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How much training for Territorials before active service?

Started by BNB, July 01, 2015, 03:45:59 PM

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Amongst a draft of 45 Manchester Territorials to 1/Wilts in June 1918 is Raymond Bayley, who was initially 4075 10th Manchesters and subsequently 205696 Wilts.  According to his MIC, his first Theatre was Egypt on 5/11/14.  However, the information at suggests that his number indicates he joined in early September 1914.  If correct, this would indicate that he received only two months training at the most before he was on Active Service.  To me, this seems incredible short, even for 1914.

Can anyone shed any light on this for me?



hiya barry.
many of the manchester territorials who had joined on the outbreak had received barely any or no training at all,they were trained during their voyage to Egypt,followed by more training in Egypt.

mack ;D



the territorials were sent to Egypt to replace regular troops who were needed in france,we were not at war with turkey at the time,it was originally only intended to use them as garrison troops.

mack ;D



Sorry about the error in the service number - a typo; at least I got the date correct from the list. 

So is his date of entry to Egypt 5/11/14 the date on which Turkey entered the War against the Allies and attacked the Sinai rather than when he arrived in Egypt?  If so, and he arrived earlier, he would have had even less training.



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  to serve as a warning to others."