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Manchester Parade

Started by Robert Bonner, November 13, 2010, 10:56:38 AM

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Robert Bonner

Having just returned from Afghanistan our successor regiment  - The Duke of Lancaster's Regiment - will be exercising its right of freedom of entry to the City of Manchester with a homecoming parade on 29th November. 

After a thanksgiving service they will leave the cathedral at 1.30pm and parade to the Town Hall for a Civic Reception hosted by the Lord Mayor.

Robert Bonner

Members of the Regimental Association and friends of the Regiment, which includes members of this Forum, are welcome to attend the Thanksgiving Service in the Cathedral on Monday 29 November. Those attending must be seated by 1145.

The route for the parade which follows at 1300 hours is as follows:

Urbis Plaza - Corporation Street - Deansgate - John Dalton Street - Princess Street - Mosley Street - Peter Street - Mount Street.
