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Pte E McGibbon, 22420513. Question about circumstances of death

Started by Ian H, September 16, 2010, 09:26:14 PM

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Ian H

I'm a volunteer at the Regimental Museum, and a few weeks ago I spoke to a Malaya veteran who'd seen Pte McGibbon's name on the memorial plaque and told me about how he'd died.  I was hoping someone here might be able to corroborate his account, and if it isn't already, record it for posterity.

The gentleman said McGibbon was involved in a road accident where the truck he was sitting in rolled over, and his rifle, which he was holding upright between his legs, was forced into his eye.  He said that McGibbon was carried out of the truck, but died shortly afterwards.

Note:  On reflection I've edited the above a little in the light of George's comment below about the full details having "been revealed to the N.O.K. but not necessarily for general knowledge"

Foolishly, I didn't give the gentleman in question a leaflet advertising our oral history project, and he left.  I've no idea who he was.

So, my questions are:  Was the gentleman correct?  Is this what happened to Private McGibbon?  And if so, is this knowledge recorded anywhere so that it won't be lost?

With the Malaya Veterans Association annual reunion coming up, this seemed like a good time to try and find an answer.

Many thanks.


I'm sure this is already recorded at The Museum, but he died 27th August 1951 and buried on The Western Road Christian Cemetery Penang aged 24.

Pictures of the Cemetery can be found on the NATIONAL MALAYA & BORNEO VETERANS ASSOCIATION UK

Wendi  :)
"Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it!  No matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and with your own common sense" ~ Buddha


If I remember rightly the autopsy reported 'Brain Hemorrhage resulting from the Accident' as being the cause of death, let us stick to the facts and not 'gruesome aspects '.
Here is a photograph of his grave


Ian H

Many thanks for the information and the photo George.  The account resonated with me for some reason and I didn't like the possibility that the ending to McGibbon's 'story' might have been lost.

No disrespect intended, I can only relate what I was told.


I accept what you have said and did not believe there was any disrespect intended, the chap who gave you that story in all probability did not know the facts of the autopsy and without thinking told you what he thought. The full details would have been revealed to the N.O.K. but not necessarily for general knowledge.
Welcome aboard and have an interesting time.

Ian H

Thanks George.  I appreciate that.

Hopefully the man who told me this is a member of the Veteran's Association and hasn't disappeared completely!


There is a plaque remembering Private McGibbon at St Philip's with St Stephen's Church, Salford.


Many many thanks for that photograph, that saves me a drive into Salford next month to take one for the Museum, we are all appreciative of its publication.



May I ask if I can post the photograph of Eddie's grave on the SWARM forum?

A refusal will not offend.



Quote from: shred on April 10, 2016, 06:05:37 PM

May I ask if I can post the photograph of Eddie's grave on the SWARM forum?

A refusal will not offend.

hiya gary
feel free to use the photo,i would be very surprised if George refused,george limits his time on the forum and may miss your request so I hope he doesn't mind me speaking for him,hope you and the gang on SWARM are all keeping well



Mack and Garry,
Most certainly you may post the photograph of Eddie's grave on SWARM. As Mack has already stated I rarely contact the Forum these days due to my health problems but as you can see I occasionally make an appearance.
All the best to both of you,
Apai tuai George.  ;D ;D ;D ;D 


Mack, George,

Thank you very much. Generous as always.

Best wishes,
