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Recipients of the Distinguished Conduct Medal - Crimea 1854-1855

Started by Robert Bonner, December 19, 2011, 05:18:16 PM

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Robert Bonner

1304 C/Sgt William Aherin First name(s):    William
Last name:    AHERIN
Calculated year of birth:    1818    
Parish of birth:    Lisselton
Town of birth:    Listowel
County of birth:    Kerry
Age at attestation:    21 years
Attestation date:    5 March 1839
Discharge rank:    Serjeant

1502 Pte John Barton First name(s):    John
Last name:    BARTON
Calculated year of birth:    1822    
Parish of birth:    Tenham
Town of birth:    Greensheet
County of birth:    Kent
Age at attestation:    18 years 9 months
Attestation date:    21 February 1840
Discharge rank:    Corporal

1423 C/Sgt John Brophy
Calculated year of birth:    1821    
Parish of birth:    Shoreditch
Town of birth:    London
County of birth:    Middlesex
Age at attestation:    18 years
Attestation date:    27 July 1839
Discharge rank:    Colour Serjeant

2261 Pte Dennis Connors  
2264 Pte John Donnelly
3476 Pte Mathew Fitzpatrick
1902 Pte George Flack
1568 Pte Robert Howard        
1373 Pte Henry Keene
1195 QMSgt James Linford 
Cpl David Lovatt  
Pte Daniel Mackillacuddy
2008 Pte Thomas Poundford         
Parish of birth: Corby   
Attestation date:  14th May 1844

2415 Drummer John Roe
Calculated year of birth:    1834    
Parish of birth:    Gibraltar   
Age at attestation:    14 years 11 months
Attestation date:    4 February 1848    
Discharge rank:    Corporal

2745 Cpl Issac Sallis
1687 C/Sgt James Slack  1687 Sgt Maj was one of 52 servicemen who remained in the Crimea from the first landing, on 14 September 1854 till the end of the war and who left the Crimea with the regiment on 5 May 1856.
January 15, 1856 , Sgt Maj James Slack were promoted and commissioned as Ensign in the 63rd Regiment of Foot.  James Slack went on to become a Major within the regiment, this is the same James Slack, who wrote " The History of the late 63rd (West Suffolk) Regiment 1884"

1127 Cpl John Spurling
1250 Cpl James Wagstaff
Calculated year of birth:    1819    
Parish of birth:    Stoke on Trent
Town of birth:    Hanley
County of birth:    Staffordshire
Age at attestation:    20 years
Attestation date:    11 January 1839
Discharge rank:    Serjeant (Drum Major)

Robert Bonner

Quartermaster-Sergeant James Linford was recommended for the DCM with annuity on 7 February 1855.  On 25 April 1855 the medal was returned by the War Office to the Royal Mint with the request that it should be exchanged for a Military Service Medal. No explanation for this is available but it may be that the original recommendation had not been for gallantry.  Linford was then appointed Quartermaster on 28 December  to replace Ingram on 28 December 1855 and his DCM and the vacant anuity were awarded to Colour-Sergeant Aherin.


james linford was mentioned for meritorious conduct,so they exchanged his DCM for the MSM on 25th april 1855

mack ;D


1127 john spurling and 1373 henry keene both died of diarrhoea in hospital at scutari on 9th january 1855.
2264 john donnelly died at balaklava on 26th february 1855