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Liverpool pals memorial fund MEMORIAL TO BE UNVEILED ON THE 31st August 2014,

Started by tonyrod, August 31, 2012, 09:48:41 AM

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hi everyone , tomorrow am taking part and helping out the Liverpool pals memorial fund,
for those that don't know it's to erect a memorial  in lime street to honour those that never came home,
they fought along side the 16th bn Manchester's at  Montauban  and for me its not just the Liverpool pals its to honour all the pals that paid the ultimate sacrifice  .
the walk leave's the old clock factory in Prescot and makes its way to St, Georges Hall in the city centre ,the route the 17th bn kings Liverpool took before boarding trains on there way to France
come along its going to be a great day.


a first class day, for me one that I will never forget, marching behind the corps and drums was first class ,
I never served in the forces,so for me this was all new ,but the feeling of pride was something else,  a serving soldier running up and down the line with drinks with a pack on his back, for over 8 miles, outstanding.
thats me back right black waistcoat ,some of the lads in uniform had Manchester pals shoulder badges,


The Liverpool Pals Memorial fund is raising awareness as well as money to erect a memorial in Lime Street Station in honour of the men who died in the Great War. As the First World War has recently passed from living memory to history, it is now more important than ever to ensure that the sacrifice made by so many is not forgotten.

The Liverpool Pals were men and boys who volunteered at the start of the Great War and many of whom did not return home. These men were not regular soldiers but volunteers from the business community of Liverpool and surrounding areas such as Cheshire, North Wales and Lancashire. They were ordinary men who served King and Country leaving behind the safety of home and the security of employment.

In 1914 over 6,000 answered the call of Lord Derby to enlist in the Pals Battalions of the Kings Liverpool Regiment. These men joined, trained and fought together and over 2800 died together, leaving behind many broken hearted families. This is an opportunity to truly show that: "We Will Remember Them".

The memorial is set to be unveiled on the 31st August 2014, exactly 100 years after the first 1000 men enlisted. So far £37,000 has been raised which is a fantastic amount, towards the £80,000 needed to reach the memorial target. Please look out for the Liverpool Pals stand at our festivals, where there will be information about the Pals and the chance to donate and show your support.

For more information please visit

If you wish to donate directly to the memorial fund, donations can be sent by cheque to;

C/O 13 Mossfield Road
L9 8BB
and made payable to The Liverpool Pals Memorial Fund.

Or directly into
Lloyds TSB
Account No. 17234168
Sort Code 30-65-62