I have added lots of photos of newly acquired Grave Pics from Kemrobson. Thank you so much for the great job you did. it really helped a great deal with the info with the photo, thank you.
I am also in the process of sorting out "doubles" as there are quite a few. Its a long process as in the early days I had say 126 in one set from someone that said "France & Flanders". They were just photos of graves. I am individually searching CWGC to find which is a long slow process. They have to be identified correctly and placed in Cemetery sets.
Please bear with me.
Also can I suggest to anyone who plans to take pics.
Please can you take a spray bottle, water is available at taps in the cemeteries. Please spray the front of the gravestones, as depending on condition of graves also the light it can be very difficult for people to read them on site. I have used this info from doing the pics for the War Graves Project. It just makes the writing legible.
There other handy hints about taking pics also.
Thanks to everyone who donates its a terrific selection. It is heartwarming when some one is able to see there loved ones grave. I was lucky to get my Mother in laws brother's photo from El Alamein. Courtesy of WGP. She was overcome.
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