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24th Battalion B Company platoon 6

Started by harribobs, June 21, 2010, 11:30:35 PM

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"It may be that your sole purpose in life is simply
  to serve as a warning to others."


2nd row (from front)
4th from right

15174 CSM William Bond Grimshaw.

Gassed 2-09-1916, transferred to Tank Corps HQ.

born Wigan 1889
died Blackpool 1971
Police Sergeant at Castleton, Rochdale


Can anyone identify Tom Grime from this picture ??

pete th

Hi, unfortunately the lists don't indicate the positions of the men on the photos. As Tom died on 6th October 1917, perhaps you could search the Oldham Chronicles for an obituary to him (which may have a photo) after that date and then match it to the faces on the photo above. Please let us know if you find him. You can buy a CD of the Oldham Chronicle on the following website:

Hope this helps

Pte Sidney Lee (36719), 2nd Battalion, Worcestershire Regt - dow 18.02.17
Sgt Charles Roberts (13668), 11th Bn, Manchester Regiment - kia 18.05.18
Bombardier John Hesford (70065), 147th Heavy Battery, RGA dow - 04.09.18
Pte Sidney Lee (4131324), 8th Bn, Cheshire Regiment -  kia 12.03.41


Pete, i found an obituary to Tom, however there was no photo, didnt know about the CD will have a look, Obit below,
Mrs Grime of 84 Featherstall road North Oldham has been informed that her son Tom Grime was killed in action on Oct 7th, an officer wrote, the coy was in dugouts just behind the front line and a stray shell burst, i can assure you that his death was instantaneous and he suffered no pain, Private Grime was 29 years of age and single, he joined teh colours at the outbreak of the war prior to which he worked at the messeres platt brothers spindle department.  The deceased soldier was connected to te Moravian Church, Westwood.


I seem to remember that Platt Bros. had their own Roll of Honour. If so, it'll be on one of the MLFHS CD's (can't remember which one).


Tom Grime was also mentioned in the Oldham Chron of Dec 8th 1914 as having signed up with the Oldham Battalion of Comrades


Thanks for the info, i purchased a copy of the Oldham CD and also noted the entry for 1914, would anyone have access to what it states about Tom ??