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pte Norman Atherton, Malaya 1951-3/4

Started by w1lls, July 23, 2011, 07:29:34 PM

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I am sad to report the recent passing of Norman Atherton.
Pte Norman Atherton {later ration corporal?} served in the Manchesters during the early fifties in Malaya. We think he was in B company, 6 platoon and spent time in both Kroh and Tapah. A happy and jolly character, he will be sorely missed by both friends and family. My wife{his daughter} and I would love to hear from anyone who served with or remembers him.  R.I.P.


Hi there Wills,
Norman was in my section in 6 Platoon B Company when he first joined the Bn. a very likeable chap and a good soldier. He adapted well to the new conditions we all found ourselves in and I am sorry to hear of his demise especially in view of the fact that he was a lot younger than myself.
If you look at some of the photographs on this site the chances are you will spot him in a couple of them.
I shall remember him in my prayers,
Rest in peace soldier with a job well done.
Apai tuai George.

Robert Bonner

i was very sorry to learn of Norman Athertons death. As George has already commented he was a most likeable of men and a good soldier.  I have passed details on to the regiment's Malayan Veterans Association.  If you go on to the new Manchester Regiment Photographic Archive site you will find two group photos in which he is included.  One even includes George and myself.



Thank you for advising us of Norman's passing.  I send my sincere sympathy to your wife.

This is the photo website to which Capt. Bonner (Rtd) is referring

Wendi  :)
"Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it!  No matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and with your own common sense" ~ Buddha


Hi there Wills,
Further help with the photo archive site - go for 1st Bn. - start at page 58 - ref nos. MR 01607 ; MR 01611- then page 59 Ref nos. MR 01615 and Mr 01621. I am fifth in from the right on that last one. We were all enjoying a lovely ice-cold Tiger Beer  courtesy the Tin Mine Manager of Klian Intan whilst awaiting our transport back to Kroh.
Take care,
Apai tuai George.


Thanks to all of you for your condolances and and help with photos from the archives, considering the circumstances you all seemed "chirpy" to say the least. Bulldog spirit!

Should any one be interested the funeral arrangments for Pte Norman Atherton are as follows-

St Nicholas Church, Burnage, Manchester  -  Thursday 28th July at 2.30pm, followed by
cremation ceremony at Manchester Crematorium  - 3.35pm, then on to
The Griffin Hotel, Didsbury Road, Heaton Mersey, Stockport for reflection and refreshments.
Thanks again,
Normans Family. 


Glad that we have been able to be of some assistance to you at this sad time.
Did you by any chance inform the OCA/RHQ(I) at Ardwick of Norman's death? They might have been able to get the Malayan Vets Standard to the funeral for you - I would give them a ring on 0161 273 6191 - you might be lucky even at such short notice - it's worth a try.
Apai Tuai George

Robert Bonner

George.  I've already informed the MVA, as I said I would in my original response.



Sorry Bob,
I did not connect the MVA with Ardwick and considered that possibly a direct personal call from the family might have a bigger pull for the Standard !! ;D


Hello all,
I contacted the number given but I was told there are "internal issues" at present regarding the Standard.
However, I was then pointed in the direction of Mr John Frith {Chairman Manchester Branch?} who informed me that as they only hold meetings once a month, nothing could be done. I did not persue matters any further. Thanks again everybody for your efforts and info.