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Ancestor in the Manchester Regiment

Started by ragworm, May 16, 2012, 09:20:05 PM

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My name is Peter and I am researching my family history. I believe John Beasor (2nd cousin, 1x removed) was in the Regiment, here are the details I have, they are a little confusing to me as I am not a military man.

Name:- John Beasor.

Regiment:- 43 Royal Fusiliers, Labour Corps, Manchester Regiment.

Number:- 3514349 Private.  There are also three other Regimental numbers,  Pte 105005, 580357, Pte 61970

It would appear he served in Iraq and I have picked up from a search on this site that he was killed in Hillah in 1920, is that correct or have I miss read it as I thought he died in 1991 in Cambridgshire but I have been known to be wrong.

His medal roll number is H/1/104 B/2 2737 and it lists the medals as G.S. Med #  GSM/Manch R/2.34 & clasp Iraq.

We have many, many John Beasors in the family and it is very confusing but I hope I am correct.

If anyone can help me with the above and explain what it all means, especially the numerous regimental numbers he appears to have had and is there any history I can read on the 43rd Regiment.

Thank you in anticipation.



hi john ,and welcome to the forum, to start with his mic  this gives you the order of regiments he was in his medals would have his first regiment on THE ROYAL FUSILIERS only one John Beasor listed in the national archives,he was killed in Hillah in 1920, thats correct,  and only one other Beasor listed in the army Robert Bryan could be related ?   i am sure some one else will come along to help later ,
good luck with you search,
Medal card of Beasor, John
Corps   Regiment No   Rank
43rd Royal Fusiliers   10500   Private
Labour Corps   58035   Private
Manchester Regiment   61976   Private
Manchester Regiment   351434   Private

BEASOR, J Private 3514349
Date of Death:
Manchester Regiment
(61970). 2nd Bn.
Panel Reference
Panel 31 and 64.
Additional Information:

Medal card of Beasor, Robert Bryan
Corps   Regiment No   Rank
2nd Royal West Surrey Regiment   G/31097   Private
Royal Army Service Corps   M/607759   Private


Hello tonyrod,

Thank you very much for the quick reply, that makes things clearer but sad to see he died in Iraq, could you tell me where the Basra Memorial is please.

Who would have had his medals, I presume they would have been sent to the family, we have yet to get that far with our research but eventually I hope we will find out and hopefully they are safe, I would hate to see them turn up on ebay.

Is it possible to get a copy of his service record, I have a copy of my maternal Grandfathers (flat feet and all) an it would be nice also to see John's.

Robert Bryan Beasor is a relative, not quite sure yet what the relationship is as we have only just found him. Most of our Beasor family originate from Deptford in London but some of them moved to the Manchester area in the late 1800's, notable my paternal Grandfather who was sent to the Barnes Home, Heaton Norris when he was 11, he was charged with begging in Greenwich and sent north and had to stay there until he was 16, we also had family in the Withington Workhouse who were then transferred to the Styal Cottages around about 1910, I don't envy their experience.

I will have a good look through your site to get a feel for the regiment.

Thanks again for the information, if you can help with some of the above questions that would be great and I am sure more questions will follow.



from the CWGC site

Location Information

Until 1997 the Basra Memorial was located on the main quay of the naval dockyard at Maqil, on the west bank of the Shatt-al-Arab, about 8 kilometres north of Basra.

Because of the sensitivity of the site, the Memorial was moved by presidential decree. The move, carried out by the authorities in Iraq, involved a considerable amount of manpower, transport costs and sheer engineering on their part, and the Memorial has been re-erected in its entirety.

The Basra Memorial is now located 32 kilometres along the road to Nasiriyah, in the middle of what was a major battleground during the first Gulf War.
"It may be that your sole purpose in life is simply
  to serve as a warning to others."


Hello George,

Where did your post go? We have the census you posted for me, thanks anyway, we think that is the John I enquired about but we have many Johns in this family.

We also had ancestors in the Royal Marines, where would be the best place to research them, anyone know?

Thank you everyone so far, you have been most helpful.

I would still like to know where I can get a copy of John Beasors service record, I am on Ancestry's web site, can I get it through them?

Thanks again everyone.



pete  about 60% of the soldiers' Service Records were irretrievably damaged or lost completely in ww2 bombing, johns do not show up on ancestry ,(i can not find them)
link for ww1 army and navy ,

  Beasor, Robert Bryan is not the same robert  ,on the census , George showed
Births Dec 1898 
Beasor    Robert Bryan     Greenwich    1d   997

the only good thing is Beasor not a common name ,on any searches  use alternate spellings, sorry i can not help you more.


Morning Peter,
PC playing up currently, have just lost my previous letter to you so will have to do another.

By now you should have received my private message re me removing my last posting as it was 'out of order'
On the previous census there was another sister Mary BEASOR, born 1885 in Deptford, she may have married before the next census.

Re your other query - Try the internet for The Royal Marines Musem on Eastney Esplanade Southsea, Portsmouth, Hampshire.  They may be able you to where to look for your oher enquiries.

Meanwhile take care,



tonyrod and george thank you very much you have been most helpful. As an aside my Mother and her parents lived in Warburton Street in Didsbury for many years.

We are well into the Beasor history, the wife uses Ancestry, but their propensity to name their children after their Mothers and Fathers leaves us with long lines of children with the same name, John had a son called John who had a son called John etc., even in different branches of the Beasors they used the same names, it all keeps the brain working though so it can't be all that bad.

Still a lot of research needed and if I find anything interesting I will let you know.

One other thing while I think about it, the Basra remorial, are there any photo's on the web as I think it highly unlikely that I will ever get to visit in person.

Thanks again men.



pete ,just google Basra  memorial ,lots of hits and photos,

my  family website, i started out just like you, enjoy  tonyrod


Good afternoon Peter,
If you go onto the internet the GWGC site will give you a lot of the information including details of list of the casualties etc. for the Basra Memorial.

Joking apart - why should you be any different the rest of us checking their Family Tree - mine is just the same in George's - several years ago I was at a family function one day and I heard someone shout 'George- - five of us responded - different cousins and uncles. ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
We are off to Manchester tomorrow and will be away from mo PC until the following weekend.
Meanwhile, take care and enjoy the Forum  Now you know why we are here - to help any one else who needs assistance,
PS I see Pete Th has just said similar to my message - " Go into Google" etc. :D ;D


Hello George,

I know you had a look on Ancestry for John Beasor and found the 1911 census listed a John born in 1889 to Thomas and Sarah, this John married again in 1929 after Sarah died, we are positive about this so it cannot be he, after a lot of head shaking and a lot of research we believe it to be John William Alexander Beasor (1st cousin 1x removed) born 1899, He appears on the 1901 census at 1 year old but he is the only one we cannot find any history for, no marriage or death, not even a 1911 census, we guess he either lied about his age or joined up when he was old enough but with the information we have at the moment all fingers point to John William Alexander Beasor.

We will continue researching all the Beasor's but he is number one suspect at the moment.

Just out of interesr my uncle, Charles Beasor went to work in Canada in the early 30's doing quite a bit of work on the Canadian Pacific Railway and then volunteered to fight in the Spanish Civil War with the Mackenzie–Papineau Battalion, he was wounded in action and his name appears on the MacPaps memorial in Ottawa, I have yet to discover his fate.

These Beasors are turning out to be quite interesting.

Best regards to you all,
