially if they are with his dog. No disrespect intended but strange so say that we tended to remember the dogs far easier than their owners.
Looking forward to trying to help you find something about Philip James TURNER.
All the best,

P.S. I will ask to see if one of the experts can move this over to the Malayan Section


If I had looked at all of the letters first I would have noted that you had beaten me to the move,
I have just checked my own old MVA listings - found four Turners but not  your Dad's, it could be that he did not join the Malayan Veterans but I will check with their Secretary Tommy on the offchance.
See you again later,


Hi George, Thankyou so much for your help. I don't think he did join that group although I am not 100% on this. I know he served in Malaya as he had a tattoo on his arm which said.....Lest We Forget Malaya......Do you know how I could get his military service record by just his name?

Thanks again,



I will also try and track the photo of Dad down....not quite sure which family member has it  :)



Hi again Sue,

Where is his General Service Medal - his Army number will be inscribed on the rim along with his Regiment. Withour his army number you are in a losing battle I regret to advise.
Let me have his date of birth and I will see what, if anything else I, can find out about him.


Hi George, Dads date of birth is 17 Dec 1933. His birth was registered as Philip James Pownall, when he was small, his Mother married John Turner. Dad took his name (not adopted) and so when he married my Mother in 1956, it was registered in both names, so maybe his army records will be with the surname Pownall. I have never heard of a service medal. Will ask my brothers if they know about it. Thanks for everything George. All this is very confusing and wish I had started this before my Dad died.



Hi again Sue,
In view of the fact the the G.S.M. is a Solid Silver Medal it may well be that he has sold it in the past but in view of the fact that he had a tattoo I somehow doubt that he would have  sold it, chances are it is lying around in a drawer at your Grandmother's place or with another member of the family.
Let us hope meanwhile that the old Photo with the dog turns up and gets put on the Forum.
Meanwhile sorry I have not been able to give you any worthwhile information, but without his number it is an impossible task, should any new details turn up sing out and we will work on it.
Take care,

PS. If you try your local Library see if they have a copy of a book called " Jungle Bashers, A British Infantry Battalion in the Malayan Emergency 1951 - 1954"  By Robert Bonner. It will give you some ideas of what your Dad would have done whilst in Malaya. Or if you are up in Ashton-under-Lyne sometime go into the Manchester Museum there  for further intormation.


Thank you so much George. The next time I have a day off work I will certainly visit the museum in Ashton. As soon as I get any info regarding the medal or the photo, I will post on here. Thanks again for your kindness.



Hi Sue

And welcome to the site,  have a look onto this site, for your Dads service

Best of luck with your research



Hi Sue!

Glad to see you having good reaction to your search.  Just a thought, but on your parents wedding certificate what does it list as your fathers profession.

Wendi  :)
"Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it!  No matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and with your own common sense" ~ Buddha


Hi Sue
Have a look at the 1st Bn photos on this site at:

They will give you some idea of the conditions in Malaya at that time.

I will have a look in my copy of Jungle Bashers when I get home to see if he is mentioned, that is unless Robert or someone else can do it first.  I am in wet and miserable Scotland at the moment.

Cliff P Son of 3525679 Sgt Arthur Phillips 1st Bn Manchester Regiment and RAPC


Hi again Sue and Cliff up in Soggy Scotland,
Rechecked the photos, nothing in sight, not a single doggie at all. Mind you if I remember rightly the majority were based down in the Tapah area especially the big white Labrador who was nuts about Chocolate Eclairs from the canteen (the results were very evident in both the handler and the labrador - the laziest tracker dog I ever came across, once his job was done it would lie down and whimper until his handler picked him, up and put it across his pack then sleep all the way back to base.)
Not a patch on 'Barny' (The Provost Sgt) Lynch's the massive German Shepherd in Berlin which used to terrify the lads who dared to stagger on entry into the Guard Room and put his front paws on their shoulders - by golly that sobered them up smartly.
The sun is cracking the flags down here Cliff and the Paralympics Team GB are having a great time and great success- looking forwward to 'Team Weir' on the Marathon tonight.
Must think on to contact Tommy Rodullson to see if any of the MVA Vets who attend the Annual Dinner about this time of the year remembered your Dad Sue.

Meanwhile Take care and have a double tippple Cliff  until you get dried out,
All th best,
PS. Have already checked the Jungle Bashers  no joy.