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Started by gongman, September 07, 2010, 03:10:09 PM

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Hi All,

I registered yesterday having tried to do some research on the net regarding the 17th. My interest is in researching medals that i come across and have to admit the only manchester one so far is a single 14/15 star.

I just wanted to say what a fabulous site this is, I have already identified the company and platoon to the medal's recipient, so thank you for the provision of such a resource.

now I know of thi  site I can see myself maybe veering towards the Manchesters in the future.

The man in question was:

Pte Thomas Allred 10332. He wa  an original member of the 17th and suffered a GSW during the attack on Flers on 12th October - something I have identified and pinpointed from his service records and the date of wounding and the information on the 17th on this fabulous site.

Many thanks and I look forward to doing more research as I come across items.


hiya james.
thomas was a original member of the 18th manchesters,he transferred to the 17th battalion on 8th october 1914

welcome to the forum

mack ;D



That is most interesting, and having re-studied his attestation papers it does state 3rd City Batt - crossed out and replaced with 17th. He attested on 4th september 1914.

Muy initial thought was that he had elnlisted into the MR and had been posted to the 3rd Depot - but with thanks to your information, upon re-studying it is in fact 3rd Citty battalion and not 3rd Depot battalion that is sometimes seen.

Cheers Mack - take it you have no ontehrinformation on him ?


hiya james.
i only have his service records,which you already have

mack ;D