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Quarterly Historical Report 1st Battalion The Manchester Regiment 1947

Started by themonsstar, May 23, 2012, 11:47:02 AM

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                                                 Quarterly Historical Report of the 1st Bn the Manchester Regiment
                                                               for the quarter ending 31 March 1947
1.   Location    BAOR  Germany   Map ref C 8571.
2.   Strength     38 officers   1236 Ors   45 permanent attached Ors
3.   Occupational Role

The role of the Bn in Germany has not changed during the last quarter and A & B companies are still detached in Braunlager and Bad Sachsa,  C company arrived back from their tour of duty as Demonstration Company at the School of Infantry, Warminster, England,  In the early part of February are now living in Manchester Barracks, Goslar, with D and HQ companies.

The actual occupational duties of the Battalion have decreased to an absolute minimum now.  No guards are found for any V.Ps and the only patrolling which the Battalion is responsible for is one 74 hour patrol per week, patrolling and security of the Demarcation Line is now a Military Government responsibility and no troops are committed unless a definite request is received from the Military Government.

In the middle of March, a large patrol from C company work solely by night for a period of 7 days, the patrol consisted of six troops fitted with wireless sets and a control set situated at the German Police Headquarters in Salzgitter, the object of this patrolling was to check the crime wave in the area of Kreis Goslar in which some 23,000 displaced persons are housed.
In comparison with other parts of Germany, the crime wave in the battalions area is very small, this is mainly due to the fact that there are no large towns in the area.

4.   Training
The strength of the Battalion has almost doubled during the last quarter and training is absolute priority. Cadres are being run at company and Battalion level to train:
a.   Drivers i/c.
b.   Driver operators.
c.   Gun and Mortar numbers.
d.   Potential NCOs

NCOs are being sent to Netheravon on MMG and Mortar courses and the position as regards instructors is rapidly improving.
Reinforcements arriving from P.T.C. and Infantry Regiments with no knowledge of either MMG or Mortars thus the task of training and in these weapons is made even more difficult.

Great stress has been laid upon P&RT during the winter months and it is being impossible to play normal games, skiing, ice skating, and other forms of winter sports have been the most popular.

A & B companies in the Mountains have carried long distance patrols on skis and almost all men in both companies have become proficient on skis.

Boxing also prove to be a most popular sport, especially during the very cold evenings.

5.   Administration
During the winter months, one of the major problems on the Q side has been to keep the Barracks heated sufficiently to prevent all the pipes freezing up.

The barracks have altogether four heating plants capable of burning 100 tons of coal and 50 tons of coke per week, over and above the Battalion is also responsible for supplying coal to various sub-units in the area.

Coal trains are supposed to arrive weekly but it has been impossible at times to get them through the snow, hence the Battalion was never been able to build up a reserve of coal and the solution has been to send convoys to the solid fuel depot almost every day.

Some 500 reinforcements, who arrived recently have caused a certain amount of consternation due to the accommodation being rather tight.
In view of the fact that from C,D & HQ companies we have also got 800 Woodpeckers in the Barracks.

There has had to be a lot of reorganising done, namely Battalion HQ officers have moved to a new block and the companies have been forced to condense themselves a little.
Stores, clothing, equipment and rations have all been coming through satisfactorily and no problems have arisen.

9th April 1947

                                                   Quarterly Historical Report of the 1st Bn the Manchester Regiment
                                                                           for the quarter ending 30 June 1947
1.Location.  BAOR Germany   Map ref C 8571.
2.Strength.    38 officers  1078  Ors    30 perm Attached O.Rs
3.Occupational Role.

The role of the battalion in Germany has remained unaltered and with the exception of road checks the battalion is free to spend full-time in training.

During the last quarter the Bn has concentrated and is now situated in Manchester Barracks, Goslar, an airfield with accommodation for 2000 men.  A and B companies who were detached companies, both moved during the early part of June.

4.   Training
Although reinforcements have been coming in very rapidly very few are MMG or Mortar trained, hence a great strain is being put upon the few trained N.C.O's and officer instructors now available in the battalion.  At present Cadres are being run to train Gun and Mortar No's and also Driver i/c and Driver Operators.

Full use is being made of all vacancies allotted to the Battalion on Netheravon courses, at present there are 3 Officers and 6 N.C.O's attending these courses.

Brigade camps have provided excellent training, B and C companies have already completed camp, each company taking 1 platoon of 4.2 Mortars with them, A Coy will be training with 13th Bde during the early part of August.

P&RT has been organised by C.S.M.I.  and various officers i/c sports.

The Bn has a good cricket ground, 5 soccer pitches and a hockey pitch, the Bn cricket team are showing great promise and have finished the first half of the season as winners of the Brigade Cricket league and asked to play the winners of the Hanover Garrison League week ending 20th  July 1947.

The companies are providing some entertaining cricket in the inter-company matches.  A shortage of cricket kit is curtailing practice in the nets at the moment.

5.   Administration
Administration has continued normally although difficulty was encountered in providing beds and mattresses for the companies in their new quarters, however, things have gradually straightened themselves out.  A monotony of diet caused some disaffection amongst the troops.

6.   Miscellaneous

15 July 1947

                                                        Quarterly Historical Report of the 1st Bn the Manchester Regiment
                                                                     for the quarter ending 30 September 1947.
1.Location.   BAOR Germany    Map ref C 8571.
2.Strength.   36 officers     985  OR's  24  Perm Att  OR's.
3.Occupational Role

The role of the Bn has remained unchanged and with the exception of road checks and 72hrs patrols, the Bn is free to spend full-time in training.

After concentrating, the battalion once again has a company on detachment, D company having taken over the duty at Gottingen, vice 2nd Northants.

In addition to normal routine patrols and checks, a special Goslar patrol was carried out for two weeks at the beginning of September.  This acted purely in support of the civilian authorities and nothing of importance was reported, similary, routine patrols over the quarter revealed nothing of outstanding interest.

4.   Training

During the quarter, the Bn was fortunate enough to be able to send companies to Brigade training camps, in July, "A" company trained with 13th  Brigade at Padderborn, with good results.

During the latter part of August and the beginning of September A,B,C companies in turn, attended 17th Infantry Brigade camp at Soltau, in various exercises and demonstrations, they managed to get down to MMG shoots, while D company supplied the Mortar support, the Brigade Commander congratulated "A" company on their part in operation 'Hotfoot'.

The only adverse comment was regarding the poor range allocation by The R.A.C. training centre and the adverse effect on the carriers of the 25 miles of bad road is to be traversed to reach the range.

5.   Administration

During the quarter, the Bn was visited by a team from the Inspectorate of Army Equipment and their report was very satisfactory.

Battalion. Motor. Transport.
The Bn M.T. vehicles were inspected by  R.E.M.E. and a great improvement was reported.

6.   Competitions

The Divisional rifle meeting held on the 8/9th July 1947, was won by the battalion, Lieutenant-Colonel Archdale won the pistol and highest individual officers rifle competition, and a Cpl from the Battalion won the Corporals and Privates match.

7.   Miscellaneous
Lieutenant-Colonel G.  Frampton returned to the Battalion and took over command of D company, vice Major W.R.Potter, who assumed duties of  D.A.A.G. at HQ 17th Infantry Brigade.

Garden produce for the period ending 30th, September 1947, was highly satisfactory, the figures were as follows:
Potatoes 1475 kg.
Tomatoes  2888 kg.
Carrots  1037 kg
Beans 572 kg.
Celery  310 kg.
Onions  15 kg.
Brussels sprouts 59 kg.
Cabbage 110 kg.
Cauliflower  867 kg.
Cucumber  229 kg.
Lettuce 7775 kg.
Veg Marrow 60 kg.

The V.D. rate has shown a noticeable decrease during the period under review, from an average of four per week in August.  It has dropped to one per week in September.

28th October 1947.