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Future Exhibitions at the Museum of the Manchester's

Started by timberman, December 15, 2010, 04:23:58 PM

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Future Exhibitions:

The following items can be seen at


Look at the items in red

January - June 2011
    Boy Soldiers: The Regiments Cadets.
July - December 2011
   Life on the Move: The Story of Campaign Furniture.
January - June 2012
    The Home Guard: The Story of the Regiments. Home Guard Units.
July - December 2012
   To be decided

Do you have any objects or information about these themes that we could use in our exhibition? If you do the curator would very much like to talk with you about your knowledge of these themes and any objects that you may have that connect the themes with the Manchester Regiment.
As you can see the July - December 2012 exhibition has yet to he decided. Have you any ideas for future exhibitions that tell a lesser-known aspect of the Manchester Regiment Story? If you do please feel free to contact the curator.

Past Exhibitions:
   Come on the 63rd (October 2004 -December 2005)
   Volunteer Infantry of Ashton-under-Lyne 1859-1971 (January - December 2006)
   Who do we think we are? The Manchester Regiment Archives (January - June 2007)
   All the King's Men: The Duke of Lancaster's Regiment (July - December 2007)
   Prisoners: The Story of the Regiment's Far East Prisoners of War 1942-1945 (January - June 2008)
   The Manchester Regiment Territorials 1914-1918 (July - December 2008)
   Life on the Veldt: The Story of the Manchester Regiment's Fight in South Africa 1899-1902 (January-June 2009)
   The Ardwick Boys: The Story of the 8th (Ardwick) Battalion of The Manchester Regiment (July-December 2009)

Contact Information
0161 342 2254

Museum of the Manchester Regiment
Ashton Town Hall
Market Place
