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amateur soldier by k w mitchenson

Started by timberman, February 04, 2008, 05:33:10 PM

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this is the reply i've had from jade publishing ltd with regard to the book amateur soldiers, when i asked if it was going to be re-published, i've scoured a lot of used and hard to find book stores but to no avail.
so at the moment dosn't look good.

Dear Mr. Chadwick,
I am sorry but no. We have decided in principle to produce a CD/DVD containing Amateur Soldiers (The 10th Manchesters), Cotton Town Comrades (The 24th Manchesters) and the Oldham Employers' Memorial book dedicated to their former workers who died in the First War. However, no decision has been reached as to when as Ian McInnes, Bill Mitchinson and I have not found time to get together. I have also to solve the technical and logistical problems.


Brian Prescott,
Managing Director,
Jade Publishing Limited.


Thanks for that, appreciate it. You can get the Cotton Town Comrades from the Mancs Museum Shop. I just got one. Something will happen eventually.