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War Grave Photos

Started by tisgrannie, October 28, 2011, 05:00:28 PM

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Hi, Just wanted to let you all know that I have added more pics today. Having to check we don't have them already is  time consuming. We now have 3,677 shots plus we have had 32,776 viewers. Not bad. Thanks to everyone who has donated. Great Job.


hi tisgannie

sent you images of graves & cemeteries of several manchesters probably over a year ago.  you had difficulty uploading from what i recall.

have you been able to post?

44514 L/Cpl Hugh Frederick Eva......achiet le grande.....can't find anywhere!

would you like again? 

also for these 3 if not on the site or links? 

44508 Pte. James R Wheeler ...euston road cemetery, collincamps

44511 Pte. Percy North....

44517 Pte. John Cregg.....tyne cot wall

send me pm with your personal email & i will submit to you again.


What we do in life echoes in eternity!


Hello and a very Happy New Year.
I have been looking at my messages and can't see the responses I sent to you. I uploaded the pics for you plus added the others that were not already up loaded. I can't understand why I can't see the messages unless of course I did it to your personal email.
I hope all is well with you.