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William James Boggie

Started by wikimir, November 16, 2010, 04:59:45 PM

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I'm trying to find information about William James Boggie who was a captain in the Manchester Regiment in 1901 and - as far as I'm aware - fought in the Boer War and potentially also in World War I.  Would appreciate any information that anyone might have.




Hi wikimir

Welcome to the forum.

I can find him on the Army List for the Boer War, he was in the 5th (correction) Battalion and joined them on the 18th Oct 1901.
I can't find him in WW1, only one Medal card for a William J Boggie in the French Rx ???

Someone else may be able to help you more.


I had also found that William James Boggie was awarded a medal in WW1 when with the French RX (which I believe is the French Red Cross).  Can't confirm that it is the same William James Boggie though.  Thanks for the other info though, very useful.



Captain Boggie was in the 5th Militia Bn. NOT the 5th VB.

He served in S. Africa with the 5th Militia Bn and was awarded the QSA with clasps Cape Colony/Orange Free State/Transvaal ans also the KSA with both date clasps as a result of his attachment shown below.

He was attached to the 1st Scottish Horse Imperial Yeomanry from January 1901 to April 1901.

Its an uncommon name and I would pursue the French Red Cross research to ascertain if he is one and the same.

Can I ask what has sparked your interest in him?



This information was found on the Anglo Boer War web site, link below.

He arrived at Southampton in June 1901 on the Assaye as an invalid and listed as the Scottish Horse Captain W J Boggie


The Briton left for England July 9 1902 with the following on passage home:
5/Manchester – Colonel H CrosbieCaptains J B Aiken, J F Dempster, W J Boggie, J C Crawford, H T Pomfret, T Dickin, Lieutenants H De Regny-Irving, F C Cass, F W M Leader, J L Murphy, C E Leng, O Oakes, B C S Clarke, T B Chatteris, 2/Lieutenants L V Murphy, A J Ellis, D W G Jackson, C H Stainforth, C A Godwin, P G White, E W de T Prevost, A G Stone, J P Inglefield, D S Jopling, A R F Brenes, Lieutenant & Quartermaster G E Vickers and 795 men

The date he joined the 5th Battalion is correct so must have been after he recovered from his injuries in 1901.



Thanks for all of that.  The reason I'm interested is that my father-in-law spent a long time living in Gwelo (Rhodesia, now Zimbabwe), where William James Boggie spent the latter years of his life.  A friend of his - from Gwelo - has been doing research into the life of Jeannie Marr Boggie (nee Manson) who was William James Boggie's wife and became very well known in Rhodesia.  She wrote at least one book about pioneer women in Rhodesia and there is (or possibly was) a Boggie clock tower in Gwelo. Essentially I'm trying to help by getting as much information about Jeannie Marr Boggie and William James Boggie.  I've managed to track down quite a lot about his early life, but not much about his time in the Army, so this information has been extremely useful.



Hi Ken

I did find this site and several others (with the help of google) all to do with  William James Boggie and thought it could not be him,

(we all know what thought did :))

Picture is of Major Boggie and the second the memorial clock.




Thanks. I had seen some of that before.  In fact, the person I am helping is the person who wrote the article to which you've linked.  He's trying to find out a bit more about their earlier lives. 
