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21st Manchesters; Tracing my grandfather.

Started by jonireland, July 29, 2012, 09:31:32 PM

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I am trying to find information about my grandfather John R Ireland 202961.

My father told me that he had been in the 21st Manchesters at the Somme and Passchendaele and had been a signaller. However I am told that his service number is from the 5th (Wigan) battalion. Would he have been transferred? I have only his medals along with the box they came in and have found his medal index card on line.

Born in 1898 he survived the Great War and died in 1964.

I have tried to search for service records but not found anything, I assume they were lost in WW2.


hi, jonireland, and welcome to the forum,  his number is 6 digit that tells me he went over in 1916,  
to start you off  have a look at the links , enjoy tonyrod


Thanks, Have looked through these as you suggest.
How can I tell where my grandfather was, or is that impossible if the service records are lost as seems likely?


HI J, At the moment we are a little thin on the ground with people away on holidays,   and I don't have that kind of information , but I am sure if found it will be passed  on to you, tonyrod


hiya jon.
theres no records available for your granddad john,reginald ireland,he lived at 22 vale top ave,moston before the war,but later moved to No24,his brothers also served in the great war,harry,wadsworth ireland joined the 6th manchesters on 22-1-1916 as pte 4560,later renumbered as 251741,he later transferred to the army ordnance corps on 8th may 1918 in france,he served in the army of occupation in the POW depot cologne[now a corporal]he worked as a warehouseman at L.christopher 44 princess st,manchester
harry died at stepping hill hospital,stockport on 24-1-1957,lived at 38 bankfield ave,heaton norris.

135365 edward ireland
enlisted 1-11-15 at houldsworth hall
ASC motor transport driver
served at mombasa till 15-6-18,when he was admitted to hospital with dysentary,he was invalided home on the HT coconada on 13-12-18 and discharged at heaton park on 17-3-19
worked as a bank clerk for the CWS at their manchester branch,returned to his job after demob

mack ;D


Thanks for that information.
I knew he had brothers who served and my father's Uncle Harry had lung problems related to gas in the war. I keep in touch with his daughter who still lives at the same house.
Does that mean I can't really get any further with John?
Thanks again,


Here is the page from the medal roll

H/1/104/B31 Page 6312 = WO329/1563


Quote from: jonireland on July 30, 2012, 07:02:27 PM

Does that mean I can't really get any further with John?
Thanks again,

What specifically is it you are looking for Jon?

Wendi  :)
"Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it!  No matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and with your own common sense" ~ Buddha


Thanks Monsstar, I have the medal index card but not seen that before. Confirms he was in the 21st Manchesters I assume at discharge.

Wendi, assuming he joined the 5th Manchesters from what you have all told me so far, can we tell if this would have been 1,2 or 3/5th Manchesters and when he transfered to the 21st Manchesters, from that I would know where he served from the battalion histories. Even better if we could trace to company or platoon level! Could there even be any service photos available, I have seen the photos available on this site but he is not there, I assume they were earlier?



The medal roll only shows the 21st Bn on the page, he may have joined up with the 5th Bn, but when he moved to France he was with the 21st Bn, as this is the only unit shown on the page. If he was still with the 5th, 2/5th Bn this would be on the page as well.